Kagami Taiga came home to find Kuroko out of his house, which was the size of an old TV, and on the floor. Taiga looked to where Kuroko was to see a basketball resting against a wall a few feet away.

He picked his small Kuroko up to find that he had a bump on his tiny head and tears in his eyes. Taiga guessed he had tried to take a nap while resting on the basketball and it had rolled away from him, causing Kuroko to fall to the floor and bump his head.

please, Kagami-kun? I'm sleepy still he heard Kuroko say into his head. Sighing, he placed Kuroko in his front pocket and went to work on the basketball, slowly but surely sawing it in half. Taiga placed Kuroko on one half of the basketball and put the other half next to Kuroko's house.

Later that day, as Taiga and Kuroko were sitting down for dinner, Kuroko went over to Taiga, climbed up his arm and gave Taiga a kiss. Thank you, Kagami-kun.