Chip opened his eyes to the sound of someone knocking on the door. It felt like he had closed his eyes 5 minutes ago instead of the 10 hours since he left his watch.

Disorientated by the door knock Chip wondered who it was.

"Who is it?"

"It's Lee. May I come in?"

Sitting up Chip replied "Yes"

The door opened and Lee said Good morning.

"Is it?" Chip replied.

"You really aren't at your best first thing are you?" Lee joked

"I just need my coffee" Chip replied pulling back the covers and rubbing hand over his face. Feeling a little achy he climbed out of his bunk and walked across to the bathroom.

"You ok?" Lee asked "You look a little off colour? I've never known you to be asleep so early after duty" Lee said sitting down on the edge on Chips desk.

Chip splashing his face with cold water and dabbing dry with his towel. "How did you know I was asleep early?"

"I stopped by around 8 to see if you wanted a chance to win back some of your money with a few hands of gin. You were spark out in your bunk"

"Sorry Lee - I didn't even hear you knock last night"

"That's alright you obviously needed the rest. You feeling alright?"

"I don't know. Maybe I am coming down with something. I've slept for ten hours and still feel as tired as I did hitting the sack last night" Chip said fetching his uniform from his locker.

"Well listen, take it easy today and see how you feel. Be sure to visit the doc if you don't feel better" Lee said sounding concerned for Chip.

"I will. Hopefully a hot shower, fresh uniform and a hot cup of coffee will sort me out"

"I'll grab us some coffee and meet you in the control room before we get started" Lee turned towards the door.

"Thanks Lee – I'll be there in 2o minutes"

Chip headed towards the shower as Lee left to get the coffee.


As promised Lee had fetched coffee for both himself and Chip. Chip came into the control room fresh from his shower and made his way to the control table. Lee handed him his coffee and as he lifted the cup to his lips he realised he couldn't drink it. The smell was enough to convince him he could not keep it down. He made it look like he took a sip so as not to offend Lee but also to stop him from fussing.

"Better?" Lee asked Chip

"Much" Chip lied

Lee noticed that Chip hadn't touched his coffee as he placed it back down on the table. He could read Chip like a book – his first sip of coffee of the day was more like a gulp which half emptied the mug. Today he barely touched it.

They both discussed the plans for the day as this would be their last day at their current position before setting a course for home. The admiral was back at the institute overseeing the final stages of production of new radar equipment for Seaview. Lee was keen to get back to see the progress he had made.

By lunchtime Chip had gone to the missile room to make final checks on the diving bell before a dive later in the afternoon. He had steadily started to feel worse as the day had gone on and felt exhausted carrying out even the simplest of tasks; walking from the control room to the missile room, took every ounce of energy out of him.

"You ok Mr Morton?" Chief Sharkey asked snapping Chip from his thoughts

"I'm fine chief. Why do you ask?" Chip now wondering if his appearance was giving away how bad he felt

"You look a little…warm sir" He gestured to his wet forehead.

Chip raised his hand to wipe away the beads of sweat. "Must be a little warm in here"

The hatch door sounded and Lee walked into the missile room. Chief Sharkey made his way over to the Captain and mentioned that they were almost ready for the mission later in the day. In the meantime Chip tried to continue with his checklist but he was struggling to stay on his feet. He felt a little faint and leaned forward lowering his head and placing his hands on his knees. Lee seen Chip moving in a forward motion and just managed to get out a shout of "CHIP?!" before Mr Morton hit the deck.

Lee ran forward towards Chip. "Chief get the doc on the double"

"Aye, aye Sir" replied Sharkey

Lee turned Chip onto his side putting him in the recovery position. He noticed that Chip was sweating and placed the back of his hand on the XO's forehead. There was no doubt about it – Chip had a fever. As Lee loosened Chips tie, he started to come round.

"What happened?" Chip asked confused as to why he was on the deck

"You passed out" Lee replied as Jamie arrived

Chip tried to sit up but soon realised that that was not a good move. He was dizzy and immediately lay back down as Sharkey arrived with Jamie.

"Dizzy?" Jamie asked

Chip nodded. "Your blood pressure will be in your boots" Jamie put the blood pressure cuff around Chips arm as Lee and Sharkey watched over.

"He's got a fever doc." Lee said

"I'm fine Lee." Chip uttered as Jamie placed a thermometer in his ear.

"If you don't mind me saying sir I think you are far from fine. You look as white as a sheet" Sharkey stated as Lee nodded in agreement.

"Chip how long have you felt unwell?" Jamie asked

"I don't know – since last night I guess; little achy" Chip replied with his eyes closed

"Is it serious doc?" Lee asked

"I think he has the flu. Fever is obvious as is the tiredness, he needs rest" Jamie replied "Let's get you to sick bay"

"No" Chip protested as he moved to sit up against the bulk head with his eyes now open

"Chip, you have a fever of 102 you need to be monitored" Jamie stated

"I'm still on duty" Chip replied

"Chip you are in no condition to carry out your duties –tell him doc" Lee urged his XO

"I'll make you a deal; no duty and complete rest in your cabin" Jamie suggested

Chip opened his mouth to protest but before he had a chance Lee spoke for him. "Seems a good plan to me doc"

Chip rolled his eyes "Come on Sir – See sense" Sharkey said

Lee and Doc helped him to his feet and Sharkey took Lees place as he helped Mr. Morton to his cabin. Lee picked up the checklist and continued with the checks for the dive.

As Chip was helped into his cabin he really wanted to take a shower but did not have the energy to do so. Jamie placed him on his bunk and by the time his head hit the pillow he was asleep.

"Thanks for your help Chief"

"No worries doc – let me know if you need anything" Jamie nodded

As Sharkey left Jamie took out his stethoscope and listened to Chips chest. He re-took his blood pressure and although it was a little low it was coming back up. He got a wash cloth from the bathroom and soaked it in cold water and placed it on Chips forehead. He placed a blanket over the XO and dimmed the lights before making his way to Sickbay leaving him asleep.