Heya minna! This is an announcement that the companion fic is now out! I hope you guys enjoy~! I have included the whole series in this for those who have not read the first fic of the series!


Stage Love

What if, Nagisa and Karma never knew each other? What if, Karma remained in Class A? When the school play began at the beginning of Year 3, the E class are to perform and Nagisa was chosen to cross-dress. The A class sent Karma to spy on the E class's progress and Karma meets Nagisa while he was cross-dressing. Love blooms!

Falling in Love

Karma has confessed to Nagisa, but Nagisa never did respond to Karma's confession. The midterms has just ended with Karma in first ranking again. Now it's time the inter-class competitions, and Karma is representing the A class for the singing competition. Karma is still intent on chasing after Nagisa but will Nagisa accept him?

Our Tradition

It has been a few months since Karma and Nagisa decided to try to get into a relationship. One day, Karma falls sick in class with a high fever. Events happen that lead to Nagisa bringing Karma to the red head's mansion. Thus leading to an improvement in their relationship.




I am really thankful to all of you for allowing me to come this far! Without you guys, I don't think I'll receive this much support! Thanks so much!



a.k.a. Otonashi Hayuka