A/N- NBC Owns Chicago Fire This is just Holiday fun with my favorite characters.
It was Christmas eve.
In darkness lit only by the Christmas tree, Kelly watched the snow fall with his baby girl in his arms Tomorrow was her first Christmas where she was old enough to know something was special. She was snuggly warm in her new pajamas, sleeping deeply finally.
She seemed to be a night owl, as much as a baby could be, having endless energy. They had settled her earlier, but Kelly had gone to check on her one last time, and she had been lying awake staring at the ceiling. He'd scooped her out of the crib, favorite blanket and all and carried her into the living room.
A mix of mix of mix of pacing and rocking sent her right back to sleep, and now Kelly was enjoying the sleepy weight of his daughter. Soon he would place her back in her crib and head to his own bed, but he took the moment for what it was and made it last.
Five years later, it was again Christmas eve. Mia was putting together her big advent gift, all the pieces finally fee of the calendar.
On the coffee table by her were some freshly baked peanut butter blossoms, frosted snowmen, and Christmas tree sugar cookies.
She'd had hot cocoa and one cookie each. Her best cookies were already set aside for Santa, and Kelly, Leslie, Bennie, and Katie were partaking in the rest.
"Daddy, look! I made a fire truck! Now all the 51 Lego guys I got in my advent have one to use!"
"That's great! Maybe Santa knows about the Lego 51 company. Maybe he'll bring a Lego Ambo for Mom and Dawson?"
"That would be so cool!"
Kelly had planned ahead- said Lego kit would be in her stocking.
Soon Mia changed into her new Christmas Pajama's A fire-engine -red long sleeved shirt and PJ pants with polar bears on them.
She snuggled in between her father and grandfather for the two stories. The traditions of the night- Bennie read the Nativity story and Kelly read 'The Night Before Christmas'
Leslie set up the Santa plate- the cookies Mia had chosen, and apple slices and carrots for the reindeer. She poured a glass of milk and set them on the coffee table.
"It's time for good girls to be in bed. Santa is coming, " Leslie says to Mia. "Besides, morning will be here soon enough. Sleeping will make it go faster."
Another Christmas eve spent in peace. Another joyful Christmas to look forward to. All was right, as it should be for the Holiday season.
A/N- I hope you guys had a Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. I'm sorry it's late. I 'll see you in the next chapter.