Chapter 1 death and a lifeline

Ok, so this is my new story, it will be an interesting one. I hope everyone likes it, the main person will be named Rose, not Max's pup Rose. Rose in the beginning is a 12 year old girl who lives with her family in a town called Gosford in N.S.W Australia. She is a huge paw patrol fan she has a brother, sister, mum and a dad.

It was a great sunny day in Gosford as Rose and her family went out to do their weekly shopping for all their food. Rose went around looking for Paw Patrol toys as she always did since she was a huge Paw Patrol fan. Rose's whole room was covered with Paw Patrol toys and pictures. Rose's mum and dad didn't mind that she loved Paw Patrol but her brother always teased her about it even sometimes stole her Paw Patrol toys and hid them from her around there home.

While out shopping Rose found more Paw Patrol toys that she didn't have and bought them. After the shopping was done and the family had gotten home and put everything away, Rose went to her bedroom to put the new toys she had just bought with the others around her bedroom. Rose had finished putting the new Paw Patrol toys with the rest of the other ones she had and went back out to watch TV with her sister. Rose had a lock for her room now since her brother kept on taking her things and hiding her toys from her.

That night, Rose's family had dinner, then afterwards, they watched TV like they always did, before heading off to bed at around 10pm. Rose had locked her door so her brother couldn't come in during the night and wake her up and scare her. But this night was going to be like no other Rose's brother had forgotten to turn the oven off before he went to bed they used the oven to warm up the house.

Around 2am the oven started a fire in the house the fire spread through the house very quickly the mum, dad and brother and sister got out in time. But Rose was a heavy sleeper so no matter how loud her family yelled at her to wake up, it just wouldn't work. 'Smoke began pouring into Rose's room, filling it up with its black air. The still sleeping Rose just breathed it all in, soon dying from too much smoke inhalation, even before the fire breached her bedroom and burned her body to ashes, along with all of her belongings.

Rose felt a weird feeling for about 20 minutes and as she opened her eyes all Rose could see was white. Rose was trying to figure out what was going on was this a dream or real life? Then Rose heard a voice.

? "You are too young to stay dead, I will send you back to the land of the living, but not as a human but as a pup in Adventure Bay".

Rose could only see white and hear the voice that was talking to her.

Rose: "A pup in Adventure Bay but that's where the Paw Patrol live".

? "That is right you will live in Adventure Bay as a light brown golden retriever pup".

Rose: "But that sounds like the pup I write about in my stories".

? "That is correct and just like you write, you will have powers and you will be able to open a window and watch your family".

Rose: "Wait are you really saying I'm dead"?

? "Yes I'm sorry that is why I'm giving you a lifeline to a new life as a pup in Adventure Bay".

Rose: "I can't believe I'm dead I will miss my family".

? "That is why you will be able to see them, by opening a viewing window when you get to Adventure Bay, just wave your front right paw and say family, then the window will open and show you what your family is doing".

Rose: "That's cool".

? "Now I will transform you into a pup, then send you to Adventure Bay goodbye Rose".

The white Being waved his hand at Rose, then she got turn into a pup. Rose now had 4 paws and a tail.

Rose: "I'm a pup sweet".

? "Now I will send you to Adventure Bay, I don't won't to see you back here Rose for a long time, O by the way in dog age you're 1 year and 6 months old and your birthday is the 1st of June which is in 6 months' time".

Rose: "Just like the pup in my stories cool, thank you for giving me a second chance at life".

Again the Being waved his hand at Rose, this time sent her though a portal, after traveling for about 5 minutes Rose found herself lying on her side on the beach. Rose was now in Adventure bay where the time was 1am in the morning which meant it was dark and cold.

Rose knew from watching Paw Patrol that there was a cave at one side of the beach. Rose got up still getting used to having 4 paws instant of two legs. Rose slowly got used to it and started to walk to the end of the beach where the cave was. After 5 minutes of slowly walking in the cold Rose found the cave saw a rock that she walked behind and lied down and went to sleep.