A/N: Sooo I have recently started to watch Merlin and I'll admit it's a pretty good show. This idea came to me after finishing the whole show. I hope you enjoy it, please review and let me know what you think. Should I continue or not?

Disclaimer: I'm not cool enough to own Merlin. The only thing I own is my OC Anna

When it comes to royalty and living in a castle, you expect life to be perfect. Well that's not the case in Camelot. When you have a king that is bent on destroying all those with magic, a prince that cares for nothing but himself, a princess that is blind, and a ward with unknown magic... Life can be pretty hectic. But what no one knew was that after today, everything was going to change. Their lives would forever be set on a path that would lead them to fulfill their destinies and leave behind a story that would be told for thousands of years. And it is all because of one boy..Merlin.


Anna woke moments before she heard the door to her room open. As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, her maid Gwen, as well as the lady Morgana came in and told her of the warm and beautiful day that had begun. Anna smiled to herself as she got up and let Gwen lead her to get dressed for the day. Morgana stayed by the window as she watched multiple people set up for the beheading that was to happen in a few hours. Morgana hated these mornings, she could never understand the purpose publicly killing someone would do. Turning from the window she looked at a now dressed Anna.

"You look wonderful Annabelle" She said with a warm smile at the girl. Anna returned the smile and took a seat in a nearby chair. Morgana took a seat across from her as Gwen left to bring back food for the two.

"I hate to say it, but the only reason I am here this morning is to tell you that your father requests you stand by his side during the execution today." Morgana told her with a tired expression.

Anna sighed before smelling the food that Gwen walked back in with. She picked up her fork and took a bite of her food before speaking, "Again? Why am I always the one to be there during these things, I can't even see so why does he always choose me?!" Morgana laughed as she too took a bite from the plate in front of her.

"Maybe that's the reason why." She said taking another bite. Anna shook her head taking one more bite of her breakfast before declaring that she wasn't hungry anymore. "Well remind me to have a conversation with my father later."

"Will do" Morgana replied as she finished her breakfast. Giving the plates to Gwen she stood and brought Anna over to the mirror where her jewelry and other accessories were kept. Morgana sat her down and smiled at their reflections. "Now, lets finish getting you ready. Once I'm done with you, all the boys will be at your feet." Anna laughed and spent the next hour letting her friend prepare her for the day that would surely be a long one.

When it was time, Anna found herself being led to the balcony where her father would speak to the people of Camelot and declare the death of whoever wronged him. The warm air washed over her as she made her way by her father's side. Uther turned to see his beautiful daughter and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Goodmorning my dear, I trust you slept well?" He asked as people started filing into the courtyard and surround the wooden stage. Anna gave a small nod as she stared ahead, "Yes, it was fine." Her tone easily suggested that she rather be anywhere but here at the moment. Uther kept a smile though and was about to make a comment about it when the knights started beating on the drums and the man was dragged in.

Anna made sure to keep her posture straight as she listened to the murmurs of the people, unaware of the boy that stood among them watching with a curious face. Horns were sounded as the man was dragged to the stage.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all.." Uther spoke to the crowd gaining their attention, all voices becoming silent.

"This man, Thomas James Collin, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot.. I, Uther Pendragon have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death." Anna closed her eyes a moment wishing she could turn around and just walk away, but knew that she would only anger her father in doing so. Taking a deep breath she opened her blinded eyes and continued to listen.

"I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass." With a nod of his head the two knights that dragged the man in, lowered him to his knees and placed his head onto a block.

Anna continued to take deep breaths as she kept her head held high. It wasn't until she heard the axe make contact with its target that she flinched and took a step back. The crowd of people broke out in murmurs as they spoke to one another. Uther put his hand on his daughter's shoulder giving her the slightest of comfort as he began to speak to his people again.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos. But with the people's help, magic was driven from the realm... So I declare a festival." Anna turned slightly to her father, her insides were screaming at her to confront him now and ask why they would celebrate after just having an execution. But knowing better, she stayed quiet.

"Let the celebrations begin!" He declared before turning and guiding himself and Anna back inside. They just started walking when a woman's wailing could be heard over everyone's chattering. Anna turned in confusion, as did her father.

"There is only one evil in this land and it is not magic! It is you!" The woman shouted up at them. "With your hatred, and your ignorance!"

"You took my son!" She shouted up at them with a sob, causing Anna to frown. "And I promise you, before these celebrations are over you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a child for a child!" She declared pointing her finger at Anna. People gasped at the threat that was made. A few knights stepped forward as if to protect Anna, making her become very nervous and slightly fearful.

Uther ordered his men to grab her but after a few murmured words, the woman disappeared. Anna could feel the rush of the wind and realized the woman had used magic as one of the knights in front of her explained what happened. Uther then ushered his daughter inside and went on his way, most likely to send a search party out for the old woman that threatened him.

Gwen then came forward and asked Anna if she was alright. Giving a nod she was led back to her room where Morgana sat waiting for her.

"I watched what happened from the window, are you alright?" She asked the moment Anna stepped into her room. Anna took a seat and nodded, "Yes I am fine..Although I bet father is furious at the moment. Guess our little talk will have to wait until later."

"Well if you don't talk to him, I will." Morgana said with a small smile causing Anna to laugh. Gwen cleared her throat hoping to get the two girls' attention.

"I hate to interrupt, but we should start getting you both ready for the feast tonight." She explained walking over to Anna's dresser. "Do you wish to change lady Anna?" Gwen asked looking at the variety of dresses she had.

"No that is alright Gwen, thank you. You should spend the rest of the day helping Morgana instead. We all know she takes forever to get ready" Anna joked earning a laugh from the two women.

"Well excuse me for taking the time to make myself look appealing to whoever has their eyes on me at the time" Morgana said with a smile as she stood. Gwen followed Morgana to the door but stopped right before leaving. "I can send someone to help you down to the hall for the feast tonight if you wish my lady?" She asked watching the princess for an answer. Anna smiled, "That would be nice, thank you Gwen. Oh and have fun with Morgana, I bet she'll only take two hours this time." Gwen grinned before taking off after Morgana to her room a few doors down.

Anna spent most of her time by the window enjoying the fresh air that blew in from time to time. She smiled everytime she heard a bird sing as it flew by or whenever she was able to hear a child laugh. It was times like these that made her wish she could see and truly experience what it was like to live. But she never let herself feel bad too long because she knew it would just make her life miserable. So she went back to thinking about the positive things waiting for tonight's feast.

Just as Gwen said, another maid came in and tended to Anna's needs. She helped her fix her hair and straighten her dress before leading her to the feast and helping her take her seat beside her father. Morgana sat on her other side, while on the other side of her father sat her older brother, Arthur. She figured he was probably eyeing the women that were seated around him and enjoying himself like always.

The room was full of life as people ate and drank. Laughter filled the air almost every second until the first night of celebration was over. Uther made a speech towards the end and told of how the next night of the feast there would be a special guest who would sing for them as entertainment. Soon after people started to make their departure and after some time Anna, her brother, and Morgana made their departure as well. Everyone headed to their own separate rooms. Gwen went with Anna to help her undress and prepare for bed. It was a routine Anna was used to by now.

Once Anna was in her bed she thought back to everything that happened today. Most of those thoughts were about the woman that threatened her father. Was she really going to try and attack the king? If so, would they be able to defend her off without any magic of their own to use? It all laid heavily on her mind the rest of the night and after shaking it all away from her mind, did she finally succumb to sleep.

The next day Anna found herself in Morgana's room, the two talking happily with one another while Gwen took out a few dresses and dusted them off by the window. Anna could hear the maid sigh and tilted her head towards her with a slight frown.

"Everything alright Gwen?" She asked listening closely for a reply. Gwen turned towards the two and smiled smally, "Yes milady, just watching your brother use his servant as target practice is all.." She spoke softly. Anna shook her head and stood up.

"Shall I get him to stop? I'd be more than happy to make a fool out of him." Anna laughed as she carefully made her way towards her maid. Gwen laughed with her, "No that's alright, I think someone is doing it for you." She answered with an impressed tone as she explained to Anna that someone had stepped forward and challenged the prince.

"Well that didn't last very long.." Gwen said as she finished dusting off one of the gowns and bringing it back inside. Anna followed her with the sound of her voice. "Let me guess..Arthur beat him up?" She found her seat and sat back down.

"Pretty much..The guards just took him away. Guess it was the poor boy's fault, he pretty much insulted Arthur then tried to strike him. Then again Arthur did provoke the boy so I guess I'm not sure who to blame at the moment.." Anna laughed at Gwen's confusion and shrugged. "Oh well..I'm sure in the end they'll both have a lesson to learn."

Morgana sounded her approval and continued their chatter. When Gwen was finished she took a chair and joined the two. Anna and Morgana loved Gwen, she was always friendly and willing to help the two with whatever they needed. The two made sure to return the kindness whenever they were given the chance. They would do many things together; share stories and gossip, eat together from time to time when it was allowed, and even went out together to enjoy the day. Every week Gwen and Anna would go to the fields nearby and pick flowers. Anna would trace every petal with her finger to try and picture the flower she was holding. It made her feel more normal and she knew that Gwen enjoyed having time away from all the craziness that lived inside the castle.

"Well we should finish getting you two ready, lady Helen will be here shortly and we don't want your father hunting us down now do we?" Gwen proposed standing up and moving back towards the dresses she laid out. Sighing the two agreed and dressed. Before long they were on their way to stand by Uther as they waited for the arrival of their guest.

They awaited almost half an hour before the doors opened and a woman walked in, her dress flowing behind her. Uther stood from his throne and made his way towards her. "Lady Helen, thank you so much for coming to sing at our celebrations." She returned the fondness and the two chatted away for a few moment. Anna rolled her eyes when she heard her father kiss Helen's hands. It was something he only did for special guests and Anna knew that if she could see what was happening, she'd be doing a lot more than just an eye roll.

The next day came and went and it was finally the day for the big feast. Anna was back in Morgana's room, they always helped each other get ready for events like this, plus Morgana wanted to continue their chat from the other day. Anna was sat on her bed with a smile as she listened to Morgana and was completely unaware of the boy that had suddenly walked into the room.

"You know I've been thinking about Arthur.." She said moving behind her changing wall. "I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole."

Merlin jumped at the sound of laughter and turned to see the girl on the bed. Looking closer he noticed that her eyes were a bit dull and didn't have much color to them. He was surprised that she hadn't spotted him yet. Taking a few steps closer, he carefully and quietly waved his hand in front of her face and came to the conclusion that she was blind. Giving a small sigh of relief he went back to worrying about the other girl seeing him and causing a scene.

Taking a few steps back he accidentally bumped into the table and mentally cursed himself for not paying attention to his surroundings. Anna frowned turning her head towards the sound. "Gwen are you back already?" She waited a bit uncomfortably before hearing a slight out of tune "mhmm" and relaxed a bit.

"Pass me that dress will you Gwen?" the other girl said still not realizing that who she assumed was her maid was the opposite.

Merlin quickly looked around before seeing the dress the lady who he now assumed was Morgana had referred to. Morgana easily slipped back into conversation with Anna.

"I mean, the man is a total jouster." She spoke with a flirty smile. Anna just sighed, "Of course he is, he'll take any chance he gets to have his way with someone and make himself look like he's the most important person in the world."

"Just because I'm the king's ward doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it?" Morgana asked as she continued to wait for her dress.

"Knowing father it will either be you or me..Most likely it'll be me since were siblings." Anna answered simply.

"well if he wants me to go he should just invite me..Gwen where are you?" Morgana asked finally turning around making the boy quickly hold up another gown and in the girliest voice he could, said "here".

"Well get over here, I need some help with the fastening." She said turning around again. The boy stood still not sure what to do.

"Gwen?" Morgana asked waiting patiently.

"I'm here" A voice sounded behind the boy, turning he saw the girl he met earlier, Gwen. She recognized Merlin and gave a questioning look before realizing that he was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. She smiled at Merlin before making her way over to lady Morgana, giving him time to leave unnoticed. Morgana came out and walked towards her mirror wearing the dress Merlin handed her while holding another in her arms. She held it up to her body imagining what it would look like on her.

"So, it's whether I wear this little tease..or give them a night they'll really remember." Anna laughed from where she sat on the bed. "Oh I'm sure whatever you wear they'll be speechless, and you'll look wonderful." They all laughed together and once Morgana was ready, she and Gwen set to helping Anna look just as good.

She wore a light blue gown that hung low on her shoulders but still fit perfectly, with golden embroidery along the edges and on the tips of her sleeves. She also wore gold flats, while her hair was curled and tied back with a pin. She wore a headpiece similar to Morgana's with a small amount of glitter around her eyes. Together they walked to the hall and walked in.

"Good news, almost all eyes are on us" Morgana whispered to Anna with a grin causing the princess to giggle. The two then made their way passed the staring men and towards a few girls easily starting up a light conversation.

It wasn't long before music started to play, signaling to everyone that it was time to find their seats. Uther made his way to the front where Arthur was stood on one side, while Anna and Morgana were stood on the other. "We have enjoyed 20 years of peace and prosperity.." The king started, looking at everyone in the room. "It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honor of introducing Lady Helen of Mora."

Everyone erupted with applause as lady Helen made her way into the hall and took her spot on a small stage at the opposite end of the hall. They all took their seats right as she started to sing. Anna admitted that her voice was smooth and very well-sounding. Anna closed her eyes smiling at the sweet sound filling her ears.

She could hear her father let out a small yawn but thought nothing of it as she started to feel very tired. Keeping her eyes closed, she slowly let her head rest against the back of her chair and allowed herself to fall asleep. The beautiful singing continuing in her head. She felt at peace before it all vanished. The singing had stopped, and when she opened her eyes she felt a slight chill in the air. She could also feel something on her and removing it from her body discovered it was spider-webs. Morgana helped her get the rest off and told here she had no idea what was happening.

There were murmurs from the guests but couldn't understand what was happening. "Wait, it's the woman who threatened Uther.." Morgana whispered to Anna. All she heard from the woman was a grunt and then a gasp from everyone in the room.

"What happened Morgana?" Anna asked quickly and gasped herself when told of the attempt on her brother's life. Morgana calmed her telling her that he was alright, that a boy quickly jumped in and moved him out of the way.

"You saved my boy's life..a debt must be repaid.." She could faintly hear her father say as she asked to be led over to her brother. When she finally made her way next to them she heard her father declare that the boy would be Arthur's manservant. She listen to anything else as she hugged her brother asking if he was alright. He hugged her back then ignored her as he called after his father in disbelief. Gwen had to explain that his new servant would be the boy that had stood up to him days ago. Everyone started to cheer causing Anna to laugh at how Arthur was still reacting.

Anna knew it was only the beginning of a much crazier life with her brother. She could only wait for what was in store for Camelot with the prince and manservant who clearly disliked each other.