Hey NigmaShady here,

First I want to say that there will be a long break for this story as originally I had only planned for six chapters so I'm trying to think of what or how the story will progress. I am sorry if you expected to have a new chapter but this is my apology letter.

By no means will I abandon this as I love making this story but it's hard to place ideas into one. Hell the original ending was going to have Artemis be crowned Queen after the Feast of Kings and that's why this one is called Kings and Queens.

Then Artemis would have a child with Percy and they would beat the Primordials but then I thought that I needed to scrap that ending because it would be too simple and you guys should know that I strive to be different from the rest and I don't want to do a cliché ending.

In other news, I have just released my new story which I had promised and teased about. It's called Change the Fates and you guys have the choice to choose which pairing should I do and be passionate about it in a PM or review. It's also different and if you need more from Percy Jackson then come on in to this story.

Thank you for understanding and I will see you guys again.