Hey everybody! It's been a while since my last update, but I am back from my vacation in Georgia and the Carolinas. This is a Spring Break fanfic that I will be updating daily because I thought it would be appropriate that way, even though it's summer right now. It's still the same type of weather in my opinion, in Florida at least.
Just as a warning, this is my first time trying to write from other characters' points of view so it might not be good. In my other stories, they had short sections so that wasn't a problem, but in this, I had to do long sections in order to show their personalities and character development. But a major thing is that I'm still mainly focused on Yuugi and Yami's relationship, so I didn't do so well with the other characters' relationships. I am happy to accept any kind of criticism to improve viewpoints or anything else.
So without further ado, enjoy!
"Heads up!"
A young man in beach shorts yelled out to his friends before serving the volleyball. The opposing team caught it before it hit the sand and hit back with full force. The match went on for a few seconds, the boys perfectly working in sync, sweat flying off of their bodies, their toned bodies glistening under the hot sun.
The boy who served the ball ran right up to the net, just when his companion was about to pass it on his side. He jumped high, raised his arm, and spiked it, almost hitting the guy in the face. The volleyball landed on the sand, signifying the end of the match and the winners of the game.
"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"
The spectators who were watching clapped in congratulations. His friends on the opposing team groaned, but congratulated him as well. They picked up the volleyball and decided to do a rematch.
Almost every inch of Domino Beach was occupied by high school and college students on their spring break. Summer and party music blared loudly from radios, umbrellas shaded people laying on towels or chairs, people surfed on the large waves, any kind of activity that was appropriate for the beach was being done under a cloudless blue sky.
A 19-year-old college male laid down on his towel, sunbathing, his bronze skin sheen with sun tan lotion. His eyes were closed and a small grin adorned his face as he soaked up the sun's rays. Although his eyes were shut, he still felt the interested stares of girls on him as they walked pass him. The corner of his mouth quirked up when he heard the giggles and whispers.
"Oi, Yami," Bakura called out. "Are you ready?"
Yami languidly stretched then opened his narrowed crimson eyes to his white-haired friend. "Yes. Let's begin the game."
At Yami's school, he is considered an infamous heartbreaker. He dates a girl for a short time and dumps her as soon as he gets what he wants. Rumors started spreading about him at his school, so Yami decided to look for new targets elsewhere. And what better place than the beach during spring break, where you'll only see the girl for a week then never see her again?
Yami twisted away from Bakura so now he was on his side, propped up by his left elbow. The playboy scanned the beach expertly with the help of Bakura. There were some good-looking girls with attractive features, like glossy hair and slim bodies, but none of them captured his attention.
He was about to give up and try again tomorrow until his eyes widened on a single girl that just entered the beach. She had creamy white skin like a pearl, her violet-tipped black hair cascaded down to her mid-back in waves. She wore a one-piece violet swimsuit that showed off her beautiful curves and was open at the back. Her blond bangs framed her round face, a white and purple hibiscus flower perched behind her ear. The most astonishing feature that Yami liked the most was her eyes. Her amethyst irises shined brightly in the sun, similar to precious jewels.
Yami observed her as she and her guy friends settled down about fifteen feet away from him and Bakura. He smirked smugly to himself as he realized that the girl's friends could be good matchups for his friends.
"I think I found my next girl, Bakura." Yami said.
"Already?" Bakura raised an eyebrow. "Where?"
He followed Yami's line of sight and saw the girl his eyes were trained on. A small grimace formed on his face.
"Meh. I give her a 7 out of 10, but if you like her, I won't judge. Her friend though." His brown eyes zeroed in on a young man that looked like an innocent version of him. "I'm interested in him."
Yami gracefully arched his eyebrows in surprise. Bakura rarely likes anyone, so to hear him say that he is interested in someone was surprising.
"So, are you going to go talk to her or what," asked Bakura.
"I have to wait until she's alone or else she won't talk to me."
They sat there for a few minutes until Bakura's face lit up.
"How about we make this more interesting?"
Yami twisted his neck to his white-haired friend, his face showing interest. "I'm listening."
"If you can't seduce that girl by the end of the week, you have to be my servant for a week."
Yami smiled. "Deal. But because you are attracted as well, you have to do the same thing too."
As soon as they shook hands to seal the deal, the pale girl got up and started walking to the smoothie shack on the beach. Yami stood and followed after her, trailing behind a few feet so as not to startle her.
Yuugi just paid for her mango pineapple blitz smoothie until a tan-skinned man came right beside her and ordered for a piña colada with his deep, attention-grabbing baritone voice. Without looking like she was interested, she looked at the man from the corner of her eye, taking in his physical appearance from the bottom up. His black swim shorts hung low on his hips. He had a lean yet muscular physique. His hair was similar to hers, except tipped in red and stuck up as if it was struck by lightning. She quickly averted her eyes when the guy turned his crimson gaze to her. Yuugi tried not to let her blush show.
Glad that he got her attention, Yami grinned. "Can I help you with something, miss?" he asked, turning his head to Yuugi.
Yuugi lowered her head, strands of her hair falling over her shoulder, a faint pink blush dusted her cheeks. "No, no, nothing," she stammered. "I'm sorry if I was staring."
Yami chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to it. I'm Yami, what's your name?"
"Yuugi," said person answered quietly while flipping her hair over her shoulder.
Why is this smokin' hot guy talking to me, Yuugi though to herself. Surely he's not interested in me. I'm nothing special. I don't have a perfect body or big cleavage. There are plenty of other women he can talk to, so why me?
The waiter brought their cold beverages, tiny beach umbrellas perched in them. Yuugi thanked the waiter and Yami simply nodded. Yuugi took a sip of hers and she hummed in pleasure as the tanginess of the pineapple and the sweetness of the mango assaulted her taste buds.
Yami shivered at her hum and continued talking, maintaining a composed voice. "So, what about you?"
"What about me," Yuugi asked before taking another sip.
"Has anyone stared at you before?"
"Sometimes not in a good way, but I usually ignore it. Why?"
"Because you look so gorgeous, I find it hard to believe that nobody hasn't."
Yuugi almost spat out her drink at the unexpected compliment but she managed to keep it in her mouth. She swallowed the liquid in one gulp and turned her head to Yami for the first time since their conversation. Yami continued to drink and stare at her, his gaze scanning over her body. Yuugi blushed bright red.
"Well, thank you. You're the first person to say that to me."
Yami nonchalantly shrugged. "I only speak the truth." He continued drinking until his glass was half-empty. "So, I have another question for you."
"Is it another compliment that will make me do another almost spit-take?" Yuugi playfully retorted.
Yami chuckled. "No, though your reaction was pretty cute. Would you like to go out with me?"
This time, Yuugi didn't sip her drink so not to embarrass herself. At his question, her eyes widened.
"You're asking me," she said incredulously, pointing at herself.
"You're the only person I'm talking to. What do you say?"
Yuugi's mind was running a mile a minute. She kept on debating with herself whether she should date a guy she just met and know hardly about or take a big risk and see how it plays out. She mentally chose the latter.
She twirled her hair around her finger. "Sure, I'll go out with you."
"Great. Give me your cell number and we can meet up tomorrow."
So Yuugi did just that. After he memorized it, he quickly finished his smoothie and walked back to his friends. Yuugi stared after him, still asking herself what did she just herself into. She shook off the thought and decided to take it in stride. She finished her drink and ran to her friends, excited to tell them about her soon-to-be eventful spring break.
And that's the first chapter. The next one will be up tomorrow. What I mean by "seduce" is not falling for them instantly, but taking their innocence. Again, give me constructive criticism if needed anytime. Review please!