A/N: And here's the bonus chapter to officially close out the story :) Thank you for all the love you've given me throughout writing both the 1st and 2nd short story! :3 I appreciate the reviews and the time you took to read each chapter :)

And with this, à tout à l'heure mes chéries!

Disclaimer: I don't own GMW, because if I did, crack ships would become canon ships... and I guess canon ships would become crack ships? Which I would probably then ship instead... and then make canon, but then the crack ships turned canon ships would become crack ships again and so I'd ship them but then because I would make them canon I would ship the newly crack ship ships which I would make canon... huh.

Riley rolled over in her bed feeling heavy and disoriented. She sneezed, sniffling loudly, and then coughed roughly, trying to clear her throat of that scratchiness and rawness inside. Her entire head felt heavy, and there was a pressure weighing down on it.

She groaned, forcing herself up out of bed, though all she wanted to do was sleep off this terrible feeling in her body. She felt really bad. She grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around herself before dragging herself to the living room, coughing raggedly every few seconds or so.

Her mother was standing next to the oven making breakfast when she got into the kitchen.

"Sleep well, sweetie?"

"My throat really hurts…" Riley moaned, her voice coming out hoarse and dry.

"Well, you were out in the rain." Topanga reached up and put her hand on Riley's forehead and then her cheek, "Hmm… You are a little warm. You'll probably have to stay home from school today if you're running a fever. Let me grab the thermometer."


Riley sighed and plopped down onto the couch, a little disappointed that she wasn't feeling well. She had been planning to maybe spend some time with Brandon after school or maybe during lunch or something. Maybe try to get some answers about what they were. She wasn't entirely sure herself to be honest. But she knew it was real and it was happening and that was enough for her to be excited about seeing him.

Except she was sick. And so seeing him was temporarily put on hold.

Topanga walked back over to her and uncapped the thermometer, checking it to make sure it was on normal temperature before handing it to Riley.

"Put this under your armpit for a bit."

As Riley put the thermometer under her armpit, Cory walked out from the hallway, tying his tie. He froze when he saw Riley, his eyes narrowing as he pointed an accusatory finger at her.


"Cory, please don't do this right now." Topanga said in exasperation, "Riley's not feeling well."

"And you know why? Because she snuck out again last night!" He flung a hand in her direction. "If she hadn't snuck out then she wouldn't have gotten caught in the rain and exacerbated her cold."

Riley sighed, leaning back against the cushions in her bundle under her comforter as she listened to her parents' discussion.

"It's not that big a deal. All teenagers sneak out at some point in their lives."

"Not Riley." He argued, "I don't know where this rebellious streak is coming from Topanga! She's gotten too rebellious. She just got out of another grounding and now she's sneaking out again?!"

Auggie came out into the living room, squeezing between his parents, and climbed on the couch next to Riley, still sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"You're sick?" he asked worriedly.

"Looks like it…"

"Are you going to be grounded again?"

Riley nodded, lifting up her arm and Auggie crawled under the covers, snuggling up next to her and leaning his head on her shoulder as they watched their parents discuss what to do with her.

"Can you imagine what it was like for me coming in her room to check on my sleeping daughter only to find her making out with a strange boy on the fire escape?! Next, she'll be getting hickeys on her neck! And then other strange places and then who knows what else after that!"

"Cory, those are all things we used to do. It's a part of growing up. You were a bit rebellious in your teen years too."

"Don't point a finger at me." Cory scoffed. "I've always been the level headed parent. If anything, she got this rebellion from you."

Topanga raised a slightly menacing brow, crossing her arms in front of her chest, her lips pursed in annoyance.

"Or both of us…" he quickly amended, "In any case, I've been too lenient! We need to put bars on her window! Her curfew will be three o'clock now!"

"That's just ridiculous. And Riley finishes school at three. That kind of curfew isn't even plausible."

"No leniency! If it keeps her away from boys, then that's what I'll have to do."

"Cory, calm down." Topanga sighed, walking over to Riley and gently taking the thermometer out from beneath her armpit. "You can't fault Riley for being interested in boys. She's growing up. Puberty is happening. Hormones are haywire. It's not unnatural for her to be interested in someone."

"B-but, he's The Rebel! This guy is bound to be dangerous!"

Riley glared at her father. She was fine with him being mad at her and saying whatever he wanted about her, but he didn't know Brandon.

"He's not some dangerous delinquent rebel!" Riley said in affront, her voice coming out gravelly. Cory winced at her tone. "His name is Brandon and he's a really nice guy! He doesn't think I'm a ditz and he listens to me and he's showed me that there's more to people than meets the eye. Daddy, I know you're not happy with me sneaking out, but you don't know anything about him so I would appreciate it if you didn't say such disparaging comments about him."

A violent coughing fit wracked her body for a moment, and Auggie rubbed her back as she let it out of her system. Getting worked up dislodged the tickle in her throat and it took her a while before she could breathe somewhat normally.

"And I like him a lot." She added quietly, staring at the carpet.

"Riley, try not to get too worked up. You're running a slight fever." Topanga sat down next to her, brushing hair out of her face. "Honey, we know you like him. Otherwise you wouldn't break curfew and our rules and sneak out to see him. Twice. All your father is trying to say is that we don't mind if you want to go out with him, but not if that means that you will be breaking a lot of our rules."

"I'm saying we should forbid her from dating at all!" Cory interjected indignantly.

Topanga shot him a glare and he quieted with a soft yelp.

"Rules are meant to be followed for a reason, sweetie." Topanga continued, smoothing down Riley's hair. "I like that you're breaking out of your comfort zone and your shell, but try not to go overboard, okay honey? There's only so much rule-breaking in this household that will be tolerated."

"Yes Mommy."

"That being said, we're grounding you for a month this time. That means no cellphone for two weeks and Maya can only sleep over two times a week. You are to come home directly after school every day otherwise your father will start driving you home. That fair?"

Riley pouted, though she knew it was a very fair punishment considering she had broken the same rule for the second time in a row.

"It's fair. I'm sorry."

"Thank you for taking responsibility." Topanga leaned in and kissed her forehead. And then she grinned widely and excitedly. "So? Tell me what this Brandon looks like. Is he cute? Is he a good kisser?"

"La la la la la la la la la!" Cory exclaimed, blocking his ears as he stomped out of the room, "I can't hear you!"