Continuation of my Ghost Hunt Davis twins' universe.

*Unless stated otherwise, Noll is speaking with a British accent, Gene's speaking with an American accent.*

Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt.

Part I: The Arrival

Eugene sighed as he dribbled the basketball in front of him. He eyed the net above him, wondering how many more baskets he would need to make before he died of boredom. He groaned as he jumped, extending his arms above his head, letting the ball in his hand go through the basket with a satisfying 'swoosh'.

"Will you quit doing that?" Oliver asked. Eugene let the ball bounce once before catching it. He turned to face his brother.

"It's not like I have anything better to do," Eugene answered as he started dribbling the ball again. Oliver sighed and went back to reading his book. Eugene huffed and turned back towards the basket. It was mocking him, he could feel it. It wanted him to take another shot, but he didn't want to take another shot. Maybe it was possessed. He should have BSPR look into it.

"Aren't you bored of that book yet?" Eugene asked, turning away from the evil basket to stare at his brother. "Haven't you read it, like, a bazillion times?"

"'Bazillion' isn't a word you twat?" Oliver said. Eugene huffed.

"I'm going to tell Mum you called me a twat," Eugene said. Oliver looked up from his book to give him a smirk.

"No you won't," he replied before going back to his book. Eugene groaned as he threw the ball to the ground, watching it bounce high in the air before catching it on its descent.

"Are you going to read that book the entire trip?" Eugene asked. "Aren't there other Parapsychology books you can read?"

"Yes, but I enjoy reading this one," Oliver answered, causing his brother to tilt his head in confusion.

"Why do you like that one?" Eugene asked. Oliver looked up at his brother and gave him another smirk.

"Because it's completely rubbish," Oliver answered. Eugene groaned.

"You're such a nerd," Eugene wined. "Ugh! Where is Lin? I want our Easter break to start now."

"I'm right here," a deep voice replied. Eugene felt like he had jumped twenty feet in the air before turning to face his father's student/assistant.

"Geez, you scared me Lin," Eugene said, holding a hand to his heart. "We need to give you a bell or something." Lin glared at Eugene, who only smiled back.

"Let's get going," Oliver interrupted. Eugene broke eye-contact with Lin to look over at his brother, who was shouldering his bag and stepping down from the bleachers. "I don't want to fly in this ridiculous uniform."

"I kind of like it," Eugene replied as he grabbed is jacket off the bleachers, leaving the basketball behind. Eugene figured one of the groundskeepers would find it and put where it belonged.

"It's horrid," Oliver said. "Red is an obnoxious color." Eugene laughed as the two began following Lin out the school grounds.

"So Lin," Eugene said, running to catch up with the tall man, "are you coming with us to New York?"

"Yes," Lin answered curtly.

"Well, I think it's going to be a lot of fun," Eugene said, smiling. "We can go see the Statue of Liberty, and go to the top of the Empire State Building-"

"We're not going there for tourist attractions," Oliver interrupted, glaring at his brother. "We're going there for research."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Eugene answered, waving a hand at his brother. "But that doesn't mean we can't do all that stuff too. We have two weeks."

"ASPR wants to see your physic potential first hand," Oliver said as they arrived at the car. "You won't have time for sight-seeing." Eugene sighed as he got into the car, throwing his bag onto the floor and buckling himself in as Lin got into the front seat.

"Well can we at least get some New York pizza or something?" Eugene asked, looking over to his brother. "I'm going to need some energy if they want me doing séances every day." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he finally answered. Eugene did a celebratory fist-bump into the air. "If it will get you to not whine about everything else-"

"Oh, New York bagels," Eugene said. "Can I get some of those?"

"Well at least by the end of this trip, people will finally be able to tell the difference between us," Oliver said, smirking as he turned towards his brother. Eugene frowned before turning to look out the window. He could see Oliver returning to his book through the reflection. Lin was focused on driving.

It wasn't until they were turning into their driveway that Eugene spoke again.

"Are you sure we can't visit any New York attractions?" Eugene asked. Oliver sighed.

"You can see the airport," Oliver answered. Eugene groaned.

"You don't want to visit the New York Public Library?" Eugene asked.

"Which one? It's a public library system. There are 87 branches."

"You know the one I'm talking about," Eugene said. "The big one. The main one. I don't know what it's called. It's the one in that movie where there's this big tidal wave, and then there's this second ice age-"

"I do know which one you're talking about," Oliver said as the car came to the stop. He shouldered his bag and opened the car door. "But why would I want to go there? There's nothing I can learn there about Parapsychology that I don't already know." He closed the door. Eugene groaned as he opened his own, grabbing his bag and stepping into the wet England air.

"You need to branch out a bit more," Eugene said, slamming the door shut and following his brother up the steps of their home. "There are only so many books on the subject. Most of them aren't very good."

"The world needs to believe in the paranormal," Oliver replied. Eugene sighed as he followed his brother inside, Lin not far behind.

"There's a reason BSPR is privately funded instead of with government grants," Eugene said as he dropped his bag on the chair situated by the door. "It's not a real science by normal standards. Seeing may be believing, but not everybody can see ghosts like I can. I can't even really see the ghosts. I just sort-of 'sense' them." He watched his brother groan and place a hand to his eye, something he did when he was frustrated, or when he finally realized something obvious. Eugene figured this was the former.

"We're not crazy, if that's what you're worried about," Eugene said. "It's not like before, when we were the only ones. BSPR is behind us. They believe in our abilities." Oliver looked up. He looked like he was about to say something, but he closed his mouth when Luella walked in.

"Oh, there you boys are," Luella said. "You need to hurry up and get changed. Your father should be here any moment with Madoka."

"Madoka's coming?" Eugene asked, looking to his brother. Oliver shrugged his shoulders before going upstairs to change out of his school uniform.

"Well, since I'm unable to go after I promised Mrs. Humphrey I'd take care of her mother while she's in the hospital, I figured someone should use my plane ticket," Luella said.

"I wish you were coming," Eugene said. "Who else is going to keep Dad from going crazy with the experiments?" Luella laughed.

"I'm sure if your brother didn't want to do an experiment, he would voice his opinion," Luella answered. "Besides, someone needs to look after the horses."

"Oh, that reminds me," Eugene said as he started walking towards the back of the house. "I should say goodbye to Mao." He almost tripped backwards when his mother pulled him back by the collar.

"If you have time after you change and pack, then you can say goodbye to the horses," Luella said, pushing her son towards the stairs. "I don't want you boys to be late for your flight."

"Alright," Eugene said as he dragged his feet towards the stairs. Luella sighed.

"I don't think I envy Martin one bit," she said to herself as she watched her son walk up the steps robotically. "Not one bit at all. Those boys are going to be a handful."

"You know," Eugene said as they walked down the gangplank towards the plane, "I never thought I'd be going back home after moving to England. Did you?"

"The United States isn't our home," Oliver answered as he repositioned the strap of his bag on his shoulder, "England is our home. And if we're being technical about it, New York isn't our home either. We were born in San Francisco." Eugene rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, we're going back to our roots," Eugene said. "You may try to hide it with your 'British accent' and all, but you're still an American."

"I am a British citizen," Oliver said, "as are you. When Mother and Father adopted us, we became a part of Great Britain. You may try to hide it, using your American accent, but we are British."

"Hey, I use a British accent," Eugene argued. Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Only at school and the shops," Oliver replied.

"Hey, I got tired of people giving me weird looks when I asked for a biscuit for breakfast," Eugene retorted. "Though, I wouldn't mind eating a cookie to start the day." Oliver sighed as they boarded the plane.

Oliver was glad when his brother let him take the window seat. He knew Eugene liked looking out the window when they took off, though they had only flown once, when they left the States to move to England with the Davises. But his brother knew he didn't like socializing with people. So Eugene took the aisle, while Oliver took the window. Martin was seated in the row in front with Madoka. They were all seated in first class, since Martin was not a huge fan of trans-Atlantic flights in economy. He said they messed with his back, but Oliver wasn't complaining about that. He was more annoyed with the seating arrangements. Lin was in the middle column of seats, in the same row as Oliver and Eugene. Oliver figured this was because of him. Ever since they discovered Oliver had PK, Lin had become a bodyguard of sorts, much to the college student's dismay. His job was to not only teach Oliver how to control it, but also to make sure he didn't get into trouble. Oliver didn't need a babysitter either. He could handle things on his own. He didn't need any help.

"Would you boys like anything to drink?" Oliver looked up at the stewardess who had addressed them.

"No thank you," he said, turning towards his brother. Eugene was staring at something behind them. He nudged him to get his attention.

"What?" he asked, turning away from whatever had been distracting him. He looked up at the stewardess, who was waiting for a reply. "Oh, um, a water please." He gave her a smile that made her face light up. Oliver rolled his eyes before digging a book out of his bag. It had been the same one he was reading in the car earlier. He turned back to Eugene, who was staring at a little girl fidgeting in her seat.

"What are you staring at?" Oliver asked, getting Eugene's attention once again.

"Nothing," Eugene answered as he started rummaging through his bag. The stewardess came back with a small bottled water for him. Eugene looked up at her and smiled, causing her to smile as she walked away.

"You're lying," Oliver said, once the woman was out of ear-shot. Eugene sighed.

It's nothing, alright," Eugene said as he took out a book. "Just leave me alone." Oliver sighed, knowing his brother would tell him if it was something serious.

He didn't talk to his brother again until after the plane had taken off, and it was safe to use electronic devices. He had assumed his brother would start listening to music, but he was still reading his book, or rather, staring at his book. Oliver noticed he was still looking at the same page.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" Oliver suggested.

"I'm not tired," Eugene replied. Oliver could sense something wrong in his brother's voice so he looked up. Eugene was trying to act calm, but Oliver noticed his brother was worried about something. He could see it etched on his face. He looked at his brother, then to the girl he had been staring at earlier, before the plane had taken off. Something about her had gotten his brother's attention before. He noticed she looked really uncomfortable in her seat, as if she didn't want to sit there. She looked scared, and she was rubbing her arms as if she were cold. It took a moment for him to realize it, but when he did, he groaned.

"Bloody hell," Oliver whispered. He stole a glance at Lin, who was resting his head on his hand, asleep. He peeked over the seats in front of him. Madoka was asleep as well, though Martin was looking over some notes. Oliver turned back to his brother.

"Honkidesu ka?" he whispered. Eugene nodded.

"Watashi wa kare ni watashitachi ga hikōki ni notta-bun o kanchi shimashita," Eugene added. Oliver decided this was the best time to use a word he had heard an older kid at the orphanage use.

"Luella will not be pleased when she hears you said that." Oliver's eyes narrowed as he looked over at Lin, who had most likely not been asleep at all, and had been eavesdropping on their conversation from the beginning.

"Who says you have to tell her?" Oliver asked. He noticed Eugene looked really uncomfortable being between the two of them. Lin narrowed his eyes as well.

"What were you two whispering about earlier?" Lin asked. Oliver didn't answer. Eugene on the other hand…

"It's nothing, really," Eugene said, looking back at his book. Oliver thought he should have just kept his mouth shut.

"What aren't you telling me?" Lin asked. Eugene fidgeted in his seat. Lin glared at the boy.

"There's a possibility that there is a, um, a spirit on this airplane," Eugene answered in a whisper. Lin's eyes widened as he looked between Oliver and Eugene.

"Please tell me this is one of your pranks Eugene," Lin said. Eugene rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't joke about something like this," Eugene said. He nodded his head towards the nervous girl, prompting Oliver and Lin to turn in her direction. "See that girl over there? The spirit's sitting in her seat."

"She looks to be about five or six," Oliver noticed. "Children are usually more sensitive to the spirit world than adults."

"Young girls more so than others," Lin added. "If it is a spirit, why is it here? It's not site-bound."

"Maybe it's haunting an object on the plane," Eugene offered. "All I know is there's no way I'm exorcising it. One wrong move and this whole plane could fall out of the sky." Oliver sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Is there a way you could speak to him?" Oliver asked. "Could you get him to cross over?" Eugene shrugged his shoulders.

"I could try," he answered. "He doesn't seem harmless, but one wrong word and he could become dangerous. Plus, I have no idea how I can talk to him. I can't do a séance with all these people around." Oliver frowned.

"Could you talk to him on the astral plane?" Oliver asked. Eugene furrowed his brows.

"Probably," Eugene said. "But I'd need to fall asleep, and there's no guarantee I would even connect to him. I might see how he died, and if that happened, I might not get a chance to talk to him.

"What if you went into a trance state?" Lin suggested. Eugene nodded.

"That could work," Eugene said. "It'd be almost like I was asleep, but not really. I'll try it."

"Would you like me to use suggestion to put you in that state?" Lin asked. Eugene shook his head.

"No," he answered. "I want to do it myself." With that, he closed his eyes and pulled his feet into his chest, ending the conversation. Oliver leaned back in his seat as he watched his brother get to work.

Oliver could see his brother begin to relax. The tension in his body began to disappear gradually until, eventually, his head plopped forward and his breathing was even and slow. Oliver gently placed a hand on his brother's shoulder to keep him from leaning forward. He noticed Lin watching him quietly. He had that look on his face that said he was both impressed and disgusted with Eugene, something Oliver was noticing more and more frequently. He knew Lin didn't like him and Eugene. He had some theories as to why, but he wasn't sure if wanted to voice them just yet.

Eugene didn't come back from the astral plane until about an hour before their flight was going to land. Though he hadn't shown it in the beginning, Oliver was worried when Eugene hadn't returned after the first few minutes. Even Lin looked worried and promptly informed Martin about their predicament, as well as woke Madoka and brought her up to speed, when Eugene continued to be in a trance state after the first hour. The girl from before had stopped fidgeting in her seat almost immediately after Eugene had, or they all assumed, entered the astral plane. Oliver and Lin figured this meant the spirit was gone, and Eugene simply had no idea how to get back to his body. It didn't help that the stewardess was constantly coming over, asking if they needed anything. Eugene had missed the in-flight meal, reminding them that the young medium was going to be very drained the longer his soul, or whatever he was projecting into the astral plane, remained outside his body. Oliver wished he had timed how long Eugene was out like this. He was sure no medium had done anything like this, and even if they had, surely for not this long. It was both exciting and worrying. He didn't want to admit it, but he breathed a sigh of relief with everyone else when Eugene's eyes slowly opened.

"Gene, are you alright?" Martin asked. Eugene blinked a few times, his eyes staring straight ahead at the seat in front of him. Eventually he nodded, though Oliver noted he still looked out of it.

"Are you still with us?" Madoka asked. Eugene nodded again as he sat upright in his chair, letting his legs loosen up from being tight against his body for so long.

"What happened?" Oliver asked. Eugene sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it," Eugene said. Oliver frowned.

"You're on the astral plane for almost eight hours, and you're not going to talk about it?" Oliver asked. Eugene sighed again.

"I-" Eugene began. He took a deep breath. "It looked just like my dreams, more or less. The plane was a little transparent, as were the people. The spirit was the clearest thing. He was just sitting there."

"Why did it take so long for him to cross over?" Madoka asked. Eugene fidgeted in his seat.

"He didn't cross over?" Oliver hissed. Eugene sighed.

"I-" Eugene sighed. "He just wanted someone to talk to. He wanted to know what the other side was like. I didn't have an answer, so I just tried to make him feel better. He said he'd cross over once his body was buried."

"What made you think he was going to keep his promise?" Oliver asked. Eugene sighed.

"I just knew," Eugene said. "I know he's going to keep his promise." Oliver sighed.

"Why do you feel the need to trust everyone?" Oliver asked. "It's only going to get you in trouble one of these days."

"You need to have more faith in people Noll," Eugene said, yawning.

"Get some sleep son," Martin said, gently patting Eugene on the head. Eugene smiled as he closed his eyes once more.

"He's an idiot," Oliver said, once Eugene had fallen asleep. He took out a notebook from his bag, writing down what Eugene had said about his experience, as well as an estimate of how long he was on the astral plane.

"He's not an idiot," Madoka said, as Martin and Lin returned to their seats. She was leaning over her seat while watching Oliver fill out, to the best of his abilities as a ten year old kid, an unofficial report of the 'incident' that had just occurred.

"Yes he is," Oliver said. "He doesn't know anything about this spirit. For all we know he could be dangerous, and we still don't know why he's on this aeroplane to begin with."

"Gene sat and talked to this spirit for eight hours," Madoka said. "I'm sure if he was dangerous Gene would have figured it out." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"I highly doubt it," Oliver said. Madoka frowned before sitting back in her seat. She didn't speak to him again until after the plane had landed in New York.

"Hey Noll," Madoka said, poking the boy's shoulder and directing his attention to the window. "I think I know why that spirit was on this aeroplane." Oliver watched as the baggage handlers began unloading a casket from the baggage hold. He sighed as he unbuckled his seat belt before nudging his brother awake.

"Noll?" Eugene asked, groggy from his short nap. He yawned as he stretched his arms above his head. "Where are we?"

"New York," Oliver said as he shouldered his bag. He stepped over Eugene's legs to get to the aisle. "Get up. We have work to do." With that, he began making his way off the plane. Eugene rolled his eyes before shouldering his own bag.

"Oh joy," Eugene said sarcastically, before following his brother down the aisle, the others not far behind.

"We should visit the Morris-Jumel Mansion," Eugene said to his brother as they waited for their bags to arrive. He was eating a protein bar he bought in one of the stores in the airport while looking at a guidebook he'd found that he knew his brother would be interested in.

"I said no tourist spots," Oliver said. Eugene grinned, knowing his brother was going to say that.

"But that's the best part," Eugene answered, flipping to the cover to show his brother. "It's not just a tourist spot. It's also work. This is a book on all the haunted spots in New York City. "

"Half of those places are scams," Oliver said. Eugene pouted.

"Not all of them are," Eugene said. "Besides, didn't you say you wanted to see me in action more? All I got to do is pop in, sense some ghosts, and you've got a whole page in that journal of yours filled out." Oliver glared at his brother, prompting Eugene to glare back.

"I'm sure you'll get to see a lot of the city while we're here Gene," Martin said, interrupting the brothers' glaring contest. "It's not going to be all work." Eugene smiled at this. He would have been jumping up and down if he didn't still feel exhausted from earlier. He was feeling drained in all aspects of his body: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

"Thanks Dad," Eugene said. Martin smiled at his son before turning to Lin and Madoka, who were walking up to them with the last of the bags.

"Are these all the bags?" Martin asked. Lin nodded.

"Yes sir," Lin said. "We're sorry it took so long. Eugene's was one of the last ones off." Madoka began handing the green duffle bag to Eugene, only to be intercepted by Oliver.

"I'll carry it," Oliver said, taking the bag from Madoka. He began walking towards the exit. Eugene grinned as he and Madoka shared a look.

"Aw, you do have a heart Noll," Eugene teased.

"Shut up Gene."

"Well, we should get going," Martin said, grabbing his own bag. "James said he would be coming to pick us up around now."

"You're talking about James Gaillot, the president of ASPR, right?" Eugene asked as the group began following Oliver out the door. Martin nodded.

"Yes," Martin answered. "He's going to be taking us to the ASPR headquarters in the city."

"We're going to start researching so soon after arriving?" Eugene asked. "We're not going to the hotel?"

"Actually, ASPR is where we're staying," Martin answered. "They have rooms set up above their office for visiting researchers."

"Cool," Eugene said as they caught up to Oliver, who was look at an older gentleman holding a sign saying 'BSPR'. Eugene noticed the man looked uncomfortable with Oliver's staring. Eugene grinned, knowing his brother was going to get an earful from Madoka about how staring is not polite.

"James," Martin said, going to shake the man's hand. The man turned from Oliver's gaze to shake Martin's hand.

"Martin," the man said. "So good to see you again. I take it this young gentleman is with you." Martin chuckled.

"Yes," Martin said. "That's my son Oliver. Noll, this is James Gaillot of ASPR."

"I gathered that," Oliver said dryly. Eugene frowned and opened his mouth to berate his brother, but Madoka beat him too it.

"Honestly Noll, where are your manners?" Madoka asked, glaring at the boy. Oliver looked up at her.

"Sorry Madoka," Oliver said, rolling his eyes. Madoka sighed. She knew when to pick her battles when it came to Oliver, and Eugene could tell she knew it wasn't worth it.

"Yes, well," Martin said, trying to diffuse the tension. They were obviously not getting off to a good start. "This is my assistant, and former student, Madoka Mori." Madoka nodded her head and waved at Mr. Gaillot. "And this is one of my parapsychology students Koujo Lin." Lin nodded his head as well. Martin placed a hand on Eugene's shoulder. "And this is my other son Eugene." Eugene smiled up at Mr. Gaillot, who seemed lost for a second. He looked back between Oliver and Eugene, most likely making sure he wasn't seeing double.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Gaillot," Eugene said, holding out his hand. Mr. Gaillot looked hesitant at first, but eventually shook his hand.

"Same to you Eugene," Mr. Gaillot said. "Are you the PK user?" Eugene shook his head.

"No, I'm the medium," Eugene answered. "My brother is the one you're looking for." Mr. Gaillot looked over to the boy in question, who was still glaring at Madoka for calling him out earlier.

"Well," Mr. Gaillot said uncertainly. "ASPR is very excited to have you all here, that's for sure." Eugene continued to smile as the group made their way towards the ASPR van parked nearby.

Eugene glanced over at his brother, who was quiet as they began packing the bags into the van. Martin and James were chatting away about new breakthroughs in research, or something to that effect. Eugene didn't really care. Lin and Madoka were talking about, what Eugene had hoped were their plans to elope and move to France or something, but they were also talking about something parapsychology related. He was positive they were going to realize their feelings for one another and it was going to be amazing and spectacular. But alas, that day had not arrived yet. His mother would be disappointed. Eugene sighed as he got into the van and closed the door behind him.

Eugene tried to get Oliver to talk to him on the ride to ASPR headquarters, but it didn't seem like his brother was in the mood to speak. Eugene wondered if it was because he knew Mr. Gaillot hadn't really warmed up to Oliver just yet, and for his sake Eugene hoped it was soon. Though Oliver had assumed the trip was merely conducting field research, Eugene knew that wasn't the only reason. He had overheard Martin telling Luella that ASPR had wanted to see Oliver's PK in action. They had wanted to conduct their own research, rather than read BSPR's notes on the subject. Eugene didn't have the heart to tell his brother that the trip would consist of testing his abilities, not ghost research.

"Here we are," Mr. Gaillot said as the van slowed to a stop. Eugene leaned over his brother to get a look at the building they would call home for the next two weeks.

"You watch Ghostbusters too much," Oliver said as he opened up the door.

"This place is so cool," Eugene said as he pushed past his brother, craning his head to take it all in. "Does it have a fire pole?"

"We had to take it out," Mr. Gaillot said, chuckling. He began helping Lin unload the luggage. "It was an accident waiting to happen."

"Aw," Eugene said, clearly disappointed. He watched Oliver grab his bag along with his own before walking inside the building. Eugene sighed and followed him in, the others not far behind.

"We chose it because of its proximity to the city, as well as the rooms above. They are perfect for guests," Mr. Gaillot continued as he closed the door behind him. "It's also haunted with a few harmless spirits." Eugene's eyes widened as he looked towards his brother, who looked equally surprised by this revelation.

"It's haunted?" Oliver asked, turning to Martin. Eugene could feel the temperature drop a few degrees. "And you want Gene to stay here?"

"Relax Noll," Martin said. He stole a glance at Mr. Gaillot, who was rubbing his arms at the sudden change. "Mr. Gaillot assures me the ghosts are harmless. They use them for research purposes, to test mediums and their powers."

"It's okay Noll," Eugene said, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. The roomed warmed a bit, though it wasn't yet back to its original temperature. "I can sense them. They seem really nice." Oliver frowned.

"That's not what I'm worried about," Oliver said. He turned to Martin. "How is Gene supposed to sleep here?" Eugene frowned. He hadn't thought about the effect the ghosts would have on his dreams. By the look on Martin's face, he hadn't thought about it either.

"Gene I'm so sorry," Martin said. "I completely forgot about your dreams. I'll try to see if I can book a hotel room for us instead."

"It's okay Dad," Eugene said. "I'll try to avoid the astral plane while I'm here."

"Gene," Oliver warned. Eugene waved a hand at his brother.

"Relax Noll," Eugene said. "I'll be fine. If I'm not, we'll get a hotel room, alright?" Oliver sighed.

"Alright," Oliver answered. Eugene smiled.

"I'm sorry," Mr. Gaillot said, interrupting their brotherly moment. "I'm not entirely sure what's going on."

"My son sees visions while he sleeps," Martin answered. "Usually it's about the deceased, their life and how they died. I'm sure I put it in the reports I sent you."

"I've never met a medium who could do that," Mr. Gaillot said, looking at Eugene. "How interesting." Eugene blushed at the complement, but the blush quickly turned into a glare aimed at Oliver when he caught his brother smirking at him. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how he looked at it, Oliver was saved from whatever Eugene had planned for him, when two college-aged students, one male and one female, rushed into the room.

"Are these the British parapsychologists?" the female one asked excitedly. Mr. Gaillot chuckled.

"Yes, these are our guests for the next two weeks," Mr. Gaillot answered. He began to introduce them, pointing to each in turn. "This is Professor Martin Davis, head of the British Society for Psychic Research and his assistants Koujo Lin and Madoka Mori. The two young boys are his sons Oliver and Eugene." Eugene noticed he didn't point to him or his brother when he introduced them. He noticed Oliver frowning at this. Before either brother could identify themselves to the newcomers, however, they were interrupted.

"I don't understand," the male said, looking over the five people in front of them. "I thought Professor Davis was bringing along a medium and PK user."

"That would be us," Eugene said, smiling and holding out his hand. "My name's Eugene. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the medium. That's my brother Oliver over there. He's the PK user." Both students' eyes widened at this, before turning to Mr. Gaillot.

"Yes I suppose I forgot to mention that, didn't I," Mr. Gaillot said. Eugene sighed and put his hand down. "Well, now that that piece of information is out of the way, I'd like to introduce you all to my assistants. They are both students at New York University, studying Parapsychology there. This is Julia Edwards and Paul Collins."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Martin said, shaking both their hands. Eugene noticed Paul and Julia share a look.

"Is something wrong?" Eugene asked. Julia seemed a little nervous at his question, so Paul answered for her.

"We didn't realize you two were so young," Paul answered, rubbing the back of his neck. "We had all these experiments set up to test your skills, but they might be too much."

"Test our skills?" Oliver asked. Eugene panicked at this, trying to think of a way to change the subject.

"What did you have in mind?" Eugene asked. He chastised himself for not thinking of anything different to talk about, but at least this kept Oliver from getting an answer.

"Well, for one," Paul answered, "we were thinking about getting you to perform a séance tonight." At this, Eugene sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"See," Julia said. "We knew it would be too much. You're far too young to be performing a-"

"No, that's not it," Eugene said. "I've performed a hundred séances at least."

"It's-" Oliver began, only to be cut off by Eugene.

"I don't need to know the actual number," Eugene said. "Anyway, under normal circumstance I could perform one easy."

"Normal circumstances?" Paul asked. Eugene shook his head.

"It's a long story," Eugene said. He looked at Paul and Julia, who looked saddened to hear he wasn't up to channeling a spirit that night. "But, maybe I could-"


"Aw, come on Noll," Eugene said, turning to his brother. "It'd just be a little one to get the ball rolling."

"We have plenty of time for that," Oliver answered. Eugene rolled his eyes.

"I know," Eugene said. "But look at them. They really want me to perform a séance."

"No, it's fine," Julia said. "You're probably exhausted from your trip here. We shouldn't have asked."

"No, it will be cool," Eugene said. "If we do it at midnight, it'll be a lot easier to call them."

"Gene," Oliver warned. Eugene merely waved his hand at his brother.

"And if I have an object of the deceased, it will be even easier," Eugene said.

"We have all that," Paul said. Julia nudged him to be quiet but he ignored her. "We were actually going to get you to channel one of the spirits floating around here."

"That makes it even easier," Eugene said, smiling. If he still wasn't so tired from earlier, he would have been disappointed at how easy this was going to be. He liked a challenge.

"As interesting as this sounds Gene," Martin said, interrupting the conversation. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no."

"Why?" Eugene whined. "It's going to be so easy to call this spirit here. I won't even break a sweat."

"And what about when you actually channel the spirit?" Lin asked, glaring at the boy. "Do you think your body will be able to handle it after that stunt you pulled on the plane?" Eugene sighed.

"If you're worried about any resistance from the spirits, there's no need to worry," Paul said. "The spirits here like to talk. They enjoy helping us when we're testing mediums. They won't hurt him." Eugene groaned and checked his watch.

"Okay, it's eight thirty right now," Eugene said. "I'll rest for three hours, giving me time to set up for the séance at midnight."

"Three hours isn't enough time Gene," Madoka said. "You need to sleep for hours. It's almost two back in England."

"Which means it will be six by the time I start the séance," Eugene said, smiling. "I've always been an early riser."

"No you haven't," Oliver argued. "Watashi wa minashigo-in de beddo kara anata o doraggu suru hitsuyō ga arimashita," he whispered, smirking. Eugene rolled his eyes. He could hear Madoka trying to hide her giggles, and he noticed Lin showed no indication he understood what Oliver said, despite Eugene knowing the guy could understand Japanese, though he had no idea why.

"Well, whatever," Eugene said, crossing his arms. "I am now. Give me three hours. I'll be ready."

"Alright Gene," Martin said, patting the boy on the shoulder. "But if you look too tired, we're pulling the plug."

"You got it Dad," Gene said, smiling.

"Has your brother really done over a hundred séances?" Paul asked. Oliver nodded his head.

"Yes," Oliver answered. He noticed Paul didn't seem bothered by his one-worded answer as he went about setting up for the séance.

"Are you going to be joining your brother or watching from the sidelines?" Paul asked as he set five chairs around the round table in the center of the room. Oliver shrugged his shoulders.

"Gene's the one in charge," Oliver answered. "If he wants me to be a part of it, I will." Paul nodded his head in understanding as he placed one unlit candle at the center of the surface.

"Because he is a guest here, Gene will most likely pick Mr. Gaillot to take part in the séance. As the head of BSPR, our father would be his second pick, though my father would be perfectly content watching from the sides. I'll probably be his next choice, if only to ground him if things don't go as planned. Normally he would let the family members of the deceased join in as well, but since that isn't the case here, he might ask Lin to join."

"Lin?" Paul asked, glancing over at the tall man talking to Madoka on the other side of the room. "Why him?"

"There are many reasons," Oliver said. "But I think the main reason is Gene has been trying to get Lin to warm up to him since we met."

"You three aren't close?" Paul asked. "But isn't he your father's student?"

"Yes," Oliver said. "But he keeps his distance from us as much as possible. It's not an easy task since he's my teacher." Paul's eyes widened.

"Your teacher?" he asked.

"He's been teaching me Qigong," Oliver explained, "as a way to control my PK." Paul looked both impressed and confused by this new information, but he didn't get a chance to voice his opinion on the subject for just as he processed this new fact about Oliver Davis did his brother Eugene walk into the room.

"Alright," Eugene said. "Let's do this. Who am I summoning?"

"Uh, before we begin, I was wondering if it would be alright if another medium came to see you in action," Mr. Gaillot wondered. Oliver and Eugene glanced at each other before turning to the president of ASPR.

"Another medium?" Eugene asked, confused.

"Don't worry," Mr. Gaillot said. "You're still in charge of the show. But a psychic we hire from time to time heard the BSPR medium was going to be in town doing a few séances, and she asked if she could watch." Eugene shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure," Eugene said, "the more the merrier." Oliver rolled his eyes as Mr. Gaillot went to go fetch the other medium. He came back a minute later with what Oliver would have described as a stereotypical female medium.

"Everyone, this is Desirae de Feint," Mr. Gaillot said. "Ms. de Feint, this is Professor Davis, head of BSPR, his assistants Mr. Lin and Ms. Mori, and his sons Eugene and Oliver. Eugene is the medium performing the séance tonight."

"A child, a medium?" Ms. de Feint asked. Oliver could sense a bit of detestation in her voice and decided she wasn't worth his time. Eugene on the other hand…

"Hello, I'm Gene," Eugene said, holding out his hand. Oliver felt like rolling his eyes. Ms. de Feint ignored his brother's outstretched hand, though, and the room instantly became a few degrees colder.

"Really, Mr. Gaillot," Ms. de Feint said, turning to the man. "A child is performing a séance?"

"It's merely to test his skills," Mr. Gaillot explained. "Paul, will you give Eugene the file please, and then we can begin."

Everyone except Mr. Gaillot and Ms. de Feint began gathering around Eugene as Paul handed him a file.

"This is one of our resident ghosts," Paul explained as Eugene read through the file. "He was born and raised here in New York during the late 1800s and got a job as a fireman. He died in a fire a few blocks over in 1903, but he likes hanging around here from some reason."

"It's because he's looking for his girlfriend," Eugene said. "She said she'd meet him at the fire station after his shift ended but he died so he never got a chance to see her."

"How do you know that?" Paul asked.

"I had a dream about it," Eugene answered absentmindedly. "And the other fire fighter who died here, I think his name was Richard Green, is only sticking around because he needs to tell someone that the screw on the front tire of the fire truck is loose. He forgot to tighten it and he's afraid it will cause it to crash."

"We should get him a ghost he doesn't know about," Oliver suggested, taking the file out of his brother's hand. Paul nodded.

"Yeah, good point," Paul said. Julia handed Eugene a file in her hand.

"Here's one," Julia said. "There used to be a boarding home here in the early 1800s. This guy was a tenant there-"

"And he died when some guy mugged him on the front steps," Eugene finished. Julia sighed and pulled the file out of his hand before walking out the room to get more.

"Will you guys pick one already?" Eugene asked, looking at his watch. "We're losing our window."

"You can perform a séance at any time of the day, you know," Ms. De Feint said. Oliver glared at the woman.

"Eugene's still tired from his flight," Mr. Gaillot said. "Calling a spirit at midnight is easier for him." Ms. de Feint scoffed.

"That's ridiculous and completely untrue," Ms. de Feint said. The room got so cold Oliver could see his breath. It wasn't until he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder that the room finally warmed up a few degrees.

"Kanojo wa soredake no kachi wa arimasen," Eugene whispered as Julia reentered the room, her arms full of files.

"Here are the files for all the ghosts haunting this building," Julia said. "Paul, can you get the box of belongings from the basement?" Paul nodded and exited the room as Oliver began skimming through the files.

"How many visions did you see while you were sleeping?" Oliver asked. Eugene furrowed his brows.

"Six, I think," Eugene said. "The two firemen, that tenant guy, an old lady-"

"Aw," Paul said as he entered the room, a large box in his hands. "We don't get a chance to talk to Mrs. Montgomery tonight?"

"Anyway," Eugene said. "An old lady, a teenage boy, and a mother of three who just wants to see her grandkids one last time." At this last part, he pouted at his brother. Oliver took one look at him before turning to the file in his hand.

"No," Oliver said. Eugene groaned, but he didn't have much time to complain before Oliver stuck a file in front of his face.

"Kyri-" Eugene sounded out. "Kyri-ak…Kyriak...yeah, no, I can't pronounce that."

"It's Kyriakos Prokopis Floros," Oliver supplied. "He was a Greek immigrant that came through Ellis Island in the early 1800s. He was one of the tenants living in the boarding house. He died of food poisoning."

"That's great," Eugene said sarcastically. "Do you know Greek?" Oliver glared at his brother.

"It won't matter," Oliver answered. Eugene rolled his eyes.

"Well, no one else will be able to understand me," Eugene said.

"You don't speak the language of the ghost you channel," Ms. de Feint said. "Honestly Mr. Gaillot-" But whatever Ms. de Feint was going to say was interrupted by the knocking sounds heard throughout the room.

"Naru, yamete," Eugene ordered. The knocking stopped as quickly as it had started. Madoka and Lin sighed with relief.

"What in the world was that?" Mr. Gaillot asked. Eugene shrugged his shoulders.

"Must have been one of the ghosts, right Noll?" Eugene asked, looking towards his brother. Oliver nodded.

"But none of the ghosts have ever done that before," Julia said, looking around the room, as if the knocking sounds would start again.

"The ghosts here are harmless," Ms. de Feint said. "I've checked them myself." Oliver could see Eugene's eyes narrow at this.

"Right, well, shall we get started then?" Eugene asked. Mr. Gaillot nodded. Eugene smiled as he made his way to the table. "Would you like to participate Mr. Gaillot?"

"Would that be alright with you Eugene?" Mr. Gaillot asked. Eugene smiled.

"Oh course," he answered. He turned to Martin. "Dad, would you like to join as well?"

"No thank you Gene," Martin answered. "I'm perfectly happy as a spectator. Would you mind if Lin took my place?"

"No, I wouldn't mind," Eugene answered. "Lin, would like to join?"

"I would be honored," Lin said, though Oliver noticed it didn't sound nearly as sincere as it did polite.

"Noll, are you up to it?" Eugene asked. Oliver resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes," Oliver answered. Eugene turned to Ms. De Feint.

"I know you only came to watch," Eugene said, "but I would be honored if a respected medium such as yourself would join us in this séance." Oliver then resisted the urge to gag.

"I believe you are holding this séance to prove your skills, correct?" Ms. de Feint asked. Oliver noticed his brother's smile weaken a bit.

"No, not to prove them," Eugene said. "I know I have these gifts. This is merely for research purposes."

"Well," Ms. de Feint said. "I wouldn't want to mess up your research. I'll just watch." Eugene continued to smile, though Oliver noticed he seemed a bit hurt by her refusal.

"Well, we have one more spot open," Eugene said, turning to the rest of the group.

"I think Julia should participate," Paul said. "The spirits like her. I don't think anything's going to go wrong, but after that knocking I'm not so sure. It'd be good to have her on hand to smooth things over." Eugene nodded.

"Alright, Julia, would you like to join the séance?" Julia nodded, making Eugene smile.

"Now that that's settled," Mr. Gaillot said as they all took their seats, "we can begin." Paul came over and placed a fork on the table. Eugene looked at it, bewildered.

"It's the fork Mr. Floros was using when he died," Paul explained. Oliver raised an eyebrow at this and reached out his hand to touch it. Eugene swatted his hand away.

"Sawaranaide," Eugene said. Oliver frowned at his brother before glancing around the room.

Martin hadn't seemed to notice the exchange, as he was whispering something to Madoka at the time. Neither had Paul, who had turned around to set up the camera they would be using to record the séance. Mr. Gaillot and Julia, if they had even seen anything, weren't showing anything on their faces. Ms. de Feint looked like she was ready to scrutinize Eugene's every move. Only Lin had caught the altercation between him and his brother, and his face was completely blank. Oliver had no idea how much Lin learned about him and his brother from that small little swat.

"Are we all set Paul?" Mr. Gaillot asked. Paul gave his boss a thumbs-up. "Alright Eugene, you may begin." Eugene nodded as he grabbed his brother's hand as well as Mr. Gaillot's. Oliver sighed as he grabbed Lin's hand. The man looked about as trilled by the seating arrangements as he was.

"Can you say his name again Noll?" Eugene asked, looking over to his brother. Oliver sighed.

"Kyriakos," Oliver said slowly. Eugene repeated. "Prokopis." Again Eugene repeated. "Floros." Eugene repeated again, then said the whole name slowly. Oliver tried not to cringe at the mispronunciation.

"Close enough," Oliver said. Eugene frowned.

"But I don't want to get his name wrong," Eugene said. "It's rude." Oliver glared at his brother making Eugene sigh. "Okay, fine. Let's begin." Oliver nodded and lit the candle at the center of the table as Paul turned out the lights.

"I am calling upon the spirit of Kyriakos Prokopis Floros," Eugene began, his voice taking on the serious tone it always did when he was channeling spirits. "Would you please come speak to us?" Oliver noticed everyone hold their breath as his brother's head flopped down, only to pop back up almost immediately, his eyes glazed over.

"Are you Kyriakos Prokopis Floros?" Oliver asked. Eugene nodded. "Do you know you are dead?" He heard his father sigh, and saw Madoka place her head in her hands, shaking her head while whispering, 'Où ai-je aller mal avec lui?' Oliver glared at Madoka, though he had no idea what she said. He saw Eugene nod.

"Is that really the fork you were using when you died?" Oliver asked. He heard Madoka groan, as well as saw Lin give him a look that told him to shut up. But Eugene, or Mr. Floros, didn't seem offended by the question. Instead, he laughed.

"Af̱tí̱ i̱ gynaíka den xérei típota," Eugene said. Oliver noticed the ASPR gang's mouths drop at his brother speaking perfect Greek, when earlier he couldn't even pronounce the spirit's name. Even Ms. de Feint looked shocked by this revelation. "Ypárchoun pénte fantásmata edó̱ den xérei perípou."

"I don't suppose anyone here knows Greek?" Oliver asked, smirking as he turned to face Mr. Gaillot. Mr. Gaillot and Julia shared a look before shaking their heads.

"Ti kríma," Eugene said. "Allá egó̱ apolamváno̱ miloún ti̱ mi̱trikí̱ mou gló̱ssa katá ti̱ diárkeia mias synedrías. Prépei na to kánoume kai páli kápoia stigmí̱."

"I suppose there's not much we can do about it," Lin said. Oliver nodded his head.

"Unfortunately," Oliver said. He turned to address Eugene, or the spirit possessing Eugene. "I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this session short." Eugene smiled.

"Katalavaíno̱," Eugene said. "Antío!" Eugene's head went limp once more as the candle light blew out. The lights came back on above, blinding him for a second. When he opened his eyes, he saw Martin and Madoka crowding around Eugene, who was slowly lifting his head.

"How are you feeling Gene?" Martin asked, placing a hand on his son's head. Eugene smiled.

"Easiest. Séance. Ever," Eugene answered.

"Then why is your nose bleeding?" Oliver asked, handing his brother a handkerchief. Eugene rolled his eyes as he took the piece of cloth from his brother and held it up to his nose.

"I'm still exhausted from earlier," Eugene answered. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't even have a headache right now." Oliver sighed.

"You're going to run yourself into an early grave if you keep this up," Oliver said. Eugene glared at him.

"Says the guy who almost caused a poltergeist earlier because he got upset," Eugene retorted.

"I was not upset," Oliver said, instantly wishing they had had this conversation in Japanese.

"Alright, boys," Martin said, getting in between his sons. "We've had a long day. You two have been up for almost twenty-four hours, not to mention you were in school earlier today as well. You're both exhausted so why don't you two get some rest, okay?" Oliver and Eugene sighed before following their father's orders and going to bed. Oliver turned around when he got to the door.

"You're going to get the tape translated, right?" Oliver asked. Martin smiled.

"Yes, Noll," Martin said. "Goodnight." Oliver mumbled 'goodnight' as he left the room. Martin let his smile falter as he put a hand to his head.

"It's a good thing Luella's not here," Martin said as he turned to look at Lin and Madoka. "She'd have my head." Lin and Madoka nodded in agreement.

Next part is coming soon. I don't want to add the translations because some will spoil the story a bit and I felt like they were too much in the other story. I might put them at the end. I'm not sure.

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