a/n Alright, I don't know... I felt the need to write an epilogue...it seemed wrong to leave the story as it was.

10 years later...

Xigbar sat in the clearing. Their clearing... In front of him was a grave stone, a small notifier of the grave he'd made himself, a grave for the only person he'd ever love. He smiled at the tombstone and caressed it lovingly.

"I miss you Lux." He muttered. "We all do, but me most of all. Demyx cried when I told him you were dead, and Xaldin...well let's just say Xaldin and I have been getting along much better since we both came to terms with your death. I still miss you though..." He flopped down on the grave, staring up at the sky.

"Xaldin really misses you too. He and I started a restaurant together, though I guess I've told that a thousand times." He laughed a little. "We call it "The Fateful Gambler". Everything in there has a poker theme, and we have pictures of England all over the place. We also, of course, only serve the best drinks. We even named one after you. It's this really good rum. I thought you would like it. Also, did you know Xaldin is Scottish?"

"Vexen and Marluxia...they're still together, surprisingly enough." Xigbar said in a conversational tone. It didn't matter to him that he was the only one talking. He could still pretend there was actually someone listening. "Vexen recently started a shelter for kids with powers so they can escape their families or anyone who wants to kill them, and his research into our powers has been going really well. Marluxia runs the shelter business wise, and Larxene is their secretary...I guess. Lexeaus helps watch the kids. The four of them actually make a really good team. Vexen still yells all the time. Him, change? As if."

"Zexion's book also recently came out. He wrote about all our experiences really well, but I was sad that you were the only one he couldn't interview." He was quiet for a second. "You would have offered a lot, and it would have been really interesting. I tried to represent you the best I could, though. Demyx's music career also finally really kicked off. He's going on a tour in Japan soon. I'm really proud of the kid, you know? He's still lazy as hell, though."

"Saïx and Axel got together. I think we all saw it coming, yeah? Axel is an amazing dancer, and he recently got accepted into an incredibly prestigious dance company that dances all over the world. I remember he used to dance around the free room all the time, at least until someone made him stop. He still did it every day he could." Xigbar scoffed. "He still refuses to dance with me. He says I'm a bad dancer. Tch, as if. Saïx got promoted to being vice president of some company. I'm not actually sure what it does, but he seems happy, or about as happy as Saïx could ever be. They're a surprisingly good couple."

"Roxas went off and found a separate life from all of us, but he still keeps in contact. He started an ice cream shop a few months ago with these two guys, Sora and Riku. They call it Destiny Islands Ice Haven. Weird name, right?" Xigbar laughed again. Lying on this grave made him immensely sad, but it was also very calming.

"...I bet we would have had a great life together." He sighed after he finished laughing. He counted to clouds in the sky and imagined Luxord lying next to him. He reached down and gripped some grass, pretending it was hand he was holding and not just a plant. "We would have gotten an apartment together, and probably a dog because dogs are awesome. We definitely would have gotten married, and we would adopt two kids, cause we would be the best parents. They would whine and complain about going out and I'd be like 'As if! It's movie night!' We would have been the best family. We would have grown old together, and sat on our porch playing War and when we died, we would have died within a short time, but I would have wanted to die after you, cause I wouldn't want to leave you alone, but not too much after, because I don't want to be alone." He sighed again.

"I miss you so much."


He sat up and saw everyone standing at the edge of the clearing. Demyx walked up from the group and put out a hand to him, which he accepted and pulled on to help himself stand up.

"Come on, we all agreed to have dinner at Vexen's. We came to pick you up. Let's go."

"Right, thanks Demyx." Xigbar said with a smile. "I'll be there in a minute." Demyx nodded and ran back to the group to tell them. He turned back to the grave and bent down, putting his hand on the top of it and running his thumb along it affectionately. "I love you, Luxord." He stood and turned away, walking to where his friends were.

Behind him, a nearly translucent figure appeared to be hiding behind a tree on the outside of the clearing. It had short blond hair and eyes the color of the sky, and it smiled while watching the man walk away from its grave. His hand barely ghosted against the tree and he peeked out, smiling just slightly as the friends walked away together.

I love you too...

One last dash of XigLux for the road. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would like to thank all the people that reviewed it, favorited it, or followed it. Thank you for joining me on this wonderful and emotional journey. May our paths cross again.