Mario stopped mid-jump, hitting the ground and lowering to his knees. His hand rose to his heart as a confused frown crossed his face. The Goomba he had been about to crush turned from its previous cower to peer curiously at him, and waddled over in front of him.

The plumber shut his eyes. There was this strange pain in his chest. He didn't know why, but whatever it was, he knew there was a good reason. He reached carefully over to pet the Goomba in front of him, desperately seeking comfort, and after a moment of hesitation it nuzzled into his hand, glad he hadn't squashed it.

Kirby had just stuffed a watermelon into his mouth when this unsettling feeling came over him. He swallowed, a distressed whine coming from his mouth as his eyebrows knitted together. He shook his head as though he could forget about it and it would disappear, but he couldn't. He slumped in the chair he sat at, looking close to tears.

But there was no one around to hug, and so Kirby hugged himself, trying to ward off this awful pain.

Ash had been discussing plans with Pikachu in their room at a hotel when both of them grew silent. The Pokemon trainer sat up and met Pikachu's gaze.

"What is that, Pikachu?"

His thunder mouse shook its head, unsure how to answer the question, for he didn't know the answer. He looked up at Ash from where he sat at his feet, and upon seeing the single unshed tear in his eye, crawled over to lay down in his lap.

"Pikapi..." Pikachu murmured, nuzzling into Ash's arm. The brunette let out a sigh and sat back against the headboard, petting the Pokemon absently.

"I wish we could help."

Link shot up from his bed, struggling to catch his breath, cold sweat running down the back of his neck as images rushed through his head. He ran his free hand through his hair and had gotten out of bed silently, intent on a glass of water, when he staggered, catching himself on the end of the bed, his eyes wide. He knew he was still recovering from a wound, but it hadn't been that bad, had it?

A Hylian guard appeared at the door. "Link, sir, are you alright?"

Link took in a shaky breath and nodded confirmation, dismissing the guard and shutting the door. He turned and slumped, sitting back against it, his entire body trembling. He rested his hand at his chest and mouthed a silent prayer to the Goddesses that whoever it was in need of help would receive it from someone else. He tugged at his hair in frustration, cursing himself silently for being unable to help. He didn't dare sleep any more that night.

A/N: This is my tribute to the man who built my life. He never knew me, and I never knew him, but he pieced together all of the characters that made me who I am today. Without Link, Mario, Ash, Pikachu, and Kirby, I would be a scared little girl with no courage. I knew all of these characters before I had even gone off to kindergarten, and all of them have left huge impacts on my life.

He greatly influenced my past, my present, and my future, and the characters of Nintendo are nothing without him. I hope that his life was as happy with us gamers as ours were with him. I miss him already.

Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata.