Chapter one

Wendy McCall has always been different and there was one particular reason for that: she could see the future but. . . they've always been about one person. She dreamed about meeting him before she actually met him, she dreamed about his mom dying, and she dreamed about the night things changed fro all of them but, as per usual, it mostly just came to her in pieces. She had to figure out what they meant for herself. Her brown eyes snapped open. He was here.

Wendy had been in love with Stiles Stilinski since before she even knew it and she could always sense when ever he was in the vicinity. The only other person knew about her abilities and her feelings for Stiles was her twin brother, Scott, who just happened to be best friends with Stiles as well. Everything was starting to unravel and this was only the beginning.

She threw the book off her stomach and jumped out of bed. She climbed out of her window and moved swiftly up to the roof like a cat stalking its prey. She positioned herself in her favorite spot and waited there patiently with a grin as she watched Stiles climb onto the roof. He jumped at the sight of her sitting there and scrambled to catch himself, to hold on to something, but only managed to get his foot caught in the trellis causing him to fall backwards. Wendy grinned when she heard him yell, knowing he wasn't seriously injured, but then she heard her brother yell as well.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" she heard Scott exclaim.

"You should be asking your sister that," Stiles said as she jumped down off of the roof, wiping dirt off her pants. "You weren't answering your phones. Why do you have a bat?"

"I thought you were a predator," Scott said and Stiles couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Hey, now would be a perfect time to practice that Spider-man kiss you always wanted to try. Wanna?" Wendy whispered seductively in his ear.

Stiles was so startled by that his foot slipped out of the trellis and he fell to the ground.

"Now, who's laughing?" she giggled and he just responded with a glare.

"Anyways. . . Look, I know it's late, but you've got to hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago, dispatch call. They're bringing every officer of the Beacon department, and even the state police," Stiles told Scott and Wendy.

"For what?" the twins asked.

"They found a body in the woods," Stiles said.

"A dead body?" Scott asked.

"No, a body of water. . . yes, dumbass, a dead body," Stiles said sarcastically and Wendy snorted.

"You mean like murdered?" Scott asked.

"Nobody knows yet. It was a girl, probably in her twenties," Stiles said.

"Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" Scott asked.

"That's the best part. . . they only found half! We're going," Stiles said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Wendy told him.

"Come on! Wendy, please, come!" Stiles said and proceeded to give her puppy dog eyes.

Wendy sighed. He knew very well that she could not resist the puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, but I end up getting murdered I'm totally haunting your ass," she said mock glaring at him.

"You can totally haunt my ass," Stiles said with a triumphant grin and then fell when he realized what he said. "Wait, no, don't!"

Moments later, the trio entered the Beacon Hills preserve, which they should not be entering after dark.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked.

"You're the one who always bitches that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles told him. "Besides it's our last night of freedom."

"It's true, Scottie, you do," Wendy said looking at her brother with grin and then proceeded to catch up with Stiles.

"I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow. . . " Scott told them.

"Right, because, sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles said.

"No, because I'm playing this year," Scott said. "In fact, I'm going to make starting lineup."

"That's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one," Stiles said.

"What a great way to support your best friend," Wendy said, equally sarcastic. "I'm feeling the love here. Don't worry, Scottie, I believe in you."

"I'm all about the support," Stiles replied.

"You're all about the sarcasm, you mean," she replied.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked.

"Huh, I didn't even think about that," Stiles said.

"And what if whoever killed the girl is still out here?" Wendy asked.

"Also something I didn't think about," Stiles replied.

Wendy turned to him and gave him a chilling look.

"I'm going to haunt you, for. the. rest. of. your. life."

She was so serious about the threat, that it scared Stiles to his very core. Actually, she scared him like that on a daily basis.

"Uh, yeah, noted," Stiles said, nervously.

She turned away from him, grinning. She did her best to make him feel nervous, it was almost like it was her job to do so. . . plus, it was just so much fun watching him squirm.

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott spoke up.

The three of them raced up the paths, Scott falling slowly behind. Wendy was much faster than her brother due to the fact that she didn't have asthma so she managed to keep up with Stiles. She came up behind him, her breath tickling the back of his neck with Scott behind her as they came close to a clearing where yellow police tape marked off a perimeter under floodlights.

Grinning, Stiles looked to Wendy and Scott, who couldn't help but smile back. It was kind of thrilling, the thought that they could be caught at any time. Crouching low, they circled the crime scene looking for the best vantage point. They froze at the sound of a zipper being pulled up on a body bag. Two bare feet were momentarily visible as the zipper was pulled closed and officers lifted the body bag up into the Medical Examiner's van.

"Is that the second half of the body?" Scott asked.

"No, they would have called off the search by now," Wendy told her brother.

"Come on," Stiles said.

They retreated from the perimeter and back into the dark of the woods. As they trekked up a hill, Stiles paused causing Wendy to run into his back and he wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her still. Her heart rate sped up from the thrill of the contact. Below, flashlight beams scoured the shadows, the police searching just ahead. Unable to stand still, Stiles raced forward, and Wendy followed after him.

"Stiles, wait up!" Scott called but they didn't hear him.

Stiles and Wendy disappeared up ahead but then they realized that they had left Scott behind so they slowed to look back when barking spun them around again. Fanged teeth snapped ferociously at him, sending him staggering away and falling onto his ass, pulling Wendy down with him as his arm was still wrapped around her waist. Search dogs yank back against their leashes just before tearing them apart.

"Stay right there!" a state trooper yelled.

Flashlights beamed into their eyes and they put their hands up in the air as large threatening figures came forward.

"Hold on, hold on, these little delinquents belong to me and Melissa McCall," Sheriff Stilinski said, stepping into the light past the growling search dogs.

Stiles and Wendy shrunk underneath his glare.

"Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"No. . .not the boring ones," Stiles replied.

"And where's your other partner in crime?" he asked his son.

"Who Scott? Scott's home. Said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school," Stiles told his father.

"Scott? You out there?" the sheriff called out. "Alright, I'm taking you back to your car where you will take her home and when I get home we're going to discuss a little something called Invasion of Privacy."

"I don't even think he knows what the means," Wendy said, recalling the time he tried to read her diary.

"How did he rope you into this?" he asked her. "You usually stay out of trouble."

"He gave me the puppy dog eyes," she muttered with a sigh.

"It's always gets her," Stiles said with a smile. "She thinks I'm adorable."

"No, I think you're an idiot," she shot back at him. "And you would do something idiotic to get yourself hurt."

"Well, don't think that I'm not going to tell your mother about this, Wendy," the sheriff told her.

"Damn you and your puppy dog eyes, Stilinski," she said with a groan.

After Stiles dropped her off at her house, she slipped into Scott's room and awaited nervously for her brother to return home. She couldn't believe that she let Stiles talk her into this. What if Scott was dead? Just as she was about to really freak out, he entered his bedroom through the window. She gasped when she saw him covered in dirt and blood.

"Scott! Are you alright?" Wendy asked rushing to his side, where she saw the blood was coming from.

She raised his shirt and hoodie, gasping when she saw the huge bite mark on his side.

"Can you help me bandage this?" he asked her and she swore then that she was going to kill Stiles Stilinski.

The next morning, she wore her new clothing that her best friend, Lydia Martin, bought her and she put it on with trepidation. After last night she was still pretty worried about her brother and now she had to prepare for her first day back at school. She had on a purple long sleeve peplum shirt with a tight black skirt and black heels to match. She hated wearing stuff like this, it made her uncomfortable especially when she had to show off her legs. She'd rather wear skinny jeans and a graphic t-shirt with her boots but Lydia was trying to force her out of her comfort zone.

"You're a beautiful woman, you should show it off," she always told her.

"I don't want to show it off," she muttered in the mirror.

She left her down in dark waves of curls and didn't even try to put on makeup. It was one of the one of the things that Lydia allowed her to do today. Apparently she really didn't need make up and she looked hot with her hair down. Wendy pulled on the skirt, grimacing, and left her room with her bag hung loosely over her shoulder. She met her brother downstairs and jaw dropped when he saw her.

"No, go change!" he told her.

"I gladly will if you tell Lydia that," she told him, shutting him up.

She slid into the passenger's seat of Stiles' jeep, her brother in the backseat. Wendy turned to Stiles to see him gaping at her.

"Y-y-you're. . . " Stiles stuttered.

"If you finish that sentence, I will kill you," Scott told him.

"A girl!" Stiles exclaimed and Scott face palmed.

"OH, thanks, I didn't notice!" Wendy said sarcastically. "Was it the boobs or the vagina that gave it away?"

It was silent the whole ride to school, Wendy staring moodily out the window. They arrived just in time for the bell to ring but Stiles was begging to see Scott's bite wound. They were walking up to the school when Scott stopped, putting down his bag. He pulled up his shirt a few inches to show Stiles the bandage on his lower side.

"It was too dark to see much but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf," Scott said.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked, incredulous. "No, not a chance."

"I heard a wolf howling," Scott replied.

"And I saw the bite myself, I bandaged the wound," Wendy told him.

"No, you didn't," Stiles scoffed.

"What do you mean "No, I didn't?" How do you know what I heard?" Scott asked.

"How do you know what I saw?"

"California doesn't have wolves. Not for the last sixty years," Stiles told him.

"Maybe they returned," she said with a mysterious smile/

"I don't think so," Stiles said. "There are no wolves in California."

"Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me when I tell you I saw the body," Scott told him.

"You what?!" Stiles exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?"

"You're way too excited about this, Stiles. I'm concerned," Wendy said. "You might just be a psychopath after all."

"What do you mean after all? Who else thinks I'm a psychopath?" Stiles asked. "It's not Lydia is it?"

"Anyways, I'm going to have nightmares about it for a month," Scott said.

"Yeah, that's freaking awesome and no, I'm not a psychopath. This is seriously the best thing that's happened since. . . " Stiles said trailing off as Lydia walked by. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin, who's walking toward us right now."

Wendy rolled her eyes as her best friend strutted towards them with her usually of arrogance. She walked like she was on a freaking runway show.

"Hey Lydia, how are you? You look - - " Stiles said as she ignored him, taking Wendy, and walking away. ". . .like you're going to ignore me."

Wendy sent Stiles an apologetic look over her shoulder as she walked into the school with her female best friend.

"I told you, that outfit looks great on you," Lydia told her.

"I feel like I'm in hell," Wendy told her as the boys in the hallway leered at her.

"Oh, don't be melodramatic," Lydia said, flicking her hair back from her face.

"That's like telling you not to wearing makeup," Wendy replied and stormed down the hallway in a dramatic fashion with her hair flying behind her.

Wendy walked into first period English, taking the desk behind Stiles. She was about to open her mouth to talk to him when the teacher walked in.

"As you all know by now, there was indeed a body found in the woods last night," Mr. Curtis said, his back faced to the class. "I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with all sorts of macabre scenarios as to how it happened but I've been told that the police have a suspect in custody."

"What?" Wendy whispered in Stiles' ear, who jumped having not seen her sit behind him.

"I don't know anything about that," Stiles said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"A vagrant with a long history of psychiatric disorders was discovered camping out in the woods near where the body was found. Which means your undivided attention can be given to the syllabus outlining the semester on your desks. Read it now. And by read I don't mean skim," Mr. Curtis continued.

Wendy was going over the syllabus when the door opened, causing her and the rest of the class to look up. The principal came with a new student and introduced her as Allison Argent. Wendy watched as she sat down beside her brother. Scott turned around and gave her a pen. She looked at them in confusion. Did she ask for a pen? She shrugged and turned back to the syllabus.

The day passed much too slowly for Wendy's liking. She nearly cheered out loud when the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Lydia had told her that she could switch shoes by the end of the school day. She took off her shoes, which had been killing her, and practically ran to her locker. Scott's happened to be next to hers so was Stiles so it wasn't too surprising to find them there.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked his sister.

"These shoes are killer. Seriously," she said as she pulled out her worn out purple converses from her locker and Stiles let out a gasp when she leaned against him. "Hold me up so I can put these shoes on."

"T-t-that's not really a good idea," Stiles squeaked, his face red and moved his hands upward but stopped suddenly.

"Dude! I said hold me up, not grab my boobs!" Wendy exclaimed as she finished putting on her shoes then turned to him with glare.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my hands. . . they slipped!" Stiles exclaimed and she laughed at the sight of him, breaking her serious stance.

"You're face is hilarious," she said patting his chest with a snort and he breathed a sigh of relief, turning around.

They turned to look at Scott, who had apparently been looking at Allison the entire time. She was currently talking to Lydia and her asshat of a boyfriend, Jackson Whitmore when Harley walked up to them.

"Can somebody tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" Harley asked.

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together," Stiles said.

"Well, thank you Stiles," Wendy said with a smile.

"Is that why Lydia isn't herding with you?" Harley asked him and Wendy snorted.

"Lydia's a long term project, okay? And trust me, I've got all the patience in the world for a high yield investment like her," Stiles replied.

"Well, I don't think New Girl's that pretty. Scott, you think she's pretty? Scott?" Harley asked him.

It was only known to her that Harley had the hugest crush on her brother, not that he's noticed. He didn't even blink now, his attention consumed by Allison. Wendy could sympathize with the other girl as she was in the same situation with Stiles.

"I'd take that as a yes," Stiles said.

"Hey, Scott!" Wendy exclaimed, waving at him but he didn't even turn around. "Alright, Stiles and I are off to have wild and passionate sex. See you later."

She had grabbed Stiles' hand, about to pull him away, when Scott turned to her, glaring. She just grinned at him, dropping Stiles' hand.

"Ugh," Stiles said. "You can't just give hope to a guy like that and then just take it away, it's enough to make any guy insane."

"Oh, please," Wendy said sarcastically.

"Are you coming to practice?" Stiles asked her.

"Don't I always?" she asked him.

A whistle blows as the Lacrosse Team's assistant coach gathered the team on the field. Wendy climbed up the bleachers to go sit by Allison and Lydia. She grinned at Allison as she sat beside her.

"Hi, I'm Wendy McCall, Lydia's best friend in the whole world and no, I don't normally dress like this," she told her.

"I'm Allison Argent, I think I have you in my English," she said, greeting her with a warm smile. "And let me guess, jeans and a t-shirt."

"How'd you know?" Wendy asked with a dramatic gasp.

"Lucky guess," she said with a laugh.

"I don't know why you're complaining, you have fantastic legs," Lydia said. "Besides Stiles couldn't keep his eyes off of you."

"Really? You're not messing with me," Wendy asked her best friend and Lydia shook her head.

"Who's that?" Allison asked, pointing to Wendy's brother and she was more focused on practice.

"That's my brother, Scott," she said with a smile.

"Twins?" Allison asked her.

"Yeah, I thank God everyday that I didn't get the uneven jaw line," she said looking up towards the sky with her hands pressed together. "And also that I'm the prettier one."

Allison let out a snort.

"You certainly have the flare the dramatics," she said.

"Yes, yes, she does," Lydia agreed.

"Says the girl who walks like a runway model every day," Wendy replied.

Suddenly the whistle blew, signaling the start of practice. Wendy watched in concern as her brother cowered on the ground. What the hell? One of the bigger players charged forward as he was given the ball. He hurled the ball toward the goal. Still reeling, Scott looked up too late as the ball soared toward him and bounced right off his helmet and into the net. Wendy winced as the team and Coach Finstock laughed.

When the whistle blew again, he was ready and the next player was given the ball. The player fired it right at the goal and she was surprised when her brother actually caught the ball. He caught the ball and he had moved startlingly fast to catch it. He continued to do so for the next few throws. The three girls sit forward, watching with interest.

"He seems like he's pretty good," Allison said.

"Very good," Wendy said suspiciously.

Jackson pushed to the head of the line, making it his turn to throw the ball. Glaring at Scott, he practically strangled his lacrosse stick. The assistant tossed the ball up, Jackson launched forward, catching the ball and spun around to fire it at the goal. Scott moved with supernatural precision. The ball landed right in the pocket of the goalie stick.

Wendy was shocked at first but grinned when she saw Stiles hollering and jumping on the bench. Lydia stands and gives a whoop as well. Wendy laughed as she watched her brother whirl the stick.

After practice, the three of them returned to the woods to search for Scott's lost inhaler, retracing his steps with Stiles and his sister following behind him.

"I don't know what it was. I mean I felt like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing.. I mean I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. And I can smell things," Scott said searching the ground.

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asked.

"Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket," Scott replied.

"I don't have any. . . " Stiles said as he pulled out a lint-covered piece of wrapped gum.

"OH, so that's where I put the last piece," she said grabbing it out of his hand, unwrapping it, and popping it into her mouth.

"Why? Why did you put gum in my pocket?" Stiles asked her.

"Duh, so I could have it for later," she said rolling her eyes at him.

"Anyways," he said shaking his head. "All this started with the bite?"

"What if it's an infection? What if my body is flooding with adrenaline before I fall into shock? I knew I should have gone to the ER," Scott said.

"Yeah, but you didn't listen to me," Wendy said with a role of her eyes.

"I've actually heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection," Stiles said, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you serious?" Scott asked, turning to him.

"All the symptoms add up. I think it's called . . . lycanthropy," Stiles told him and Wendy groaned.

"What's that? Is it bad? It sounds bad," Scott asked and Wendy looked at him in disbelief.

"It is. But only once a month," Stiles told him.

"Once a month?" Scott asked, looking at his sister.

"Don't look at me, my monthly is called menstruation," Wendy said rolling her eyes.

"On the night of a full moon," Stiles said.

Scott looked at him, still confused. Wendy shook her head, in disbelief that she was related to him. A second later he finally got it.

"You're an ass," Scott said.

"Yeah, that's true," she said with a grin.

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling," Stiles said.

"There could be something seriously wrong with me," Scott said.

"I know! You're a werewolf," Stiles said and Scott glared at him. "Okay, obviously, I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class melting down all the silver I can find it's because Friday's a full moon."

"And Scott, there's always been something wrong with you," Wendy told her brother. "Your jaw line."

Stiles snorted with laughter while Scott glared at the both of them. He continued the search for his inhaler.

"I swear this was it. The body was here. The deer came running, I dropped my inhaler. . ." Scott trailed off.

"Maybe the killer moved the body," Stiles said.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like eighty bucks," Scott said.

Wendy froze when she looked up and saw a mysterious stranger standing a few feet away. Stiles and her both tapped Scott on the arm, bring his attention to the man. Wendy couldn't help but find him incredibly handsome but she was not attracted to him, not like she was with Stiles and only Stiles.

"What are you doing here?" the man asked. "This is private property."

"Sorry, we didn't know," Stiles said.

The man just stared at Scott, barely even noticing Stiles.

"We were just looking for something. Forget it. Sorry to bother you," Scott asked.

As they turned to go, the man tossed an object to Scott. It was his inhaler. When he looked up, the man was already walking away.

"Come on, I have to get to work," Scott told them.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only a few years older than us," Stiles said and Scott didn't know. "His family. They all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago. I remember the cops pulling him out of class to tell him," Stiles said.

"Actually, it was 6 years ago," Wendy said.

"Whatever," Stiles said with a roll of his eyes.

"I wonder what he's doing back," Scott said.

That night as Wendy went to sleep, she had a dream, and as per usual it was about Stiles. Scott had Stiles pushed up against the wall of his bedroom, his eyes were yellow, and he had claws. Wendy's eyes snapped open, bright and purple, as she gasped for air but as she slowly regained control off her breathing they returned to normal. In that moment, she realized something. Scott was a werewolf. What was she?