"There is a lot I want to tell you." These words would normally carry a lot of weight coming from someone else's mouth, but the way Reina said them while using Kumiko's hand for support as she balanced herself in a tiny brick wall – it was simple, just a statement. Kumiko walked slowly, making sure to hold firmly to her friend's hand; she simply could not let Reina fall – not because she would hurt herself if she did, the distance between the wall and the floor was barely 2 centimeters – but because it was Reina she was holding.

"I'm listening." Kumiko replied, staring at Reina's small and careful steps.

"You always are. I love this about you, too," The brick wall was almost at the end and Reina frowned, not sure of what she'd do when it ended. "I feel like I can tell you anything and you'd just listen and accept it. No questions asked."

"You want me to ask you questions?"

"Maybe." The wall ended and Reina stopped on her tracks, looking down at Kumiko. "Ask me."

The brunette held up another hand to take a hold on Reina's other arm. "Okay… Ask you what, exactly?"

"The things I want to tell you."

Kumiko stared for what seemed like eternity at those hypnotizing purple eyes, trying to decipher what was going on Reina's head this time. She was always like this, enigmatic with her words. Not that Kumiko was complaining; it gave her more time to figure out bits of Reina she never knew existed, making her fall more and more into her addictive trap.

"Alright. First, you want help getting down?" It wasn't even a question, just a fact. Reina simply held on to Kumiko's shoulders and jumped, never letting go for a moment. "Let's sit."

It was the end of a beautiful afternoon, the evening sky was purple and the streetlights just begun to light up. Both girls were sitting in a bench isolated from the rest of the city noise, staring at the beautiful river that cut through the town. There was a silence between them, but it was never an awkward one. Kumiko loved to just be in Reina's presence, it calmed her somehow.

She stretched her muscles. "Okay, you want me to guess the things you want to tell me… through questions?"


"Sounds complicated."

"I'm sure you'll find it very easy." Reina nudged Kumiko's ribs with her elbow, not looking at her. Kumiko smiled and threw her head back, absorbing the environment and the mood of the whole scenario. It seemed like a ridiculous request, but she knew there was a reason behind it, so she just played along.

"Very well. First question then-"

"Hold it, Kumiko. I changed my mind." Reina held up a hand. "I don't want you to ask me questions, I want you to make statements. I will then tell you if they are true or not."

The brunette raised an eyebrow. "This is getting harder by the minute."

"You are capable, I believe in you."

With a sigh and no choice, Kumiko simply smiled again. "Fine. Truth number one about Kousaka Reina: She loves playing hard to get."

"True." Not even Reina could avoid a grin that time. Kumiko's heart fluttered when she realized she'd gotten the girl to smile.

"Truth number two: She rarely smiles, but when she does it's super cute."

"This is irrelevant to the purpose of this exercise. Next."

"Oh, so she has a purpose." Kumiko caught a blush on her cheeks and it was all she needed to feel satisfied. Some birds flew right above their heads as the evening grew and a warm breeze passed in between their legs. "Truth number three… Gold is your favorite medal."

"Of course. How could I settle for anything less?" Reina bent over and caught a small rock from the floor, throwing it in the lake. The pebble jumped twice before sinking. "I will become special, you know that."

"I know. Just testing you." Kumiko tried to do the same with another pebble, but it sank immediately. "Tsc."

"Keep practicing, you'll get the hang of it." Reina said, already reaching for another rock.

"Number four: You love to rub on people's faces how much better you are at throwing rocks in lakes than they are." It was supposed to be a joke, but something in Reina's eyes told Kumiko she'd made a mistake saying that. The jet-haired girl looked at the rock for a while before throwing it again. This time it skipped three times, flawlessly.

"I don't mind if people think I'm trying to show off. It just makes me want to work harder at what I'm currently doing." Reina looked at Kumiko. "Do you think that's bad?"

Kumiko got so lost in those eyes all the time; it was getting ridiculous. She had to get a grip. "Never. I think this is you trying to become special."

Reina turned her gaze to the lake, as if pondering. Kumiko never knew what to make of her thoughtful expressions and all she could do was wait for a reaction.

"True." Reina said, finally. "I'm always trying to become special. You're the only one who realizes that, you know."

"Reina, I-"

"Keep going." She resumed her search for rocks near the bench. Kumiko let out a hidden breath, sort of relieved.

"Okay. Five: You have a secret you want to tell me." She didn't even know where that one had come from, but apparently Kumiko had hit the target. Reina's eyes widened a bit and she faltered, a pebble slipping in between her fingers.


Kumiko wondered if she should push it. She realized soon enough that the whole point of this game was exactly for her to do that. Reina didn't want to tell her directly whatever was bothering her, so she felt it was easier to make Kumiko say it on her behalf.

"This secret… Has to do with the band?"


"It has to do with school."


She was running out of ideas. "It has to do with… a person?"

Reina threw the rock and it sank without skipping. "…Yes"

"Oh." Kumiko's hands started to get sweaty. "Someone you like?"

"In a way."

"What does that mean?" Kumiko gave a sly smile and returned the poke on Reina's ribs, trying to break the tense mood that had suddenly settled between them. She hardly, if ever, got awkward around Reina, and she decided she absolutely hated it. She needed to put things back on their comfort zone, now. But Reina didn't feel like cooperating, apparently.

"I can only answer true or false. Keep going." There was a light frown on her face, as if she didn't really want Kumiko to keep talking, but at the same time she needed it.

"It's about… Someone you love?"


"Did Taki-sensei do something to you?!" Kumiko got up so quickly and suddenly that Reina jumped on her seat. They stared at each other, Kumiko's face red with anger and breathing heavily. The thought of anyone doing anything bad to Reina made Kumiko want to throw a fit, even if it was their talented teacher.

"W-what? No, of course not." Reina tugged Kumiko's sleeve, urging her to seat back down. "It has nothing to do with Taki-sensei."

Kumiko blinked, slowly calming down. "Wait, huh? But I thought you loved Taki-sensei? In the 'love' kind of way?"

"Keep going." Was all she said in return. Kumiko frowned, now very worried.


"Keep going!" It was such a frustrated scream that Kumiko's heart broke. Some birds flew away at that moment, their wings echoing through the heavy silence that'd settled. Kumiko sat down, looking at her knees with worry, then tentatively sliding in the bench to touch shoulders with Reina. The girl didn't move in response, so Kumiko assumed it was okay to remain there.

"The person you love is making you frustrated." The brunette resumed her statements, speaking softly. Reina nodded, sniffling a bit. She wasn't crying, but Kumiko knew the wrong words could easily make her spill a few tears. "And… it's not Taki-sensei anymore?" Once again, no words, just a shake of the head, negatively. This came as a surprise to Kumiko; after all Reina had told her about her feelings for their maestro just a few months ago. But she also felt relieved with this new information.

"Is it… Someone I know?"

"No questions, remember." Reina's words were quiet, but stern.

"Oh, right. Um… This person… Is close to you."

Reina side eyed Kumiko's figure near her. "Figuratively or literally?" She mumbled, recomposing herself. Kumiko blinked and smiled softly at what she presumed was a joke to lighten up the mood.

"Both?" She teased back.


"Oh." The almost-peaceful mood turned weird again in a blink. Kumiko stretched her neck to look around, searching for someone who might have infiltrated their zone without her noticing – she didn't want to jump to conclusions. But as she expected, there was still no one around, just the two of them and some birds.

And as if a brick had suddenly hit her in the chest, she understood the whole point of this tiring game.

"You like me." Kumiko blurted out without thinking, as she usually did around people, just to bring both hands to her mouth in complete panic. "N-no, wait! I didn't mean to imply—"

"Yes, you did." Reina got up, purple eyes hidden under her bangs. Quick as a fox, she grabbed her bag and turned her backs to Kumiko. "It's getting late, we should go home."

Kumiko's head was a jumble of emotions, but most of all she was completely terrified – of losing Reina, of having ruined something important, of her own emotions and feelings that suddenly all made sense. Without thinking, she went for the girl's wrist. "Reina!"

"No!" The trumpet player turned back to her forcefully. "I can't. Not right now."


"Promise me!" The tears that were supposed to be spilling from her eyes were nowhere to be seen; Reina simply frowned assertively. "Nothing will change between us. Nothing."

Kumiko's mouth hung open and she loosened the grip on the girl's wrist. "…Of course it won't." The sentence came as a mere whisper, and Kumiko frowned as well, mimicking the decided expression on Reina's face. It almost felt like an insult – that Reina of all people would assume that, it was almost unforgivable. She spoke louder. "Of course it won't! Nothing could ever change what we have, and you know that!"

They stood there staring at each other for at least ten seconds, both their eyes shining with decisiveness. It was like a mental conversation, something too strong to be explained or discussed with verbal arguments. Reina shifted in her position, so she was facing Kumiko directly. She took a deep breath and let it all go (her lungs could take in a lot of air, Kumiko noticed). After closing her eyes for a while, Reina finally broke off their spell. "Good. That's all I needed to hear."

Kumiko blinked, dropping her shoulders. "So you did all of that to tell me you liked me?"


"That was your worst love confession yet." She smiled, grabbing her own bag from the floor and walking towards Reina.

"You have until tomorrow to top that." Was all Reina said before returning the smile. Kumiko bumped her in the shoulder with her own. "Terrible."

And with the conversation over and the night sky above them, both girls resumed their walk home talking about other topics along the way. Time after time they would brush their fingers together on purpose, until Kumiko dropped Reina off at the train station. They bid their goodbyes, and Kumiko got in the wagon, resting her forehead against the cold glass as the train began to move. Numbed by the movement of the lights on the outside, it took a while for her to take in everything that had happened.

And with the strength of a thousand bulls, her heart started beating suddenly. Heat crawled up to her face, she widened her eyes and brought a hand to her mouth.

Reina likes me.

Her legs started shaking, butterflies went loose on her stomach.

And I like her back.

That's when she felt like hiding in a hole on the floor and never come out again.

I must be the stupidest person on this planet.

She at least had until tomorrow to think of a decent reply.

I can't get enough of their relationship. This will have one more chapter for your needy hearts, don't worry!

- niigoki