100k views? Génial! Fantastique! D'autre adjectifs de Français!

As you could guess, the occasion for this chapter is indeed, the 100,000+ views achieved over the course of this story. Thank you! Muy Gracias! Merci beaucoup! Saudé! Obrigado! I have no idea how to thank you any more! This accomplishment is quite outstanding, on all of your behalves. As a result, here's a chapter from me to you, as a personal thanks.

Also, 7,800+ words! That's pretty nice, I'd say! Also, for those who still have it, have a Happy Halloween!

Neither Awesome Sawss or Luanastar own Pokemon.

The crispy winds of winter flew above the settling city of West Latias. Despite the blue skies and cheery sunlight shining down on the town, it was still certainly cold enough to turn a small pond into a temporary ice rink.

All the while, a Lucario sat on a large, white and pristine sofa surrounded by the security of her house, away from the freezing breezes. In her lap, were two small Riolu's peacefully resting with their eyes closed. They looked exactly the same: Same height; Same age of seven years; One could even go as far as to say they were twins. The only way to differentiate them were two different coloured scarves that sat around their frail necks - One was green, the other was purple.

Then, a tall Blaziken walked into the large room, wearing a golden hoodie with their name printed on the back. Of course, it could only be the Brendan Bursyamo to be wearing that silly combination. He took a seat next to the Lucario, carefully rubbing the green-scarf clad Riolu's cheek.

"Morning, Jasmine." spoke the Blaziken, taking said Riolu into his strong arms.

"Hmm, good morning, Brendan." moaned Jasmine, feeling the relief of a child's weight lifted from her paws.

"And, how are you this Saturday morning, dear Jacie?" (JAY-SEE) asked Brendan, snuggling the Riolu in his arms. "Did you sleep well?"

The small blue and black furred Pokemon stretched and shook her head briskly. "Not at all! Janine kept taking all the blankets! Don't you understand how cold it is?" (JAA-NEENE)

The Riolu in Jasmine's arms then immediately shot up straight, mouth agape with exaggerated shock. "As if, Jacie! Maybe if you got your big fat butt out of my face, we'd sleep better!"

"That's enough!" yelled Jasmine, setting Jacie down on the couch. "Now, when is my son getting here? It's been a bit more than a year and a half, and I want to see him already!"

Brendan smiled, forgetting about the arrival of his first-born on this exact day. "Calm down, dear! He's just come back a two year-long battling trip spanning seven different regions. Give him a break to rest; he's probably jet lagged from all of that travelling."

A smile lit up on Janine's face, but the same couldn't be said for her twin, Jacie, who had a very protruding pout on her maw. Although, this didn't go unnoticed by Jasmine, the elder Lucario.

"Now, Jacie, aren't you excited to see your elder brother return back home?" Jasmine inquired, squinting menacingly at the picky Riolu. "He's worked hard to get where he is now, so the least you could do is look alive!"

Jacie crossed her arms and huffed. "It's not that; you guys love Barry so much. I wanna get big cars and have hoodies with my name on them, too!" she ranted, rocking back and forth in the couch. Although it was is no way funny to her ears, for some reason, her father then burst out in laughter. "Hey, what's so funny!?"

Brendan put Janine to stand on the floor, before leaning over to talk to his daughter. "Well Jackie, your big brother Barry is an adult now - you're only seven! Barry works hard to get paid so he can buy his own cars, and get his own hoodies customly made for him. If you want what he has, you're gonna have to work for it."

Throwing her arms up in the air, Jacie groaned aloud, before walking out of the room, possibly to her room. Meanwhile, her twin made use of her time by picking up her portable video games console and settling down on the carpet. Yet, amid the large complex they all lived in, there was more than enough space for Janine to play on something a little more comfortable - it was mostly just a matter of preference.

"I think she's beginning to become spoiled." muttered Jasmine, crossing her legs and exhaling exasperatedly. "That, or she's experiencing mood swings a few years too early."

"She does that a lot, Mom. She just needs something to punch… or kick… or fire high-mass balls of plasma at. Something along those lines, t'sais?" casually stated Janine, mashing the buttons intensely. "I'll check on her in a second." Turning towards Brendan, as soon as Janine was awarded a break from her game, she asked: "Also Dad, who's the strongest fighter currently?"

Brendan put a talon under his beak, thinking long and hard. "Hmm… Well now that I'm retired, I'd take a swing in the dark and say… I have no clue, Janine. Only the future knows, eh?" he guessed, slouching back on the couch and turning on the large 65-inch television on the wall with a remote. "That, or of course, the TV knows too."

On the screen was a picture of a very familiar Barry Bursyamo, catching everyone's attention in the room - even a previously distraught Jacie had to scamper back into the lounge just to get a glimpse of her world-famous brother. He was certainly something to boast about in the school hallways.

The picture transformed in size, becoming smaller and moving to the bottom-right of the screen. Then, a Chatot appeared on the screen, wearing a formal shirt and tie.

"Good morning, all; It's a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon. I'm Ćet Ubeća, here to present the latest sports news. We're looking at 22 year-old battling superstar Barry Bursyamo - allegedly the best senior battler since his father, Brendan Bursyamo - and his future at the Emerald Deltas. A number of clubs have been eyeing up the young battler, especially after his performances at the Kanto rally…"

"Is that really my son?" yelped Jasmine, seeing her muscular boy portrayed as a true man on the big screen.

"Well, I don't know. Is it?"

A puzzled look befell everyone's faces, as they glanced around to see where the comment came from. The voice was so familiar, yet no one knew the source until a certain Lucario looked toward the doorway…

"Oh. My. Arceus." muttered Jasmine, flabbergasted at the sight of a Blaziken statue poised at the door frame. A purple hoodie hung over their shoulders like a broad twilight cape. They were certainly a lot taller than when they had initially left, and although they had grown in more ways than one - Their smile was still the exact same.

Jasmine stood up, as did the three others, examining the grinning Blaziken at the lounge door. None spoke a word. They could only gaze in shock.

The Blaziken opened their mouth to speak, holding their arms out wide open.

"E então, como está, minha mamai?!"

Immediately, Jasmine, Jacie and Janine all flew at the fire type hastily, nearly making him topple over from the force.

"Barry! My child, how are you? How was your trip? Did you get paid? Where's Lola? Do you have any grand-children for me?" rambled Jasmine, all the while latching onto him with a brutal hug.

"Jasmine, please. Give him some space, you guys." spoke Brendan, despite the fact that he was just as excited to see his son return from his trip. "You're probably hungry; Jasmine, please could you whip him up something to eat?"

"Saudé, tens razão." spoke Barry, patting his belly with vigor. "Estou com fome, obrigado mama!"

Everyone laughed but Jasmine, who could only fake laugh as she hadn't a clue on any word he said. Regardless, she left the room to quickly make some of Barry's favourite.

"Oooh, Barry! Tell us about your trip!" yipped Janine, crawling over to Barry's leg as he sat down on the couch.

"For sure! To start, we travelled all the way to Unova, and were able to win our matches there. Next, it was Kanto and Johto. After winning the "Ligue de les plus forts" and the "La Liga Fenomenal", we got to go to a massive after-party!" explained Barry, showing his younger sisters pictures of the massive party on his phone.

"You didn't get drunk, did you?" carefully asked Brendan, eyeing his son carefully. Surely, there would be no need to question him, though.

"Of course not, Dad! Je déteste le goût de l'alcool!" exclaimed Barry, shaking his head to Brendan's amusement.

"Haw haw! I was only kidding. Your sisters have been missing you for a long time - Especially Jacie here." told Brendan, nodding to the twin pair of Riolus sat on the carpet.

"Yeah, Jacie has been a mess without you around, big bro!" teased Janine, laughing, but backing away from her sister. Jacie stole a lot of traits from her mother, such as their tempers.

"N-No! I've been fine! It's just… a lot less fun with you around…" quietly admitted Jacie, blushing and looking towards the ground.

"Aw, don't worry Jacie; Once I go out and come back, we'll spar to your heart's content!" assured Barry, putting a smile on the young Riolu's face.

However, this promise didn't fall too well on Janine's ears. "Hey, but what about what I want? Sparring gets boring sometimes; I want to play video games with you guys, too!"

"There's no need to fret, Janine - We could play some of your video games when we take a break, alright?"

Janine nodded with a grin. She knew her brother was absolute garbage when it came to video games, but that was what made it all the more fun to watch him struggle with them.

"Hold on, Barry." interrupted Brendan, bringing up a talon. "You said you were going out and coming back… From where?"

"Of course! I was insisting on going out to visit Anais, just to see how she's doing. Maybe, I could catch up with Uncle Julley and Aunt Cassidy, too." Barry said, jangling his car keys with one of his digits.

Brendan nodded, understanding as per usual. "Well in that case, why don't you let me drive you there. That way, we could all go, and you'd get to have a rest. Plus, it's been awhile since I've seen those guys. It would make a great Saturday to see them again."

That agreement seemed like a good plan to them all. Jasmine came from the lounge door, holding a plate of Barry's favourite - 'Un crêpe de Kalos - Le crêpe de la crêpe á la Jasmine. The one and only.

"Oh, wow, Ma! Thanks a bunch - I was expecting something, anything but this!" Barry yipped, getting stuck into his meal as soon as he could.

Jasmine leaned over and delivered a caring kiss to the top of her son's feathery head. "Anything for my hard-working boy! Now, Janine - come and help Mommy clean up in the kitchen. After that, you guys need to go and get ready to go to Uncle Julley's house."

The gallant and grateful Janine upped and followed the Lucario into the kitchen, leaving Brendan, with two of his children in the lounge. Jacie scooched up to Barry on the couch, eyeing him enjoy his food carefully.

"Alors, mon frère - How are you doing with your girlfriend, Lola, hmm?" saucily asked the green scarf-wearing Riolu, leaning on the Blaziken's shoulder. Brendan had no choice but to give out a little laugh of his own - She got those traits from her mother, no doubt about it.

Barry shook his head and chuckled. "We're fine, Jackie. She's at home right now."

"Right, right…" The room grew quiet. Just by looking at the smug emotion on Jacie's face, however, one could easily tell that she was up to no good. "I mean, like, it's a healthy relationship, right?"

With the words that came out of the Riolu's mouth, Barry wasn't sure that she was merely seven years of age. "Is there something you want out of me? I don't have anything on me to give to you."

"No, none of that, bro! I just want to know… Do you guys, like… You know…" Jacie glanced at her father, before leaning into the Blaziken's ear to whisper. Immediately, Barry's eyes became like baseballs.

"Well, yikes, Jacie! You're a little too young for that, no?" he yelped, wiping his beak vigorously.

Brendan's eyebrows became uneven as his interests were piqued. Jacie was a mischievous little girl, yes, but hopefully, she wasn't on about what he thought she was on about. "Hey, what are you talking about?"

"I just wanted to know if Barry and Lola make kissy-faces with each other…" mumbled Jacie, a red form of a blush appearing on her face.

"You aren't supposed to be asking those questions, Jacie!" lectured Brendan, a serious stern stare becoming of a simple glance. "Now, go to your room and get changed. We leave in half an hour."

Jacie threw her arms into the air exasperatedly, but nonetheless did what she was told. Barry nodded to his father who acted like a lifesaver in a sea of uncomfort. But, that same lifesaver was soon to be popped by a needle of irony.

"So, Barry… Have you guys done it yet?"

"D-Dad! Is that question really appropriate?" retaliated Barry, no longer feeling the appetite to finish his food.

"No, I guess not…" muttered Brendan, embarrassed that he was getting chastised by his own son. "Sorry, it's just so boring being retired."




"I mean, I just wanna know, Barry."


Janine and Jacie were in their shared bedroom, grooming their fur and freshening themselves up to get ready to go. However, one of them was a little distracted with the computer in their room.

"I don't understand why you like that game so much, Janine. Gaming is a waste of time, and is only played by turbo-nerds with no lives." uttered Jacie, running a brush through her cerulean fur on her arms.

"Okay, now listen here you little Shinx." interjected Janine, adjusting her scarf with one paw and putting the other in the air. "I'll have you know that "Terminal Trance VII" is, hands down, one of the best massively multiplayer online role-playing games ever made. It's made more money than that stupid comb of yours, that's for sure."

Jacie huffed, putting her hair apparatus away. "First off, it's a brush, not a comb, stupid. Secondly, why in the Distortion world is the series called 'Terminal Trance', if there's six whole other games after it?"

"...Buzz off. I'm trying to get Barry to give me money so I can finally get some downloadable content for this game." replied Janine, clicking furiously on the mouse buttons. What intense gameplay.

"Barry giving you money? How though? He doesn't have any money." told Jacie, but the topic of their conversation was actually enough to make her put her brush down on their bedroom dresser.

Janine cackled at her sister's ignorance. "Wow, Jace; you really are something else! Where do you think he got his car from? Barry gets paid millions per month, you know!"

"W-What? Why?"

"Geez, you must be seriously out of the loop, sis." deadpanned Janine, rolling her eyes. "You see, our brother is an international professional batter, yes?"

Janine waited until Jacie nodded to show her understanding, which in comparison to her sister, the Riolu showed an unhealthy lack of.

"Good. Then, battling is also a competitive sport that people pay hundreds to see. So, if Barry battles for the best and most popular battling team in the region, that would mean he'd get a lot of money! Do you understand?"

As patronizing as that explanation was, Jacie couldn't help but let her jaw drop to the ground. "S-So, you're saying that Dad didn't just buy him all of his stuff?"

"Of course not, you numb-nut! Barry's completely minted!" shouted Janine, clicking on her mouse more and more superbly. "I just haven't asked him for any money, as I haven't had any need for it until now."

Jacie stomped over to her twin sister, grabbing her by her shoulders and shaking her around like a ragdoll. "Why hadn't you told me this sooner?!"

"Get off me, dude! You're messing up my game!" yelped Janine helplessly.

"As if, just tell me how to get his money!" yelled Jacie, dragging her sister out of her chair and onto the floor in an act of desperation. Soon enough, the barely civil talk had briskly transformed into an all-out brawl. However, in the house of the Bursyamo's, this was nothing out of the ordinary.

The door opened, with an elder Lucario stepping into the room, making the dueling duo turn silent in fear.

"What are you two doing? Get yourselves ready and hurry up, for Arceus' sake!" shouted Jasmine, the alleged ruler of the house.

"Sorry, Mom! She started it!"

"It wasn't my fault, though!"

Jasmine only stared the two down like a predator about to pounce, making them get the hint very effectively. Immediately, the two Riolus dispersed, each doing their own productive activity to get themselves ready. Jasmine shook her head, leaving the room with smile on her face. She could only imagine how bad it must've been for her husband's parents.

The door swung open, revealing a very tired Umbreon. His knees trembled in need of sleep - eyelids drooping like drapes suspended from a broken railing. Work had hit him like a brick - that had a thousand nails poking out from it's rough surface. As of this moment, the only thing Julley wanted now was a good eight hours of sleep, at the very least.

Taking a look down the corridor of the front foyer, he noticed his youngest child, Julius, now 10 years of age, standing right at the entrance to the kitchen.

"Hiya, Dad!" quipped the perpetually cheery Eevee.

"Good morning, Julius. How's your sister and mother?" asked Julley, stretching out his back. Retirement would sound great right about now.

"Oh, Mom's fine. She's in the garden fixing up her veggies, and Anais is still asleep, as always." joked Julius, hopping over to his father to receive a hug. "Also, Mom got a call from Aunt Jasmine an hour ago - she said that they were coming over!"

For goodness' sake! I can't have one break for once in my life?!

'Course not, dude! I thought you noticed that 23 years ago!

Ugh, and that's why I'm upset. I love Brendan, Jasmine 'n' all, but as of this moment, I could kill just for one hour of sleep.

Well, I mean… You have a knife in the kitchen, and a perfectly vulnerable Eevee in your paws… Just saying.

...What is wrong with you!?


Julley shook himself out of his stupor. Great. Now it was hard to look at his son properly. "Alright, Julius. Tell your mom I'm here, too. I'm gonna get myself ready."

Julius nodded and zoomed off into the garden. Meanwhile, Julley stepped up the staircase in the direction of his room. Along the way, he stumbled across his first-daughter's room, which was now colonized by his son, now that Anais no longer lived here. It was only noon, so chances were that Anais was awake by now.

He pushed the door open, glad to see Anais sat simply on her bed, using her phone that never ceased to be interesting.

"Good morning, Anais. Did you sleep well?" asked Julley, venturing further into the room.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine Dad." answered Anais, not taking her eyes off her phone, not even for a brief second. "Ugh, my mattress is so uncomfortable; I'd rather sleep in Julius' bed. That, or I need to bring one from my house next time."

Julley laughed, and looked at himself in the mirror, noticing the very obvious bag under his eyes. "Tell me, Anais - why are you always looking at your phone? You haven't even gotten out of bed yet!"

Groaning, Anais threw her head back and paw into the air. "C'mon, Dad! You know that SnapChatot is probably the most popular app out there. Plus, I'm just using it to talk with my friends."

Rolling his eyes, Julley backtracked to the entrance of the room. "Well, make sure to be up soon - we've got Jasmine and her lot coming through."

Anais sat up straight, her bed covers flying off her body. "Really? Does that mean we'll finally be getting more money?"

"A-Anais..! It's rude to think of them like that… But hopefully, they're feeling generous today…"

Anais giggled as she jumped out of bed and trekked down the stairs. Meanwhile, Julley went across the hallway to his own quarters. Maybe, he had enough time to run a shower for himself, brush out his fur, and maybe get something to eat befor-


Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Julley knew that it was always a necessity to see his old friend and their family from time to time, but did it have to be today? The Umbreon inwardly groaned as he went back down the stairs and to the front door. He could already hear muttering from behind the door already. Reluctantly, albeit inevitably, Julley pulled the door open, unveiling five figures: Two Blazikens, two Riolus and a single Lucario, all wearing the same smile.

"Hiya, bro!"

"Guten tag, Julley!"

"Buenos dias, Uncle Julley!"

"Bom dia!"

"Salut, uncle!"

Julley was surprised at the greetings that were made in unison by the group of five. It was as if it was rehearsed over and over again to perfection.

"Wow, great to see all of you guys again! Come and join us in the lounge!" chirped Julley, yet it was all-too obvious that the dark-type was more than just sleep-deprived. In his zombie-like state, Julley opened the door further to let the Bursyamos in.

"Come on, bro! You talk as if we aren't your family!" joked Jasmine, playfully slapping the Umbreon across his back. Although, wasn't so playful for the recipient.

"Haha… just make yourselves at home, I'll go and grab Cassidy from outside." told Julley, leaving his gues- Uh, I mean, family, in the lounge with his trustworthy children.

"Rightyo." told Brendan, accompanied by a Brendan Bursyamo Branded Thumbs-up and that same smile on his beak. He then turned towards the Sylveon and Eevee that were already sat on the sofas in the living room. "Heyyy! Anais! Julius! It's been awhile, huh?"

Anais nodded, getting up to greet the large family. "Too true, Uncle Brendan. By the way, have you lost weight? You deffo aged well. And Aunt Jasmine! Still as beautiful as ever! Oh, and don't get me started on YOU, Barry Berry Beedot Bursyamo! Battling has seriously shaped you up - I mean, just look at those glorious biceps, hamstrings and - If I may - glutes on you! And wow, don't even get me onto these beautiful twins of yo-"

"Alright, enough chit-chat, Anais. What do you want?" deadpanned Jasmine, already sick of the Sylveon's attempt to suck up to them.

Lolling out her tongue, Anais begun her tangent. "Well, take a seat, Auntie, and I'll tell you all that you need to know to make this Anais, a happy Anais!" she said, sitting the motherly Lucario down on the couch while whipping out a pen and notepad from seemingly nowhere.

Yet, before the fairy type could begin, two Eeveelutions of equal size and mass came into the room. One of them made contact with the Lucario that sat on the couch, and immediately started screaming.



The icy glaceon shot out and into the paws of her best friend, embracing her cream-coloured furry jacket in all it's softness.

"How is it been, gal!?" asked Cassidy, gazing into the Lucario's red dazzling irises. "By the look of your three little beauties, I'd say just fine!"

Jasmine giggled and flicked a flippant paw at the Glaceon, as if she was sixteen once more. Then again, what was the difference between her then and her now?

"D'aww, I have indeed been great, Cass! By the way, I love what you've done with the place. It just looks like everything in here is damn-brand new!" squealed Jasmine ecstatically, pointing at the more obvious changes in interior design.

"Thank you, dear! Say, why don't we go into the kitchen and talk this over a cup of tea?" proposed Cassidy, hopping onto the floor. It was around this time that she realised that she had just been sat in the Lucario's lap the whole time. Thankfully, it went unnoticed by Jasmine, who nodded and followed the ice type into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Julley had only given Brendan one look - one that both had understood very well.

"So…" Brendan began, a small smile sneaking onto his beak. "You've got beer, right?"

"Yeah… There's some Super Bonsly in the fridge (Shoutouts to my Johtoguese folks), but… Are you sure that you want to start so early?" warned Julley, getting back onto his wobbly four paws.

"Julley, please. Ever since these two rascals were born, I've had nothing but apple juice for the past seven years - Just let me have this one." pleaded Brendan, trying not to be suppressed by the sounds of Janine and Jacie giggling to one another.

"I guess… I'd say that we go into the garden, then."

Brendan shrugged, nonchalantly. "Allons-y. As long as I get something refreshing to drink."

And with that, Brendan and Julley were out of the room, abandoning their proud products reclining on the lounge chairs. The youngest of the Breon-Solian family, Julius, was the next to speak.

"Hey, Janine. You know my mom bought me "Minuncraft" last week, as well as some sweet mods for it too. Do you wanna come play upstairs?" Julius asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"SIM! SIM! VAMOS-LÁ, MEU CARA!" screamed Janine, already scrambling up the stairs and into Julius and Anais' room.

Julius smirked as he stood up smugly. He really knew how to make a girl scream and get them into his bedroom. Yet, there was only one problem.

"By the way, Anais. Can we use your laptop to play? I broke mine because I kept getting spawn-killed by some noob-canoe." told Julius, his pride diminishing slowly and surely.

Anais could only shake her head in frustration. "Look, I don't know what the hell any of that means, but just take it." Julius happily fist pumped the air as he trotted towards the exit. "Hold on, though! You better not break it. Also, don't even think about looking on my search history."

Rolling his eyes at the usual warnings and empty threats that his sister gave him, Julius waved her off with a lazy nod. "Don't worry, It'll be fine. I'm just gonna show Janine the girth of my prized possesion, then maybe let her have a play with it, too."

Anais grimaced painfully, but Barry could only sit and stare cluelessly at the normal type. Sort of pathetic for a 22 year old to not understand that, eh?

"S-Sure, just go already. You're destroying my brain cells."

And so, Julius disappeared, alongside with one of the Bursyamo twins. Anais and Barry nearly had the lounge to themselves. However, one adamant opponent stood in their way, and their name was Jacie Bursyamo. The Riolu's presence brought the adults' conversations from an M to a U.

"Hey, um… Jacie? Surely, you should be upstairs with Janine and Julius." told Barry, twiddling the fabric of his hoodie between his talons sheepishly.

Jacie, being the complete opposite of her bashful brother, threw her legs up onto the couch and smiled. "No, I'm fine! If anyway, I want to hang out with you guys, since all they're doing upstairs is just playing their stupid, boring games."

Albeit groaning internally, Barry nodded and accepted the newest addition to their entourage, who was actually about 15 years younger than himself and Anais. "Okay, I suppose that's alright. You can stay with us."

"Great. Do you guys want to talk about brands of handbags?"

Anais gawked in happiness, already taking a liking to their youngest crew member. On the other hand, Barry exhaled and rested his head on his paw. This wasn't going to be a very pleasant stay.

Two men - both husbands and fathers - named Brendan and Julley, sat in the garden individually on separate deck chairs. In their possession were two bottles of the good stuff. It was one of the best things to share with friends, as the bitter wind rushed through their fur and feathers like a comb. They did not mind, though. Glancing down from the sky was the bright yellow sun, who was seemingly abandoned by their cloudy cohorts.

"Thanks, by the way, Brendan." said Julley, looking up to the blue blanket that stretched across the sky.

"For what? I didn't buy these drinks." Brendan replied, looking at the brand stickered onto the side of the bottle. "But geez, does it taste good."

"No, I didn't mean it like that - I just wanted to thank you for being around me for all these years. Like, how long have we known each other? Since high school?"

Brendan nodded. "Come on, dude. You were a great person to be around. Though, I never would've expected you to be Jasmine's brother. You wouldn't believe how shaken I was when you came 'round the corner that day!"

Julley chimed in with laughter. "Yeah, I definitely saw the look on your face! But hey, all the more reason to have you around. I could tell you loved Jasmine truly back then; Especially with how you looked at her in battling!"

Shrugging with a smirk, Brendan let out a chuckle. "What can I say? She's HAWT! Although, that didn't compare to the googly eyes you made for Cassidy. I get she was pretty cute, but damn, Julley. You gave her a look like a Mightyena looks at a steak, dude!"

"C-Cassidy? N-No! I never looked at her like that! I just thought that her looks were very… tasteful." denied Julley, but the blush on his face didn't vouch for that very well.

"Sure you did." deadpanned Brendan, popping the lid off another bottle with his beak. It payed off to have one, in most cases. "And I'm the governor of Hoenn."

Julley shook his head and grabbed another bottle from the cooler box that sat between them. "Whatever you s-say… To be honest, I don't really enjoy the taste of beer."

"Really? I only drink it because it's refreshing when cold. If that's the case, though, maybe you could save some for Jasmine later. I know she'll chug these thing down as if her life depended on it. In fact, at this time and point, it probably does."

Julley beamed and placed the bottle back. "Alright. Maybe I'll give her some in a second. Meanwhile, can you tell me what exactly happened to you during senior prom again? I just really want to know."

At the same time, Cassidy Breon-Solian and her sister-in-law Jasmine Bursyamo sat inside the kitchen, chatting to each other over mugs of tea. The Glaceon took another sip of her drink, before looking at the Lucario across from her.

"So, what do you think those two are talking about outside?"

Jasmine lifted her shoulders, as if the answer was obvious. "Pfft, probably what most men talk to each other about when women aren't around; Sports, and other women."

Cassidy sighed, accepting the hard truth. "Yeah, that's true. I don't know why they'd want to, though. Surely, they could chat about something more worthwhile, like the memories they shared over the years?"

"Well, men will be men, am I right?" told Jasmine, letting the taste of Pecha berry tea run across the taste buds of her tongue. "Now, tell me about how business is going. As in, with your shop."

"Oh, that? You know, business is great! I've employed some more people to work night shifts to accommodate for the larger amounts of people that visit the store. Plus, amid the other clothes you can buy, Brendan and Barry's authentic and worn hoodie-things really get the people reaching for their wallets! Though, isn't it kinda gross buying stuff that people have worn already?"

Laughing, Jasmine grinned from behind her mug. "Doesn't matter, Cass. Money is money. By the way, do you want the boys to sign some more hoodies? I think that'll help you out some."

Cassidy wagged her head excitedly. "Thanks Jasmine. Anyway, how is life treating you and your family?"

"If I'm honest, it could be better, but I am loving it regardless. Janine and Jacie to fight a lot - not that there's any way I could be expecting them to get along - but at least they both enjoy being around their brother. Meanwhile, Brendan manages some battling stuff at the 'Deltas or whatever. So, that leaves me with a bunch of work, and two little rascals that have mouths to stuff. Perfect, am I right?"

Jasmine's method of phrasing certainly left Cassidy with a laugh inside her cheeks. "That sounds hilariously hectic, Jasmine. Hey, you know… I think you should write an autobiography, centered around your life as a whole."

"Pfft, as if." Jasmine answered back. "I'm not Brendan; I'm not famous. I'll doubt people will care much about it."

"What?! That's not true at all, and you know it. Plus, you're the wife of Brendan Bursyamo, and mother to Barry Bursyamo! That's a guaranteed way to catch a whole crowd's eye." argued Cassidy, making Jasmine put her paw to her chin in serious consideration.

"Well, I mean… I guess that's right… You know, thanks a bunch, Cass. I seriously think I should actually do that someday. I've alway wanted to be an author, between you and me."

"Then do it, Jasmine! I know you have that magical way with words. Plus, when you end up publishing it, you better remember that I'd be the first to read. I'll even pay full price for the book when it first comes out, too!" squawked Cassidy, but at this moment, she was essentially flattering the Lucario.

"Then I'll hold you to that! Just you wait. It's about time that I put my name out there, you know? It's tiring seeing Brendan and Barry all over the media, and stuff. But, in the next half-decade, it'll be this bad girl on the big screen!" Jasmine yelled, pumping her paws into the air. "But for now… I think I could do with a beer. Hey, do you think you have some in the fridge?"

"Probably." Cassidy replied, sort of disappointed that even after that little speech, she couldn't get rid of the Jasmine in Jasmine. "But you know, you're probably the only person I know who drinks before 1 o'clock in the afternoon."

"That's how Jasmine works, dear." chimed Jasmine, getting up and sauntering over to the fridge. "The sooner you understand, the better."

"Geez, Louise. I could do with a beer. How about you, Barry?" asked Anais, elbowing her cousin in the ribs. Of course, they were still within the presence of one of Barry's younger sisters, Jacie. Unfortunate for the duo, the Riolu seemed adamant on not moving an inch.

Barry's frown grew on his beak. "Not at all; I don't really drink."

"Liar, liar, Barry! We saw you drinking on the pictures on your cellphone!" interjected Jacie, although this conversation certainly was not for her age demographic.

"Oh, really? Is that a fact, Barry?" breathed Anais, sticking her tongue out to tease the younger Blaziken.

"N-Não! Não estás com razão!" immediately cried Barry, flailing his arms like a headless Torchic. That wouldn't be a very pleasant sight. "That did not contain any alcohol, Jacie! Don't try making me look like that kind of person."

"Hmm, are you sure?" Anais nearly whispered. Chances did state that the small Blaziken boy Barry was telling the truth. However, who wouldn't want to create some fun out of it? "I mean, I never took someone like you to be such a heavy drinker…"

That deliberate chaff was succeeded by laughter from the Riolu sat on the other side of Barry. She knew a lot more than her age would suggest. No wonder she was Anais' favourite.

"Oh, yeah, Anais! You should see him at home! Beer bottles of 'Super Bonsly', everywhere! He loves the Pecha berry taste!" laughed Jacie, expanding her arms out wide to express the "thousands" of alcohol that Barry would consume.

Now, this was getting ridiculous.

"Come on, guys. This is getting ridiculous." muttered Barry. Well said on his behalf. "I don't drink beer at all, and you both know that… Wait… 'Super Bonsly' doesn't state the flavours on the actual bottle itself. How do you know how it tastes like, Jacie?"

The room stood still. Anais stopped laughing, and joined Barry to stare at the now sweating Riolu, who was caught with her pants down.

"Umm… HELLO? HELLO?! JANINE ARE YOU CALLING ME? OKAY HOLD ON!" shrieked Jacie, pacing out of the room and skipping up the stairs expeditiously. Anais smirked at how once a confident bully turned into a red-faced Riolu with their tail between their legs.

The Sylveon turned to glance at her confused cousin beside her, eyeing the Blaziken's facial features greedily.

"So Barry…"

"Yes ma'am?"

"I know you're with Lola, so I just need some advice."

"What would that be, Anais?"

"...How attractive would you say a woman could be with a criminal record?"

Jacie scuttled up the stairs, finally finding refuge in the safety of Julius' bedroom. In there, she found her sister sat alongside Julius on his bed. The Riolu was perched right up against the Eevee, with only their faces being visible amid the darkness around them due to the flash of the laptop screen being the only source of illumination. The curtains were closed firmly, and the light was turned off. Spooky, eh?

"What's going on?" asked Jacie, thankful that the two were too occupied to take a look at her red flushing cheeks.

"Shh..! Close the door, sis; You're letting all the light in!" whined Janine, still focused on the laptop screen.

Jacie just had to see what was so interesting, so she too hopped on the bed, taking a look on the screen of the laptop. "So, what game is this?"

Julius, who was the one actually playing the game while Janine watched, barely averted his gander to reply. "You haven't heard of it? It's called 'Beldum and the Psychic Machine', one of the best horror games, period."

"Horror? In that case, you wouldn't want to play with Janine watching if you want these bed sheets dry." joked Jacie, seemingly not fazed at the gameplay of the scary game.

Julius chuckled a little, but Janine wouldn't expect anything less from her own twin sister. "Just you wait, Jacie. You'll be the one running out the door."

"As if. You know I don't get scared at all."

It was merely five minutes later, and Jacie was already nipping at her nails in fear. She would probably take a shower after this due to the amount of sweat she was now drenched in. For every second that passed, Jacie felt like something was about to pop out and grab her. Jacie's eyes widened like a tunnel when Julius' character approached a ramshackled wooden door. Shakily, she watched the character place a hand to the doorknob, slowly pulling the door open, then suddenly… a hand took hold of her shoulder.


"HOLY SHIFTRY!" screamed Jacie, flying off the bed and faceplanting onto the floor.

Janine exploded with fervent laughter, rocking the bed back and forth like a cradle. Even Julius, who was once focused on the game, dashed all care for it to the wind, and began yakking it up alongside his cousin. Unbeknownst to the Eevee, his character was caught by the oh-so scary monster, but no one really took notice.

"Janine, you bloody pleb! Don't scare me like that, should you want me to knock your head off with a roundhouse kick!" threatened Jacie, clutching her shoulder.

Janine didn't care, of course. She felt too accomplished in herself to anyway. "Ahahaha! You should've seen your silly face! I didn't even need to shout to get you to scream! Can you believe this Julius? All it took was one tap!"

"I can't lie, Jacie," wheezed the Eevee between breaths. "That's sort of pathetic!"

You knew it was bad when Julius joined in on the fun. Jacie felt like she could never show her face to the public ever again. Her dignity had been held above Janine's head, and thrown to the concrete ground, shattering into a million pieces, never to be seen again.

"L-Leave me alone! Your game sucks anyway!" shouted Jacie, getting up and lashing at Janine. Needless to say, another brawl had begun between the Bursyamo's. Julius rolled his eyes and shook his head. Putting his sister's laptop to the side, he took to breaking up the fight. He knew who the victor would be in the end, anyway.

Finally, after a long day that lasted off the basis of a family rendez-vous, it was time for the Bursyamo's to get going. Brendan, along with his family, stood in the front foyer across from Julley and his respective family. A homey smile sat comfortably on both of their faces.

"Thanks for having us over, Julley." spoke Brendan, nodding in time with his wife and their children.

"Yeah, it was amazing to see you after all these years, bro."

"I agree. Thank you for having us, sir. We will see you soon."

"Merci, Monsieur Julley!"

"Gracias, Señior Julley!"

"Hey, it was great seeing you all again. I'm glad you didn't forget us." responded Julley, baring his front teeth with a toothy grin.

The door was opened, and one by one, each member of the Bursyamo family stepped out of the complex. The last person to do so was Jasmine, who longed to see the face of his sibling once again.

"By the way, Jull." told the Lucario, who reached behind her back and pulled out a couple of beer bottles. "I hope you aren't gonna be needing these anymore. See ya'll later!"

"Bye-bye, Aunt Jasmine!"

"See ya later, Aunt J!"

"We should meet up again soon, Jasmine!"

And finally…

"I'll see you again promptly, Jasmine."

The door was shut, and the Breon-Solians were left to themselves. Julley felt himself smile on the outside, but frown on the fragile interior. As much as he loved to see his friends and sibling again, it hurt twice as much to see them go. He looked at his wife, who returned the favour with a warm beam.

"It was lovely seeing them again."

Julley dipped his head. "Of course. It's always nice to have your siblings over."

"Mhmm… Speaking of siblings, I think I'd better pay a visit to some of my own." said Cassidy, walking into the lounge with the others.

"Do you mean Uncle Cooper? Awesome!" bragged Julius, hopping up and down in the air - his favourite pastime.

"Of course, dear. Remember, you better be visiting your older sister when we grow old. There's nothing more important than family. Sure, friends can leave you, but family will always remain as family." Cassidy lectured, furrowing her brow. "That goes for you too, Anais."

"Yes mom."

"Okay, mama."

Clasping her paws together, Cassidy grinned and brushed up against her husband. "Now, how about we go out, and get some food to eat, as a family?"

The Breon-Solians cheered in happiness, as they bounded towards the door to spend the rest of the day, as a family.

And there it is! I'm glad that you, the lovely reader, took the time to actually read this, so a great special thanks to you, for making this all possible. This is no exaggeration, by the way. You all are the reason why this story got to where it is now. For that, I'd sincerely like to congratulate you. Thank you!

On a side note, when it comes to the progress of 'That Sylveon', I cannot guarantee that I'd be continuing it in the near future. As of right now, I've actually been trying to sort my own future out. XD So, to say the least, it's been pretty hectic, so I'm very sorry for letting you guys down on that part.

Nevertheless, I thank you so much for reading this, and so does Luanastar. Thank you for the 100,000+ views! Hopefully, there would be another chapter out there for you, so that we may meet again. :P Otherwise, thank you once again, and we will see you soon!

Wait, wait. Hold up. Okay, I am very much within my rights to state that I am a very integral character within this story, right? Well, if that is the case, why in the heck did I get only less than five lines of dialogue?! I'm... I'm PEEVED!

Don't worry, dude. There's always the sequel story to look forward to.

Yeah, I guess. At least, the next chapter would be coming out really soon, so I suppose I could wait. Right? It'll only be a week or so.

Ha... Uhm... Yeah..?

In that case, I can't wait!

Haha... Neither can I...

-Awesome Sawss/Luanastar