A/N: Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. This is the last chapter. I warned you at the beginning of the first chapter that this was originally supposed to be a crack fic. So I'm warning you it gets a little cracky. It's really not that bad. (If you think it is, go check out "Ducks and Cliffs". Just do it.) Hope you enjoy the final instalment! Tell me what you think.


Chapter 8: Tiny Broody Ballerina

It was the day of Aubrey's release party and operation Tiny Dancer, Chloe's name choice, was a go. Beca really wanted to go with the name operation Bitches Get Hurt, but Chloe seemed to find too much pleasure in the brunette's scowl, each time the words 'Tiny' and 'Dancer' were put together, to admit the true bad-assery of Beca's name for their plan.It really didn't help when Aubrey and Amy took Chloe's side on the topic. Beca just grumbled through it, but she really couldn't complain given each time she grumbled her protests were cut short by soft lips belonging to a certain redhead.

In an effort to calm her nerves, Chloe had offered to give Beca a back rub along with their, now, usual frolicking in the showers. As the redhead had worked her hands across the brunette's shoulders and down her spine, the smaller woman found her mind traveling to what would be occurring later on in the day.

Everything was set to happen after dinner. Aubrey had tracked down and invited all the women that Beca, Chloe, and Amy had observed bothering Chloe over the last two months. Given that release parties involved cake, music, a reason to bump and grind with your girl, and occasionally hooch, everyone invited would be there. Luckily, since most guards weren't fond of breaking up couples gyrating on each other, Bumper volunteered to be at the party, securing a guard who would look away at the right time. Amy had also come through on her part, Beca's requested music arriving just two days ago. Amy was also in charge of playing the music, which everyone agreed on when the Aussie informed them one of her boy toys brought it in using their special package.

Even though everything was in place, she was still nervous. Beca was still afraid that something could go wrong. Like maybe her teenage years of wishing she could break dance and ballroom dance would be suddenly answered and she would impress and scare all the inmates for completely difference reasons. After all no one really did Ball-break dancing, a term Beca had coined for the blending of the two styles of dancing she desperately wanted to do. Not that the brunette would ever admit it because although she secretly thought ballroom dancing was badass, no one else really agreed. After all, when everyone looked like a badazzler threw up on them, all badass rep was destroyed.

In the meantime, she went through the start of the dance she was planning on doing, along with accompanying hand motions, in her head. Noticing the brunette's nerves, Chloe had offered to go over some of the dance with her. Beca had refused knowing the least amount of effort she put in would result in the best results. So Beca spent most of her day sitting in the library with Chloe softly singing a wide range of punk and rock songs, her fingers constantly drumming out the tune on Cloe's thigh.

The redhead spent most of the day trying to guess which one of the many songs the brunette sung was the song. No matter what Chloe did to try and persuade Beca into revealing her musical choice, the smaller woman refused to give her any hints. When Chloe tried pouting, Beca just closed her eyes or looked away, refusing to cave. Soon enough, lunch came and then dinner and then it was time to head down to the room where the party was designated to take place.

Chloe and Aubrey had gone down early to decorate the room with rolls of toilet paper and paper plates colored with marker one solid color. Aubrey was adamant about all decorations being roughly five feet up each wall they were hung on, a height at which no ladders were needed. Amy naturally followed them, on guarding Chloe duty until after the party. The process really wouldn't take that long. The room was not that big. It was an extra room used for classes and different group counseling programs that did not have another place to meet. This left Beca on her own, able to arrive right when the dancing started.

Beca waited roughly 30 minutes past the time the party was supposed to start before heading down. Of course Bumper was stationed at his post by the door leading into the room. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was loud and often obnoxious. Beca wanted to slip into the room unnoticed so she could determine where she should start off her dance and check in with Amy to make sure she had the music geared up in the stereo. Per-usual, Bumper didn't seem to notice the brunette's general stooped closed of posture that screamed 'I don't want to talk to you'. Which is why she found a guard blocking her path as she cringed at the top 40s pop song blaring from inside the room.

Bumper put his hands on his belt, shifting it and tilting his head, as he addressed the brunette good naturedly, "Hey, there little lady. What brings you to these parts?"

Beca sighed before stating, "Ball-breaking and free cake."

Suddenly Bumper was in her face, the scent of the tune fish sandwich he had for lunch very prevalent. "Is that a threat? Do you want a shot?"

She really hadn't said anything wrong. She had gone over signals with Amy the week before and had told the Aussie to mention them to Bumper. Ball-breaking was the word, but apparently tuna-breath hadn't received the message about Beca mentioning the keyword when she saw him at the party. As soon as she said 'ball-breaking' her chosen song was supposed to start and the brunette would begin her dance. Which was when Bumper was supposed to become preoccupied with the varying shades of white paint on the walls in the hallway outside the room. Instead of becoming nervous, Beca was just annoyed.

"I'm sure Amy could give you a definition if you are not familiar with the term."

At the mention of Amy's name, something seemed to click in the guard's mind. He stepped back, exclaiming, "Got you Mitchell!" As he made two guns with his hands and little 'pow' sounds as he moved his hands up and down.

"Go fuck shit up and take names." He continued, raising his hand for a high five.

Beca just pursed her lips at him and glared before walking into the room.

Once inside, the brunette quickly scanned the room. She easily located Chloe, who was talking animatedly with Aubrey by the cake. Amy was a few feet away by the stereo system, doing something the Aussie called 'the Dingo Strut' which consisted of a lot of stiff arm and leg movements and gyrating hips. A few other people were milling along the sides of the room, but most people were in the center of the room dancing. They had formed the stereotypical ring, inmates taking turns to show off their signature dance moves in the center. The ring was already starting to breakdown though and by the end of the next song everyone would be one mass of people dancing together. The perfect time for Beca to strike.

As the current song finished and the next one began, Beca slowly made her way around the room to Amy. No one really payed any attention to her. Well minus Chloe, who gave her a dazzling smile and a wink, and Aubrey, who glared openly at Beca, as she passed. The brunette returned the redhead's smile with a small one and lightly brushed her hand against Chloe's before continuing to where Amy was.

Amy quickly made eye contact with the petite woman as she approached and stopped dancing.

"You've got some kinky tastes Bexs. Bumper and I took a little spin in the utility closet with your song playing. We went Bumper to bumper or you know Bumper to Amy." Amy winked, her mouth dropping open on one side, and thrusted her hips twice for emphasis.

"Oh my god! Dude, I really don't want to hear about it." Beca was clearly mortified, rubbing her hand across her face and then pushing back her hair.

After a moment, sure that Amy wasn't going to say anything else, Beca asked, "Everything set?"

"Do Numbats enjoy a good grove of eucalyptus trees?"

Beca had no idea what Amy was talking about or how numbats or eucalyptus trees were related to having her music selection. She wasn't even sure what a numbat was. Knowing Amy Beca assumed it was a yes.

"Good! Keep an eye on red. Ball-breaking is a go."

"Really thought you'd be more for clams," Amy winked, "but whatever you say short stack."

With everything sorted, Beca stepped off to the other side of Amy, putting several feet between them. She set herself up at a perfect entrance point where there was just enough space for her to slip in between the dancing bodies to the center of the group. The current song was coming to an end and suddenly all of Beca's nerves and fears hit her. She crouched down to pretend like she was tying her shoes, getting into her starting position. Although Beca looked calm on the outside inside her heart was beating fast. She could hear blood roaring in her ears. Really she knew she had this. Besides DJ-ing, being clumsy was her thing. She couldn't screw it up, especially not when she knew Chloe was depending on her. She would do anything for that woman.

So as the final notes of the current song rung out, Beca took several deep breaths, calming herself. She slowly untucked a few items from under the bottom of her pants. On the last note of the song Beca sung out "Ball-breaking!" No one seemed to notice except for Amy and Bumper, who went about acting out their roles in the plan. Bumper turned his back to the room and strolled a few paces into the hall. Amy quickly went about changing the CDs, replacing the current one with the one that had Beca's song on it.

In the few seconds of silence that lead up to the new song, Beca rose, slipping the items stowed in her pants legs onto her head and wrists. Chloe and Aubrey, noticing Amy's flurry of movement, immediately sought out Beca with their eyes. Aubrey snorted at the image she saw before a deep respect surfaced. Chloe somehow found herself even more attracted to the brunette, even though Beca looked ridiculous. Although Beca had a bedazzled headband and wrist cuffs made out toilet paper, the brunette stood strong and defiant, her face serious as she surveyed the dance floor. Beca exuded more confidence than the Chloe had ever seen in the smaller woman and it was extremely hot.

In Beca's mind, with bedazzled bands in place, even though she wasn't going to be doing ball-break dancing, she was encompassing ball-break dancing in that moment. She was living out one of her dreams. That was all Beca needed to calm her nerves as the beginning lines of her song played.

'Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba

Sithi uhm ingonyama

Nabts ingonyama bagithi baba

Sithi uhhmm ingonyama


As the opening lines began, everyone froze completely confused at the switch from the top 40s pop hits to something more tribal. They didn't notice the brunette with bedazzled toilet paper cuffs twirl between them to the center of the confused mass of inmates.

Beca was actually extremely proud of herself, even though it went against the purpose of her current dance performance, as she twirled and swayed her arms. She was roughly 15 seconds into the song and she hadn't hit a single person yet. A small smile flitted to her face at the thought. Of course that is when she miss-stepped, falling forward against an inmate, pushing them to the ground and a swaying hand smacked a string of inmates in the face. The rest of her dance pretty much followed the same pattern. Beca persevered the best she could, still imagining swaying like grass or flowers in the wind, as she twirled and swayed her arms. She occasionally whipped a leg into the air, kicking several people in the stomach in a half round house kick.

No one even noticed what was going on really, to transfixed by the biggest badass in prison performing an interpretive dance clad in bedazzled toilet paper accessories to 'The Lion King's' opening song, 'The Circle of Life'. By the time they did half of the inmates were on their knees, having been kicked hard in the stomach, or had a perfectly shaped Beca hand sized red mark on their faces from the brunette's arms waving around. The inmates were just starting to snap out of their haze, as the song picked up and English words were being sung. They were all fucked because that is when Beca began to add more kicks to her movements as she twirled, basically slap kicking everyone.

As soon as the lead singer belted out "It's the circle of life…" Beca began her aerial moves, launching herself into the air like a disjointed bird and trying to twist her body around at the peak. The first one really wasn't that bad, only taking out one person. After that all of her aerial moves ended with five people withering on the ground begging for mercy. The best part about the aerial moves was they really allowed Beca to reach all parts of the dance area. Leaving no one out of being at least slapped of kicked.

The song slowed down to a flute solo and light chanting, giving everyone who wasn't seriously injured time to retreat or recuperate. Beca moved onto her next move. She looked like a ballerina as she went onto her toes and did a move she called twinkle toes, moving her toes slightly, but at a quick pace. Her hands were raised above her head, doing movements that would be similar to someone playing really small symbols. Occasionally she would dip her waist, swaying her arms out, and rotating her upper torso around. The movement actually was one of Beca's more coordinated moves and would have been perfectly fine if it weren't for the fact that every time the brunette dipped her waist she wacked someone back onto the ground who was trying to get up.

Any time for recovery did not last long, as the song picked up again Beca went back to her aerial moves. Since most of the previously dancing inmates were on the floor, Beca's aerial moves were mainly effective because she wound up landing on pretty much everyone who was on the ground. Anyone still standing quickly surrendered, running to the edges of the room, or joined those on the ground.

The song finally ended with one last belting of "The circle of life" and a firm pound of a drum. Beca stilled, somehow finishing nearby where Aubrey and Chloe stood in both shock and amazement. The only thing that could be heard was Beca's heavy panting and the groans of those nursing their injuries on the floor.

Beca ripped off the bedazzled toilet paper bands and threw them randomly at someone on the floor, before her voice boomed across the room. "No one fucks with Chloe Beale! You fuck with Beale you fuck with me! Got it?"

As she spoke she gestured to Chloe and herself. She gave everyone who met her gaze a death glare. When no one answered her, Beca stepped on the nearest inmate's hand, causing them to scream out in pain, as she posed her question again.


Everyone grumbled in agreement. Satisfied, Beca nodded to Amy. The Aussie quickly went about putting back on the top 40s pop hits CD and pocketed the one with 'The Circle of Life' on it. Bumper returned soon after to radio in the room full of inmates collapsed on the ground in pain and the few off to the side with bruised arms, cheeks, or eyes. While things were getting settled, Beca sheepishly made her way over to a still shocked Chloe. She wasn't sure how Chloe would feel about her now that she had probably incapacitated roughly 25 women in the course of a four minute song. Aubrey was kind enough to wander off towards Amy to give them some space.

"Hey." Beca said once in front of the redhead, nervously pushing back her hair.

Much to her surprise, she was quickly pulled into a tight hug by Chloe. The redhead planted a quick kiss on Beca's lips before stepping back a bit.

"OH MY GOD! Beca that was amazing! You were here and there. And those kicks. Have I ever told you you have really really nice legs?" The redhead, obviously over her shock, was beaming.

"Wait… So you are not freaked out?" Beca's face scrunched up in confusion.

Chloe took Beca's hands in her own, her voice full of adoration as she spoke, "Becs, why would I be freaked out? You did this for me."

"So you like that I knocked out almost everyone in this room?"

"Yep!" Chloe leaned forward smirking. "It was actually kind of really hot."

Beca couldn't help the light blush on her cheeks or smile that accompanied it.

"You're such a weirdo." The brunette said it in such a soft voice any intended snark was lost.

Chloe swung their hands between them as she looked at Beca with reverence. "Yeah, but I'm your weirdo."

The moment was so perfect that Beca really wanted to kiss Chloe, guards be damned. She was going to too, but then Bumper approached her and she knew where she was headed. The brunette gave Chloe's hand a squeeze and threw her a reassuring smile before Bumper led her off to the warden's office.

"Just couldn't help yourself could you, Mitchel. Top 40 chart toppers to tempting even for an alt chic." Bumper quipped.

"It was worth it."

It really was, as Beca thought about the beaming smile on Chloe's face and the bruises that would fade from her skin. The bruises that would never find a home on Chloe's body again. Beca smiled to herself.

Yeah, it was definitely worth it.


A/N: You made it to the end! I cannot thank you all enough for all the follows, favorites, and reviews. It really made me feel like I was doing something right. I hope you enjoyed this final chapter. I have plans for (and have started writing) another two BeChloe fics (one is all fluff and the other is angst/serious) and a Golly fic. I'm REALLY excited about the Golly fic. I also have two non-crack one shot ideas that would fit in this universe. One would involve Beca and Chloe being released from prison and the other would be a love confession. Let me know if you would be interested.