A/N OK, guys this is extremely different to anything I have ever done before. So, here is a bit of a background on it.

Background: When a baby turns up in the TARDIS just after New Earth. The note inside tells them to look after the a two-year-old, while their furure selves, do something else.

Summary: A three-year-old girl is transported into the TARDIS and the Doctor and Rose are told to watch the girl by their future selves. Will this change their relationship?

Characters: 10th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Mickey smith and many more.

Rated: K+. It may go up or down but at the moment it is this.

Genre: Romance, Family.

Anyhow, I hope you love this! ;)

The Doctor and Rose had just got back from the New Earth, and they were laughing the console room, when all of a sudden, there was a BANG! The Doctor helped Rose up.

"You OK?" He asked her, as she nodded.

"Yep, I'm fine. What was that?" She asked him. None of them had noticed the three-year-old until a hologram came up.

"This is emergency programme four. Now I know this must be strange with your future standing here but we need your help" The Future Doctor said to his past self.

"We need you to watch Hope. She is very energetic and may drive you insane but I know you can do it, Rose. Wow I'm talking to my self" Future Rose said as she smiled. The past Rose smiled too, that was when she noticed her future self's baby bump. "I'm pregnant too but we have some things we need to take of, so this is the best place for her"

"Anyway, we will be back in a few weeks" The future Doctor said as the hologram turned off.

The Doctor and Rose looked at each other and then at the Hope, she smiled at them, her smile being identical to Rose's.

"Mummy!" She shouted as she jumped into her mother's arms. Rose let out an 'oof' in response and the girl clenched onto her stomach.

"Right then, Hope. Let's find you a room" The Doctor said as he took Hope's hand.

"OK, daddy" Hope said. This felt very weird to the Doctor. He hadn't been called that in a very long time. He was glad that it was with Rose and not anyone else.

After they found Hope a room, which was pink and they now knew that was her favorite color and they put her to sleep. The Doctor and Rose had to have a chat about what they were going to do now.

"So, I guess in the future, me and you get together and having children" Rose said awkwardly as the Doctor nodded. "I looked really good pregnant"

"You did but it's like the future us said. She is very energetic and could drive us insane, so I think we should get some sleep" The Doctor suggested as Rose nodded. They both went to bed and they both struggled to sleep. In the future they would finally confess love for each other.

- The Next Day

"Wake up! Everybody wake up!" Hope shouted as she ran down the corridor into her mother's room first, shouting "Wake up!" Rose stirred not wanting to open her eyes.

"What time is it?" Rose asked as she rubbed her eyes and yawned not long after. She looked shocked at the alarm clock, when she saw that it read 6:30. "Hope! It's only half past six"

"I always wake up at this time, mommy" Hope said as she watched her mother, get out of bed, brush her hair and then follow her into the TARDIS corridor. Where they saw the Doctor. "Daddy!"

"Hello, sweetheart" The Doctor said as he picked her up. They were like a family but this was there future daughter, not their daughter right now but they weren't going to treat her any different, to the way they do now. It must be hard for her too. She had been taken from her parents to be with their old selves. She didn't really understand fully.

Rose had made breakfast for her future daughter and the Doctor, who would be her future husband. She hadn't done that for other people for ages, in fact the last person, she cooked breakfast for was her ex boyfriend. They had broken up after the Doctor regenerated. Mickey said it was OK because since the Doctor arrived their relationship, wasn't really a relationship anymore. He knew the Doctor and Rose loved each other but neither of them knew how to confess their love for one and other.

Later on, the Doctor and Rose tried to sit down and relax but all they could hear was Hope running down TARDIS corridors pretending to be the TARDIS.

"When my future said she might drive us insane. She was right" Rose said as she smiled at the Doctor and he smiled back.

"I know but there is nothing wrong with being energetic is there" The Doctor said as he scratched the back of his neck by his great hair.

"Where are we going to take her?" Rose asked the Doctor as they planned to take her anywhere.

"I don't know. We could go to the park" The Doctor suggested to Rose. He knew that parents would take their kids to the park.

"Yeah and then tomorrow we could go and see mom and Mickey" Rose said as they had to see her mom and Mickey at some point, whether the Doctor hated it or not.

"I don't want to get a slap from your mother" The Doctor said not wanting to get a slap. "As soon as she sees Hope, she will slap me and her slap really do hurt"

Rose laughed. "We'll have to explain it to her then and don't be a wimp"

"A wimp. Her slaps kill. I can still remember the first time she slapped me and that hurt for ages" The Doctor said remembering that time.

Later on, they went to the park. Hope wore a shorts and a t-shirt, as it was her favorite outfit and she wore converse too.

"What do you want to go on first, Hope?" The Doctor asked his future daughter.

She thought for a moment, looking around the park, before making a decision, "The slide!" She ran for the slide as fast as she could and the Doctor ran with her, as Rose walked behind them.

"Be careful, Hope" Rose said as Hope got to the top of the slide, which was quite high for Hope. She sliding down and Rose said, "Did you like that?" Hope nodded in response.

As Hope ran to the swings, she tripped and fell over.

"Hope!" Rose shouted as she and the Doctor ran towards her. Rose picked her up and noticed her grazed knee, which was slightly bleeding. "Oh, my poor girl. Come on let's get back to the TARDIS"

The Doctor and Rose knew it would be hard but they had to do it, for their future selves and they could do it!

A/N I hope you loved that! Please give me feedback, so I can improve and give it a follow or a favorite! ;)
