Even though their parents died from a car accident ten years ago, Yuko had her brothers. On that day, the oldest Sakaki, Yuto, held onto her small hand as the both of them attended the funeral in the rain. Along with everyone else, he was dressed in black, holding an umbrella and only stared at his parent's picture with eyes colored in anguish. Many had tears rolling down their cheeks, including Yugo and Yuya, who both clinged onto Yuri. Since Yuko was too young to understand, she gently squeezed her brother's warm hand.
"Onii-tan, where's mama and papa?" She asked, despite not realizing how Yuto stiffened. But he slowly kneeled down to meet her eyes and laid both of his hands on the five year old's shoulders.
"They're both in a happy place." Slightly smiling as he whispered in response.
"Can I go too? I want to be with them." The oldest brother looked away in grimace as another hand rested upon Yuko's head. She turned around to find Yuri with her other brothers sniffling while holding hands.
"You won't be able to see them."
Big wet tears began to form at the corners of her green eyes when she heard him. Eventually, Yuko began to bawl out of sadness like the rain that was pouring around them at the time. Out of fury, Yuto pulled Yuri by his collar, glaring with his steel eyes. But Yuya and Yugo walked over to their younger sister and encouraged her.
"Don't worry, we'll be with you." The youngest brother said as he gently patted Yuko's small back.
"Yeah! I will always protect you." Yugo wiped away the dripping pearls that rolled down her soft cheeks and made a bright smile.
Witnessing this, Yuto let go of his grip off of his second younger brother's collar and went over to Yuko to pick her up. He rubbed the girl's back with his gentle hands and whispered, "We will all be here for you."