Chapter 34: Epilogue

"It's time to wake up."

Levi brushed aside the curtain, letting the sun's rays enter the house and bathe his wife in sunlight.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

A quiet groan was given as a reply as she tugged the blankets above her head.

"God, Levi. Give me five more minutes," she muttered loud enough for him to hear. She refused to get up. He rolled his eyes, not amused by her actions.

"Adira, if you forgot, it's the 6th year today."

He knew, for a fact, that this was enough for her to jump out of bed and get first dibs to the bathroom. Which she did. He chuckled to himself.

"Every year."

He looked out the window, seeing the sun not even midway to the top. Of course, since it was still ten in the morning. Scattering in the horizon were houses and trees. No wall in sight. And definitely, no magic circle. Until now, he still had a hard time believing they'd eliminated every titan within a year and a half. Who knew it would be that easy to extinct them, now that they had lost their power to regenerate?

Sure, there had definitely been some deaths. Quite a lot actually. But when the in-walled people found out about their lack of power, people started signing up and the trainees started teaching new ones. Even some brave members of the Military Police and the Garrison joined the fight. The people were never angry when there were deaths. It had been the last war.

Today was the 6th year of recognition when the war had started.

Levi felt someone hug him from behind. He didn't need to turn to know it was Adira so he just kept his gaze outside.

Both of us survived, too, he thought to himself. I'm lucky.

"What are you thinking about?" his spouse mumbled behind him, resting her head on his back.

"I hope it isn't too deep. You make me worry, you know?"

Levi turned, smiling and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm not. You shouldn't worry."

He hugged her and breathed in her scent. It was his security.

"They're gone," he said aloud, just to hear the words come out of his mouth. It was Erwin who'd said it first, after the war.

No, that's not right. Erwin did't make it.

He remembered it clearly, but that was one fact he couldn't process. Indeed, Levi had nearly gotten killed himself. It was Erwin who'd sacrificed himself to drive the titan away from him. Some of his closest, dare he say it, friends got killed in the war. Even Hanji. She'd made it throughout the end, but her injury had been too critical, she'd died. He had been there when he'd heard her last words. Erwin's had been simple, a command, and after, a smile.

"Slaughter them all for me and everyone. Make a world without them. To do that, remember we need you. As your commander — no, even as your friend, I want you to stay alive."

He had been swallowed right after.

Adira knew what Levi was thinking of. 'They're gone' wasn't just referring to the titans. Hundreds of them. Hundreds of people had been killed. How many titans? Might be as many as them. Maybe more. Each kill of a human, Levi swore he'd kill two more. There was no doubt in her heart that he did.

"I'm going to shower. You wake up the kid, okay?"

He gave a quick kiss on the lips and left for the bathroom. There had been one thought in mind, then. Adira didn't know.

I still have her, though.

That was the thought that had led him out of despair in that darkest time. His friends wanted him to live on, too. He didn't want to let them down.

Levi got out and was met with his bed headed son. He smirked and ruffled his already untidy hair.

"You look like a mess," he stated, bluntly, making the five-year-old smile brightly without shame.

"Hey, daddy!" he greeted, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Will you tell me another story?"

The stories, since you most probably need an explanation of, were the tales about the titans and whatever they had come across. The currently un-named kid had not lived to see at least one of them. And when he was hearing stories from his father about them since he was three, right after the festival before he went to sleep. He asked about what the festival was about and Levi answered with what he knew of the beginning of it, more than a hundred years ago.

"Of course I will," Levi answered, his voice having a sound of delight.

"Why haven't you bathed yet? You stink!"

He showed a fake grossed out face, making the child laugh.

"I'll go right now!" he declared and rushed the nearest bathroom. His father mused at his hyperactive son. Levi exited the bedroom and walked through the hallway towards the kitchen. Soon enough, a pleasant aroma filled his nose and he found his wife in front of the stove.

"What's for breakfast today?" he asked, looking over her shoulder to see what was cooking. This made Adira jump since she didn't notice his presence.

"Oh, Levi!" she exclaimed, surprised, but then quickly turned to a cheerful expression.

"Glad you came! Can you handle this for a sec? I need to check on Phelan before he starts playing with the water." Without waiting for a reply, she shoved the spatula to him and rushed to the child. She threw in a "Thanks!" to be more nice.

Levi shrugged. "No problem."

What Adira didn't know, was that handing the cooking over to Levi meant most of her plans for breakfast would be changed.


Phelan starred amazed as he watched Levi place the last plate on the table. The surface was surrounded by a variety of food. One plate stood, beholding a tall tower of perfectly shaped pancakes, with butter places at the top with maple syrup oozing down. In another, sausages were piled up, until it created a triangular shape. There was one big bowl consisting of a delicious-looking fruit salad, and could've been compared to a master chef's. And it went on like that: ham, eggs, scones — it was as if it were a buffet.

And on the edge of the table were three empty plates, complete eating utensils places beside them. All that, for only three people to eat. Even the child thought, Maybe we should invite Aunt Sasha.

"Levi, thanks for taking over–"

Adira entered the room, and stopped herself when she saw what they would be having for breakfast. She starred, mouth gaping open.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies," her husband remarked as he took off his apron. He barely broke a sweat. And he would admit, he was sort of proud of his work. Phelan was the first to snap out of amazement.

"That's so cool! Daddy, you're an awesome cook! How did you do all these? We weren't even gone for an hour!"

Adira looked towards the sink and sweat dropped. The pans, knives, chopping board — everything was spotlessly clean. He even had time to clean up.

Did I even marry a human?!

She rolled her eyes. Although, she did look forward to her first meal of the day.

They didn't even get to finish the food, which Adira was scolding Levi for wasting. It was a good thing Mikasa, Eren and Armin knocked on the front door. They were more than happy to comply for their captain's cooking. Even Mikasa couldn't stop a surprised look at her first bite.

Half of the food was finished then. But still, they were full. How did you expect the six of them to finish it all? So they had called one person to finish the job.

"Hey, Sasha, why don't you come over Adira's house?" Armin asked her, grinning from ear to ear. Sasha would surely be delighted to see what they had for her.

The festival was what you imagined it to be. It was like any festival you had now, in the modern world. For history.

There were people dressing up as titans for a parade, people dressed up like humanity's strongest soldier, Levi, etc. Some of the Scouting Legion were in the parade, like Connie, Jean and a few others. Even the hounds were there.

There were food stalls everywhere, crowding the streets, merchandises that could be bought. The whole day was really enjoyable. And by the end of the day, at around five, the remaining people who fought against the titans, and some with their families, like Levi and Adira, traveled to the 'Heroes Resting: The Attack on Titan'. That was only a title. By now, you should've guessed it was a cemetery.

Their tears were long ago already shed. They just starred at the graves they came for, memories of them flooding back. Most of them had a small smile as they remembered the good times.

Phelan walked around, reading each name aloud, sometimes with great difficulty for he just recently learn how to do so. When someone was nearby in earshot, they would laugh when he made a mistake and correct him. As this happened, Adira sat in front of Hunter's grave. It was in the left most part. Also the biggest, considering that his original state had not been returned to after he'd died. She gave him her thanks.

There were graves for Ava and Nathan, although no bodies underneath. One of the titans had crushed the opening to the underground place. Adira had no complaint. She didn't want to see their dead bodies, anyway. It was alright for her. Graves were enough.

Meanwhile, Levi walked to every grave and remember each of the dead soldiers. He stopped by Erwin's and Hanji's the longest. He remembered when Erwin recruited him. The times he would create a plan or make a bold move. He remembered Hanji and the way she always managed to annoy him. He remembered her passion about titans, and her smiling face whenever she met one. They were both, he admited, his best friends.

"Hey, daddy!" Phelan called out.

"Who's... Han... ji...? Yeah, who's Hanji?"

Levi smirked, and laughed a bit.

"She's the one too crazy about titans."

He began his story telling to his child. Phelan listened intently. Levi didn't notice Adira as she starred, smiling, at her two boys.

"I can't imagine a world without them. We killed so many, but I never could have thought we would... It must be amazing. But...aren't they the ones who made my life? They're all I lived for. So now I'll die. Right after we eliminated all of them. I'm satisfied."

Hanji Zoe's last words

I do not own this story; it rightfully belongs to I'm Pregnant Onii Cchan from Qutoev

And we are officially done! To be honest, I was quite sad when I read that both Hanji and Erwin died, but I guess it would have been too much of a Happy End when not at least one good person would died.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it and will look for some more stories from the author. I'm sure she'd be really happy about it.