Confronting the Dursleys
A well-built raven-haired man with gripping emerald green eyes was walking through the unchanging halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, towards the Headmistress's office; his beautiful wife, with bright red hair by his side. His expression is such that it shows just how much he's seen in his short 36 years.
As the man works his way through the bustling corridor, he pictures his youngest son walking through the school in just a few months' time; he is so proud and excited for his son. Hogwarts is the first place he ever called home.
The couple walks, and reaches the stone gargoyle and the man says, "Unitus Domos."
The gargoyle leaps out of his way and a stair case appears. They make their way up into the office, and the man finally speaks up.
"You wanted to see me, Minerva?" says Harry.
"Yes, actually I did, Harry," replies his old transfiguration teacher. "Come in, and take a seat."
"Alright," replies Harry.
"Would you or Ginny, like a cup of tea?" asks Minerva.
"That'd be lovely," replies Ginny, and Harry agrees.
"Just a moment then!" says Minerva, conjuring the tea.
"Thank you," they both retort.
"You see, I've just received the letters for next year's first-years," starts Minerva. "I was actually hoping that you might accompany me to talk with a specific student's parents."
Harry knows of course that someone always went to the muggle-born children's' homes to deliver the letter, so that they could explain everything, and answer any questions about Hogwarts to the family. He also knew that Professor McGonagall liked to have an alumni accompany her whenever possible, and his friend Hermione Granger had been asked several times. He has never been asked to go before though, so this request comes as a slight surprise.
"Alright." says Harry "Is nobody else able to go?"
With a sigh, Minerva pulls out a letter from her desk.
"Actually, you're the first person I've asked. Given the situation, and what I know of your history, I think it best that it's you," replies Minerva as she passes Harry the letter.
Looking down at the letter, Harry was completely shocked.
"I trust you recognize the address?" states Minerva simply.
Miss E. Dursley
Second Bedroom on the Left
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging
The next thing he knew his hands started trembling. A cold knot that he hadn't felt in years seemed to settle in the pit of his stomach. Silently, he passed the letter to his wife.
Harry tenses, and walks over to the window sill. He hadn't seen his relatives in about 19 years, and he never looked back; although, he was on Christmas card terms with his cousin Dudley. Most of his memories with them were less than pleasant to say the least.
"Is this who I think it is?" questions Ginny cautiously.
"Yes, and I think it would be paramount if a wizard that the Dursleys know and... err...somewhat trust is the one to talk to them." starts Minerva.
With his back still turned to the women, he tries to keep his voice steady.
"I've exchanged a Christmas card or two with Dudley, but I am not sure how he will take the news. My Aunt and Uncle will be less than pleased though, I am sure," states Harry nervously.
"What do you want to do?" asks Ginny.
"I'll do it. She deserves a chance to come to Hogwarts. Will you come with me Gin?" asks Harry, turning to Ginny.
"Of course Harry!" replies Ginny.
"Thanks Gin," says Harry.
Looking down at the letter again, he reflects on getting his Hogwarts letter. It was a complete disaster, and Uncle Vernon lost it. He was glad it at least had an actual bedroom on it, and the letter wasn't addressed to the cupboard under the stairs, like it was for him.
"When do you want to do this?" questions Harry.
"They should be home around 5pm, and I was hoping to get it done today," says Minerva.
"We'll go get ready then," states Harry simply, as he grabs his wife's hand and they floo home.
Once home he goes to his closet, searching for his muggle clothes, cursing under his breath. He's sure that his clothes are at least slightly out of date, but he isn't looking to impress anyone.
Last time he and Dudley had seen each other was before his 17th birthday, and Dudley had told him that he didn't think he – Harry – was a waste of space.
"You ready to go?" asks Ginny.
"Yes," replies Harry bitterly. Or at least as ready as I'll ever be.
Taking his wife's hand, they apparate to Privet Drive with an earsplitting pop!