Note: Hello! Have you received a random message about this fic being updated? Don't worry it's not a dream, it's true! So I honestly just remembered this account existed and then looked around and saw a few things I should do since I promised them or they bother me personally. Firstly is finishing unfinished work. Any stories not complete will become complete. Second is promised releases. Everything on my Author's page will be made, as well as any specific requests with plot or details, any that just state a pairing or a fandom will be ignored. This includes the part two of Battle In The Bed and the sequel to Broken. Third, and maybe the most annoying/embarrassing, errors. These will be fixed, and stories will also be given additional details as well. Now that I have the time I could spend hours writing and that means a lot of words. I will write the chapter, check for errors, and leave a note for the next story I will be updating, and then upload it to the story. One chapter a day will be promised, and might be updated around 10:00 pm PST, give or take a few hours. Again, sorry for the people who liked the work ( Which I am not proud of, it lacks the details it should have and is filled with errors ) I made. However one issue... After this is all done I have considered keep it all up and becoming inactive... permanently. I plan to have all of these stories done by the beginning of 2018, the latest being the end of January of that year. I feel bad for giving a few months of work and then leaving again but who knows, maybe I'll find a reason to stay. Anyways, I hope some of you find this to be good news. I will have started these changes a week from now, maybe earlier.
- Buizel