Neo - Gotham
And we're back for yet another chapter of this damn story now onto the story also.
Right after breakfast
I walked out of the cafe about 3 minutes after max. I pulled out my wallet and paid for the food and leaving a tip for the waitress, before finishing the rest of my coffee. I wipe my mouth, grab my jacket and leave. I was about to get on my bike, but it was a beautiful day, so I decided to go for a little walk.
As I'm walking I take second to admire this part of the city. It's a small part of town that contrast drastically to the rest of Gotham. There's nothing really other than small shops and homes. There are a lot of trees and plants a rare sight in the city of darkness.
Only this city. My city could be like this, a place of the rich and wealthy one of the biggest in the world second to only her twin metropolis, for a place so big and amazing it couldn't be any more darker. While metropolis was the city of light, home to the super family, streets clean always alive, Gotham was the city of darkness, home to the bat family, infested with crime in the darkest corners.
But it's come a long way it may have its bads but the good out ways it. And the Gotham knights always beat the metropolis supermen at playoffs so that's what counts.
I keep walking before turning and heading back to my bike. When I reach of I turn it on and drive away admiring the bigger city. I'm about to head to the mansion when i remember there's nothing for ti do. I mostly just spend my days sleeping until it's time to go out at night. "Jesus how did this become my life", I laugh to myself as I take off to Wayne enterprises..
"Hello Mr. McGinnis."
"Hi ms. McLain", I tell my assistant as u walk to my office. "Any new info I should know about?"
"Um well you and mr. Wayne were invited to the park for their newest statue they put up. And there will be charity event this Friday in metropolis."
"Thank you", I say, "and what time is the charity event? "
"In about two hours"