Chapter 9, The Toy Store and Finale

Once everyone had a chance to catch their breath, the Pickles, Halls, and Fred Travalena headed over to the toy store, where Fred handed Tommy and Rosie a piece of paper.

"Here Tommy, this is your certificate. It says, Tommy Pickles, with a score of 140 points." Said Fred, as he handed the certificate to Tommy. He looked up at Fred and smiled.

Then, Fred walked over to Rosie, where he handed her her certificate.

"Here you go Rosie, this is your certificate, and it says, Rosie Hall, and you scored 44 points." Said Fred, as he handed Rosie her certificate, and she looked up at Fred and smiled.

At that moment, Tommy, while he didn't know all of his numbers, he knew enough to know that 140 was larger than 44. Realizing this fact, Tommy looked over at Rosie and frowned. At that instant, Fred glanced over at Tommy, who was frowning.

"Awe, feel bad that your friend got a lower score than you?" Fred asked Tommy.

Tommy lifted his head, looking towards Fred, and giving him a slow nod.

"Awe, now Tommy, there's no reason to be sad, and do you know why? Because everybody's a winner here on Baby Races, and that means, you both get to pick out a toy at the toy store." Said Fred with a grin, as Tommy's frown turned upside down, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, as he turned towards Rosie, and gave his pink haired toddler friend a hug. Rosie leaned in, and gave Tommy a small kiss on the cheek. Tommy, slowly returned the kiss by giving Rosie one on the cheek, then the two toddlers turned, and faced Fred.

"Come on you two, let's go pick out a toy." Said Fred, as he led the two toddlers over to the video wall, filled full of toys.

"Reptar!" Tommy exclaimed, as he pointed to the glow and the dark Reptar doll in the window.

"Ooooh!" Rosie cried excitedly, as she pointed to the huggable snugable Jelly Bear plush Dummi Bears doll.

A few minutes later, a clerk dressed in a red uniform came out from behind the video wall, and handed Tommy and Rosie their prizes. They smiled, and hugged their new toys.

"You and your families have also won three-hundred dollars in Amazon dot com gift cards." Said Fred, as the picture faded to the cheering audience members, before prizes for the entire family, in particular, the parents of Rosie and Tommy, were distributed and announced by Gene Wood.

"The Pickles family has won a genuon baby food maker from Kitchen Aid. This fascinating product, will allow you, to take your favorite fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat of choice, as you put it into this lovely device, as it chops, purrays, and steams the baby food, giving your young child, only the healthiest of meals." Announced Gene Wood, as the baby food maker was shown on the screen.

"The Pickles will also win this state of the art video baby monitor, exclusively from Apple. Two I devices are needed for this monitor to work, with at least one of the products, in full service if it's an iPhone. When you use this, you can always keep an eye on your child, no matter where you are in the world. For more information, please visit the App Store." Announced Gene Wood, as pictures of the iPhone video baby monitor were shown in action, as one iPhone sat in the dock of a nursery with a baby in a white crib, while a lady, holding another iPhone, peered at the screen, to see the same baby in the white crib in the nursery.

"And the Halls have won these baby food pouches, along with pouch filler. Let your baby feed themselves, with these state of the art baby pouches. Clear, and easy to put into the child's mouth, just fill the pouch with your child's favorite baby food, and you'll have your baby eating happily and independently in no time." Announced Gene Wood, as pictures of the pouches being filled with baby food, and a baby happily eating out of the pouch after it is filled, are shown on the screen.

"The Halls have also won the complete How to Doctor Lipchitz Video Guide. This instructional video collection, now digitally remastered and available on DVD, will give parents, all of the advice they will ever need, for raising their child, from birth to age five." Announced Gene Wood, as the Doctor Lipchitz how to video DVD collection appeared on the screen.

After this prize was announced, the picture returned to the set of Baby Races, with Fred in front of the camera.

"Well everyone, that's it for Baby Races. Until next time, this is Fred Travalena saying, bye bye everyone." Said Fred, as he waved goodbye, and a crowd of people clapped and cheered in the background.

Pictures of the activities that Tommy and Rosie participated in showed on the screen, as credits rolled by, and the theme music for Baby Races, played in the background.

"This show was filmed in front of a Live audience at Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Announcements by Gene Wood." Said Geen Wood in the background.

The End

Author's Note: Well, I hope you all enjoyed my little rendition of the game show, Baby Races. I had a lot of fun writing it, and, no worries, I plan to release plenty of more stories, very soon, so please, stay tuned to Fan Fiction, for more barrles of Rugrat fun!