A/N: Last chapter. Thanks to everybody who's clicked, read, enjoyed, and left reviews.

Chapter 6

Sunday - 11:13 AM

"101.2. Much better."

"How high was it last night?"

"103. You had me worried there for a second."

"I'm gonna take a shower in a few minutes."

"Okay, honey."

"Is Callie at her guitar lesson?"

"No. She still feels tired and decided to sit this one out."

"I need to stretch my legs." Stef sat up and got out of bed on her own for the first time in days and went down the hall.

"Knock, knock," she announced as she went to Callie's and Mariana's door.

Callie was on her bed catching up on make-up work for school. "Hey. You're up. How're you feeling?"

"Better. And you?" She joined Callie.

"A little tired, but okay."

"I'm glad to hear it. What are you working on?"

"History make-up on the Industrial Revolution."

"Ooh, fun."

"Yeah, tons," Callie laughed, which turned into a few coughs.

Stef handed her water that was next to her bed.


Lena poked her head in. "Hey guys. You doing make-up work, Callie?"


"Don't forget that you have until Thursday to turn it all in. No need to rush."

"It's not a whole lot, actually. I just have Geometry and English left."

"Okay. Stef, why don't you stop bugging Callie and get in the shower, huh?"

"I'm not bugging her. Right, Cal?"

"It's okay."

"Lena's right. I'm gonna go bathe so I can start feeling like a human again. Don't work too hard." Stef patted Callie's leg and left for the bathroom.

Sunday - 1:58 PM

Everyone was in the kitchen for lunch when Stef came downstairs. "Hi, babies."

There was a chorus of 'glad you're better' and 'we missed you' as Stef took a seat next to Callie.

"How about a bit of soup and ginger ale?" Lena asked as she set the bowl and glass down in front of her.

"Thank you, love. This looks good. You all took such great care of me."

"Of course we did, Mom. We love you," Mariana said, smiling.

"Yeah, Mom," Brandon agreed.

"Thirded," Jesus winked.

"So...what have I missed? Anything exciting?" Stef asked as she began to eat.

"I joined the STEM Club at school."

"That's awesome, Mari! I'm very proud of you...what is it?"

She rolled her eyes. "STEM stands for Science, Technol—"

A soft t'chew! was heard and everyone turned to look at the only person that it could have come from.

Lena groaned inwardly as a look of realization crossed her face. "Crap."

"Mama down! Mama down!" Jesus bellowed like a blaring alarm.

"I'm so sorry, babe," Stef apologized immediately.

"No, it's okay. I'm just gonna...go to bed," she sighed, resigned to her fate.

Lena knew what was coming with this flu. It was only a matter of time until it would be her turn, but she realized that her amazing wife and kids would help get her through it.


A/N: Well, that's it for this one. Thanks for reading and all of the great reviews. I have a few more things in the works; my second full-length Fosters fic (sickfic) is basically done; I'll probably start posting that on Monday (or maybe sooner) as I give it a final once-over. It is way better (and longer) than this one, if I do say so, myself; it has an actual plot and everything. lol My third story is about ~80% done (more sickfic; I can't help it, there aren't enough of them in this fandom and I'm a firm believer of "If you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself.") and I'm in the planning stages for two other stories (you guessed it, more sickfic), along with plans for an ongoing series of Callie/family drabbles/one-shots. I'm bad at starting stories and never finishing them or running out of steam, so I'm glad to check this off as 'complete.' I don't want to be one of those authors that leaves people hanging when they're still writing something and figuring out where it's going to go, seeing as I was stuck on this for over a year. When I started this fic in 2013, I was just figuring out how I "see" and "hear" the characters in my head; I can see a clear difference between the beginning chapters of this and the later ones that were completed recently and I know that I still have a lot of room for growth and improvement. However, I am proud of this work. Okay, this got long...

Thanks again for the support and I hope you'll check out what's to come from me in the future. Cheers.