A new Friend

In Gotham City everything was as normal the City was like ghost town but everything is kicking off at Arkham Asylum Joker has a surprise for Harley he brought her a friend because she always wanted a friend to talk to when she was alone . So Joker had kidnapped a sidekick of Batman's his name was Jason Todd and Joker left them alone to get to know each other. Harley tries to talk to Jason she said "are you missing Bman" in a chirpy tone and he said "I wont have to for much longer he will come and rescue me" in a happy tone .Harley said " I wouldn't count on it after all he wont know where you are since you have no tracking device". Jason realized that he had no tracking and said oh no your right .Jason said " are you missing Joker don't you usually have a fun time with Joker at this hour". Harley answered "no hes always busy working on evil plans for Bman so we never get time for each other". Jason just said "I thought he abused you".Harley started to cry and said "What do you know about him you don't have to live with him so how would you know". Jason said I have heard from Batman about it .He tried to hug her and she pushed away he said "What does he do to you?" and he said you know I'll listen to you and you can trust me with your secrets and if you ever need to talk just come to me .Harley looked at Jason and said "Why do you care so much ?".Jason said well I have always had a feelings for you and he kissed her on the lips passionately.