Destroy Me

Summary: Kevin is straight. There's no doubt about that. Everyone knows it. He knows it...or does he. What happens when a certain gap toothed dork enters his life? Absolutely chaos...but he loves it.

I needed something to help me off my writer's block to continue the other story so enjoy some of this for now. I do not own the characters.

Chapter 1:

"Oh yeah, just like that~!" She moans and I know it's fake, but I keep going. She's enjoying it, I'm enjoying it, no harm right? Wrong. There's so much wrong in this. I'm bored, not even all the way up. She's my third this night, unsuccessful in filling this strange and strong hunger that has settled itself within the pit of my stomach. I groan, pushing further. Fuck, why isn't this working?

"Kevin?" Looking up into curious brown eyes, I sigh and pull out, throwing the blanket at her as I stand up from the bed. There's no fire, no passion, and I'm just fed up with it.

"Door's that way," I say, walking towards the kitchen that's only five feet away in my small but modern apartment. I hear a scoff as I pour a shot of whiskey, but I ignore it. So what if the bitch is pissed, not my problem. I hear shuffling and soon the slamming of my front door. I don't even turn to check if she's gone; I know she is. I turn and make my way back to the bed. The sheets are all a mess and I can see faint splotches of clear sticky liquid. Great. Now I have to wash those.

I sigh. Where are my fucking pa - Oh, there they are. I pick my pajamas and throw them on, not even caring as they slide a little down my waist. Plopping on to my sofa, I hum silently as the hot drink pours down my throat. Fighting fire with fire. I chuckle softly at the idea and more so when I still feel it there. I don't know when it started, this weird hunger. Yet it won't go away and with each passing night it grows even stronger. Growling, I set my shot glass on the coffee table and lay down, placing my arms behind my head. My shaggy red hair is flayed across my forehead and I can feel the sting of a hair brushing my eye. I ignore it and close them. Listening, I hear a car pass by. It slowly fades away as do I, sleep unavoidable as my breathing settles in a steady rhythm...


"Damn it, shut the hell up!" I growl under my breath as I shut off the alarm on my phone which, luckily, was within reach. Groaning, I sit upright and practically flinch as my joints pop and crack. What did I fucking sleep on, concrete? Looking around, I let out a sigh. Nope, just my couch. Which means the sheets are still dirty. Great.

Wiping my face with my hand, I feel my stubble slowly scratching my palm. Looks like I'm need of a shave. Eh, I'll do it some other time. Standing, I make my way to gather my sheets before dropping them in the washing machine. It starts with a loud banging sound before settling to a low hum. It makes my head pound. I shouldn't have had that whiskey before bed. Especially since more had been drank that evening. Perhaps I should take a shower before heading out to classes. Surely my college professor would understand. Hell, he was the one who hooked me up with most of the chicks yesterday.

Speaking of Nat, I need to call him. Grabbing my phone, I press the speed dial and after three rings I hear his annoying chirpy voice. "Nathan speaking~!" he sings out and I groan.

"How in the hell are you always so cheerful in the mornings?" I ask, walking in to my bedroom. I need to find clothes.

"Psh, only till I've had my coffee!" he says and I hear him taking a sip. "Mm, so good~! Speaking of which," he starts, "how did last night go?" He's waiting for the juicy details and I sigh.

"They were alright," I reply, not exactly lying. One of the girls did have a nice - Where the hell is my black t-shirt?

"Alright? Alright? Bitch, do you know how much trouble I had to go through to find them?" Nat asked and I swear I could see him standing there, hand on hip. The image was amusing. "It's not like your taste is easy to find, you know." I chuckle lightly, putting on my worn out jeans. They had slight rips in the knees. I should buy a new pair, but these are comfortable for now.

"I'm not saying I didn't like them. They were nice. Thank you." I walk back to my kitchen, quickly finding my green jacket laying on the back of the couch. Now if only I could find my red cap, I'll be set to go.

"Well you're welcome! Now, about your ass coming to my class. Are you going to be late or do you need a few hours?" he asks and I ponder the idea. A nice rest will be nice but I know I'll just end up bored out of my mind within five minutes.

"Nah, I'll be there on time," I say as I grab two slices of bread and place them in the toaster. Where the hell is that damn cap?

"Alright then~! Oh and I should give you the heads up, we have a new transfer student joining the class!" I can hear the excitement dripping off his voice. I'm curious as well. It's been a while since we've had a new student.

"Boy or girl?"I ask. He chuckles.

"Look at you, all ready to pounce on the fresh meat," he giggles. "I don't know the full details yet, but I know that the Dean is bringing him in after the first bell. So don't be late if you want first dibs." I'm about to protest but he exclaims he has to leave. Sighing, I place my phone in my pocket and as the toast pops out I finally see my cap. Grabbing both, I snatch up my car keys. Within minutes I'm behind the wheel of my 89' impala, a piece of toast half eaten and dangling from my mouth.

Maybe a new kid would be a good thing. Maybe...they can release me from this need that's driving me insane.