**(ok so I revised this chapter so many fucking times it's not even funny. I don't like how it came out and it makes me angry. Oh well. Maybe you guys will get a kick out of it.

(Also I added the lyrics to the song this is named after in previous chapters! There will be three quotes per song, so this chapter does not have the lyrics from Encoder, but the song used in the next three chapters is also a really freaking awesome song.)

Warning: Fluffy McFluffington the Third.)**

"In the trail of fire, I know we will be free again. In the end we will be one. In the trail of fire, I'll burn before you bury me, so set your sights for the sun."

(Pendulum –Propane Nightmares)

Tadashi tried not to panic, he had to stay calm. Sure, he had no idea why he was suddenly seeing through his robotics project's eyes, but freaking out about it wouldn't accomplish anything. So instead he decided to try to think rationally about this. About whether or not he was actually in Batmax's system or if he only passed through the bot's vinyl exterior on accident and was only standing inside him. Tadashi didn't know which one he hoped for.

Finally, after taking a deep breath, Tadashi experimentally moved his limbs. Sure enough, he saw Baymax's round arm move into his vision. So he was actually controlling Baymax. How was that even possible? He'd have to figure that out later, but for now he had to make the most of having a tangible vessel before his chance was gone.

Tadashi looked up at Hiro and reached out hesitantly. The inflated vinyl finger poked Hiro in the back and he felt a thrill of emotion at being able to actually touch his brother. However, his moment of happiness was short-lived, as Hiro spun around in his chair to stare at the nurse bot with wide eyes.

"Baymax?!" Hiro exclaimed. "You aren't supposed to be able to move without your chip!" He narrowed his eyes at the bot, somewhat freaked out, yet intrigued. "How are you still running? You have no AI. That chip was what made you you. How can you be controlling yourself on your own?"

Tadashi didn't know the answers to Hiro's questions. Instead, he opened his mouth, though nothing actually happened since Baymax didn't posses a mouth at all, and spoke with an actual voice, even if it wasn't his own, for the first time in more than three weeks.


The younger Hamada nodded, still studying the bot curiously. "Yes... That's my name. But how did you know? That chip has all of your memory storage... You shouldn't know anything at all."

Tadashi hardly even heard what his little brother had said, he was instead trying to contain his excitement. He could talk.

"Hiro!" He said again, with more urgency this time. "Hiro, it's me!" Tadashi reached out a balloon-like arm and placed it on Hiro's shoulder. "It's me! Tadashi!"

Hiro's eyes widened and he leaped away from Baymax. "What?! No! You're malfunctioning!" He exclaimed, breathing hard.

Tadashi belatedly realized that he probably shouldn't have just gone out and told Hiro who he was. Now his little brother was freaking out. But Tadashi refused to let this chance slip though his fingers. "No, Hiro! It's really me! I've been here you since the fire and you never were able to see or hear me, but somehow I can speak to you through Baymax!" He said excitedly, stepping toward his brother. "Oh Hiro, it's so great to finally be heard... I have so much to say to y- Um... Hiro?"

Tadashi silenced his rant to worriedly stare at his little brother through Baymax's hyper-spectral camera eyes. The younger Hamada looked pale and about ready to pass out. He was hyperventilating and clutching at the desk for dear life as his legs shook.

Tadashi reached an arm out in case he had to catch his brother. "Hiro, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Calm down, knucklehead. just take a deep breath, all right?"

Hiro nodded shakily and drew in a few breaths. Soon his legs stopped trembling and he nodded his head again. "I-I'm okay..." He whispered, voice scared and shaky.

The older Hamada watched worriedly as his brother slowly walked over to his bed and sat down. With a sigh, the boy scrubbed at his eyes and shook his head. He then looked up and saw Baymax's body still staring at him.

"You're still there... I'm not going crazy... Am I?" Hiro mumbled to himself.

Tadashi shook his head and he walked over to stand in front of Hiro. "No... No, you're not crazy, Hiro. I'm really here." He paused and shook his head again. "Well, not physically here... But... My soul is still out and about, I guess." He chuckled.

Hiro lowered his head into his hands. "So you're a ghost?" He mumbled in disbelief.

Tadashi blinked. "Well... Yeah... I guess so."

"But how do I know that's true? How do I know that I didn't just finally snap or something?" The younger Hamada asked tiredly.

Baymax's head shook and his eyes seemed to soften despite them being hard, pitch black cameras. "You haven't snapped, Hiro." He said gently, moving closer to his little brother and placing an inflated vinyl hand on the boy's back. "I've been here the whole time since the fire, actually. I just didn't know how to get you to hear me. But now I can! I can finally help you like I should have been all this time. It hurt so much to see you like that... To see you cry..." Tadashi trailed off and tried to banish that thought. Now was not the time to be thinking of his little brother's depression.

Hiro only seemed to curl up tighter, fingers tangling in his messy hair and tugging. "How are you here? How are you talking through Baymax if you're a... a ghost?" He asked hoarsely, trying to wrap his head around what the supposed spirit of his big brother was saying.

Tadashi grew worried about how much this was affecting his little brother. He was just so excited to talk Hiro. It was probably too much to take in, but he thought that it would be best to get it all out there and answer all of Hiro's questions. "I don't know... I just touched him and suddenly I was seeing through his eyes... But I touched him before and nothing happened. Maybe it has to do with the chip?" He mused before his voice dropped off and he was lost to his thoughts.

Hiro looked back up at Baymax's body and just stared. He couldn't believe what the bot was saying. How could Tadashi's spirit still be here? Hiro didn't even believe in ghosts! But... There was no other explanation... Tadashi was here.

Suddenly, Tadashi's thoughts were cut off when Hiro threw himself off the bed and into his- Baymax's body. After stumbling back a few steps, Tadashi was able to regain his balance. He stared down at his little brother, who had his arms wrapped as far around the inflated bot's stomach as they could reach and his face pressed against the vinyl.

It was odd... Tadashi could feel Hiro through the thin material, but only faintly. The vinyl was a special blend that had weak conductive properties so the bot could feel pressure. The only reason that Tadashi had built him with it was so Baymax could tell when he was touching something and to know how much pressure to use when handling patients. Now, however, Tadashi wished he had designed the robot with fully conductive skin so he could actually feel his little brother's embrace.

Those thoughts ceased when Tadashi felt a sensation of a different kind. He looked down and saw tears leaking from Hiro's eyes onto the vinyl. With a start, Tadashi realized that the boy was beginning to sob.

"Oh no, Hiro. D-Don't cry. Please don't cry. It'll be alright." Tadashi pleaded, wrapping Baymax's bulbous arms around the boy and holding him close. "I'm here, Hiro..."

Hiro let out a particularly loud sob and buried his face into Baymax's vinyl. "T-Ta-Tadashi..." He choked out. "I missed you s-so much..."

Tadashi could only hold his brother tighter, unable to cry with him due to Baymax's lack of that ability. "Shhh, Hiro. I'm here. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I'm sorry I ran into the fire. I'm sorry I left you and put you through so much pain. But I'm here now." The young man said softly.

Hiro didn't reply, only buried his face deeper into the soft material of Baymax. After a while, the boy calmed and his sobs subsided.

Tadashi slowly released his brother and stepped back. "Are you okay now?" He asked.

Hiro wiped his eyes and nodded. He looked up at the inflated bot and gave a shaky smile. "Its great to see you again, Tadashi..." He said.

Baymax's body was physically unable to smile, so Tadashi chuckled instead, "but you can't see me. I'm a ghost."

Hiro nodded slowly and, now that his head was clearer, studied Baymax further. "So... How are you controlling Baymax?" He asked, poking at the bot's belly.

Tadashi tilted his head. "It must've been the chip." He said. Hiro looked confused, so he continued. "I had touched Baymax earlier while he was active, and nothing happened. But this time you took out his chip, which is his entire AI program, his soul. I'm thinking that because he no longer had that, it left room for something else to take over, so when I touched him, my soul automatically latched onto him and made him my vessel." Tadashi explained.

Hiro nodded his head. "That makes sense... In a weird sort of way..." He looked up at Tadashi and smiled. "So all you needed was an empty shell to possess?"

Baymax's body shivered. "Don't say it like that, it makes me sound like a demon possessing a victim..."

Hiro grinned at that. "Whatever you say, nerd." The boy then looked Baymax's body up and down. "If you can possess robots, then you can probably find a better container. I can even build you one if you'd like. Who knows what you're doing to Baymax's circuits." He suggested.

Tadashi blinked in surprise. He hadn't thought of that. It was a strange notion and if they went through with it there could be many complications. But... Tadashi really, really wanted to have a body again, to interact with the world and the living, and Hiro was offering to make that happen. "That's... a pretty good idea, actually." The older Hamada said after a moment. "I don't want to risk messing with Baymax any more than I have already, so..." He ruffled Hiro's hair affectionately. "I'd love for you to make me a new body... As weird as that sounds..."

Hiro made a face at his brother's action and pulled away quickly, though he didn't really seem irritated at all. "Alright then. I'll start planning right away." He said excitedly, fixing his hair.

The boy turned toward his desk and froze. The computer was showing a little box that said 'download complete' on it. His eyes wandered to the green chip plugged into his computer with a wince. He'd forgotten about Baymax...

Tadashi placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder and the boy looked up at him. "It's okay, Hiro." The older brother said. "Plug Baymax back in. He can help you out with the plans and assembly."

Hiro looked stricken. "B-But... How will I be able to talk to you?" He asked.

Tadashi gave the boy's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I can write to you. I seem to be able to touch inanimate objects. Also, Baymax seems to be able to hear and see me for some reason so you can have him relay what I say to you. We don't have to talk face to face, Hiro. And besides, once you finish making me a body, we can talk for as long as you want, okay?" He said softly.

Hiro sniffled and nodded his head hesitantly. He walked over to his computer and plucked the chip from the device. He held the small green square in his palm for a moment before turning back to his brother's creation. With a shaky smile, Hiro opened the robot's empty access port.

"Ready, Tadashi?" The boy asked shakily.

Tadashi nodded and patted his little brother on the head. "Yeah. Go for it. I'll still be here, don't worry." He murmured.

Hiro nodded in reply and shakily raised the healthcare chip to the access port. Closing his eyes tight, he shoved it in and waited.

"Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. What can I do for you, Hiro?"

Hiro opened his eyes and looked up at the robotic nurse. He was staring at the boy with those black eyes that, while they had their own soul to them, Hiro knew his brother was no longer seeing through.

"Your neural transmitter levels have changed since my last scan. Did something happen while you were updating my chip?" Baymax asked in a concerned voice.

Hiro closed his eyes tight against his tears. Tadashi's spirit was no longer inside the bot. He couldn't talk to his brother... Then Hiro felt a light brush of warm air against his cheek, as if someone had touched him there. He smiled. Tadashi was still here.

"I'm fine, Baymax. And yes, a few things did happen while your chip was removed..."

Tadashi watched his little brother explain what they'd found out to Baymax from a few feet away, smiling happily.

Unbeknownst to the three of them, in the darkness under Hiro's bed, a tiny microbot twitched inside a sweatshirt pocket...

**(DUN DUN DUN! Oh no! How are they gonna stop Callaghan/Yokai if they don't even know he exists! It is a mystery! Krei, you gon' die. Probs. maybe. Not really. ANYWAY! I hope you enjoyed that crappy chapter! At least the smol noodle knows the big dorito bro is there with him. Yay!)**

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