Mr. Freeze Part 1

Joker was strapped into a straight jacket and held in the middle of a prison cell in Arkham Asylum. He was laughing like he usually does and was bobbing his head around.

"Oh Batsy think he's gotten rid of me. That old fool." Joker said to himself. Just then the floor beneath began to rumble. He was in one of the towers of Arkham and for the floor to rumble this high up was extremely strange. The door to the tower came flying into the room as three silhouettes stood in the door way.

"Mr. J? Is that you?" Harley asked. She had on a military vest and ripped up cargo pants with blood splattered on them. In her hand looked like a pole with a bunch of sharp objects taped to the end of it. Her hair was dyed two colors. One side was black and the other was red. She had a bunch of needles with different chemicals in them strapped to a utility belt she had on. Next to her stood the monstrous Bane. He also had on a military vest and black cargo pants with combat boots on. He had the green tubes going into his back. He had on black finger-less gloves and a black ski mask.

"It is him!" Harley yelled out and ran to him. Bane stepped into the room as a bunch of alarms started going off. Harley rustled Joker's green short hair and hugged him tight.

"Let go of me Harley!" Joker snapped at her. "This was supposed to be a quiet mission remember?" Joker asked her.

"We couldn't all get to you without being loud." Harley tried to reason with the one she loved.

"Come on we gotta hurry." the third person said. It was Firefly, who had on a yellow mask with red eyes. He had on a armored suit that was black with yellow going down the middle. He had on a yellow backpack and held two yellow flamethrowers in his hand. The backpack was also a jet pack that allowed him to fly.

"Get me out of this thing then." Joker said struggling to break free. Harley slid the bladed poll down his straight jacket cutting all the straps off. The jacket fell off and Joker stepped out of the cell and out of the tower onto a large catwalk above the Asylum. He had on an orange jumpsuit and his pale skin looked even paler in the moonlight.

"Lets blow this popsicle stand." Joker said as the three stood behind.

Bruce Wayne sat in the batcave as an alert went off. Something was happening at Arkham and he needed to get over there and see what it was. He pressed a button on the computer and a glass case slowly ascended from the ground next to the computer. It was his batsuit and it was all black with a dark grey circle around the black bat symbol on the costume's chest. He began to take off his suit as Alfred walked down the steps and onto the fist floor of the batcave.

"I brought you some dinner sir." Alfred said.

"Not now Alfred. There's something happening at Arkham." Bruce said putting on the suit. He equipped a utility belt that had batarangs, smoke bombs, and a grappling hook on it. Just then, someone was heard walking down the steps.

"Where you headed?" the person asked.

"There's a breakout at Arkham." Bruce said, now fully suited.

"Can I join you?" the person asked, standing next to Alfred.

"No Jason, you stay here. I want to handle this alone." Bruce said, putting on the cowl. Jason Todd rolled his eyes at his mentor and sat down at the batcomputer.

"Whatever." he said. The batmobile started raising on a platofrm as Bruce, now Batman, walked towards it. He got in and closed the door. It was completely black and had two seats on the inside. A part of the cave began to open and Batman went flying in the batcar through the exit and out into Gotham.

"Nora you need to get here now!" Victor Fries said into his cellphone.

"Okay, okay. I'm on my way." she answered him and then hanging up. Victor Fries was a brilliant cryogenicist. His wife was sick and there was no cure to the illness. He had figured out a way to save her though. He had built a freeze gun that would be able to save her life. She would not die while inside the ice and eventually he could help find a cure for the disease. Soon someone tried to buzz into the lab he was in. Victor ran to the door and hit the intercom.

"Who is it?" he asked nervously.

"Nora." she said laughing. He buzzed her in and the door slid open. In walked his wife and he brought her to the center of the room.

"What's going on Victor?" she asked.

"I've found out a way to save you." Victor said smiling.

"Sweetie, I appreciate this, but there is no way." she said sadly.

"I have a plan honey." Victor said, revealing his freeze gun.

"What is that?"

"It's a freeze gun sweetheart. What I will do is freeze you, which will preserve your body long enough to find a cure for the disease." Victor said picking up the gun.

"Victor-" Nora said.

"Trust me!" Victor begged, starting to tear up.

"Okay. I trust you." she said to his surprise. She backed away from the gun a bit and smiled at him. He smiled back at her and picked up the gun as a voice came through on the intercom.

"Victor! Its Boyle! I came here for that gun now let me in!" Fred Boyle, Victor Fries's boss, yelled. Victor aimed the gun at Nora as the door was beginning to be pushed open.