AN: You guys are all so patient, and I apologize. Here is your chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't anything Percy Jackson or Harry Potter

Percy's POV:

"Hello Percy." I turned around, there standing in front of us, was Hermes. I smiled at him.

We had just walked out of the pool area, it was still my friend's free period, but there was only a little bit of time left. I decided to just stuff my water stuff into Leo's tool belt, it was dry anyway. I told my friends I put it under a hand-dryer in the bathroom.

"Uh… Perce? Who is that?" I looked around, even the wizards looked confused.

"I'm Herm. I'm a… relative of Percy's."

"I thought your mom didn't have anymore family?" Todd asked, confused.

"Not that I know of, but Herm and I are related on my dad's side." I turned my attention to Hermes. "What's up?"

"Uncle P asked me to deliver this for you, well actually, Tyson gave it to Uncle P, and I was delivering something to him so he asked me to drop this off for you since it's on my way." He handed me a brown paper lunch bag, I looked inside it to see a little box. I grinned, knowing instantly what it was.

I had Iris Messaged Tyson one night when Annabeth had been in the shower and asked him to make something for me. It had to be perfect, and I knew what I wanted, and Tyson was the one I wanted to make it.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"She is going to kill you if you're going to do what I think you're going to do." He told me. I shook my head, knowing who he was talking about.

"I know that, but that's not what I am going to do." He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm not suicidal." That made him snort.

"Sure you're not."


"It's kinda true Perce." Thalia piped in. "I mean, you insult my dad all the time, along with Clarisse's dad, and you sat in your dad's chair, you also-."

"Okay I get it! Geez." I raised my hand in defense. "It's not like I try to put myself in those situations, it just happens."

"Only you would say that." Annabeth grinned. I smiled and kissed her.

"I've got to get going, George and Martha both say hello, obviously they can't be here right now." I nodded in understanding that he couldn't bring them out with all the mortals.

"Thank you Herm." He winked at me and started walking away, before he left though he turned around.

"Oh, by the way, Uncle P wanted me to let you know he will see you soon." With that, he walked out the door.

"What was all that about?" Annabeth asked me. "What's the package for?"

"You'll find out soon." I winked and grinned. She looked at me with a weary yet amused look on her face.


Annabeth's POV:

Seaweed Brain had something planned. But what could it be? I couldn't think what he could possibly need that he would have to bring Tyson in on it. And not me.

I thought about it as we made our way to the gym, it had started to snow, really hard. But it's okay because the gym was warm. Percy's friends were all in gym and Percy's gym teacher always liked him because he never complained and was pretty much the top student in Physical Fitness, of course. Apparently he had Percy help out a lot in his class.

"Mr. Stoter!" Percy greeted.

"Jackson, good to see you." They shook hands.

"Same to you! This is my girlfriend Annabeth."

"Pleasure to meet you finally, Jackson would always talk about you whenever he was helping me get ready for class." I raised an eyebrow at an unashamed, smiling Percy. He just winked at me.

"Nothing bad I hope." I said teasingly.

"Nah, only that you are one of the only people who can match him in physical combat, rock climbing, and pretty much every sport besides swimming or anything to do in the water. Which I believe, this kid is a fish. Honestly though, he just talks all about you, your interests, how you met, how you got together, blah blah blah." He laughed. I smiled at him. "So who are all these people?"

And again everyone went around and introduced themselves. Stoter said we were welcome to join in any of the games that were going on, since it was last day before break he let them do whatever as long as it involved what they were learning so far. So basketball, soccer, badminton, volleyball, etc… I was looking around as Percy was talking to the teacher, the gym was pretty big.

I smiled when I saw some of the high schoolers showing James how to shoot a basketball, Al was watching on the sidelines, and Lily and Teddy were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. The other demigods and wizards were spread around, some playing, and some sitting in the bleachers talking.

"Attention Goode High. The roads are closed due to severe weather conditions. No one is aloud to exit the school at this time." The PA system crackled to life. "Would teachers please m-." The power went off and the gym was dark. There were absolutely no windows.

I gripped Percy's hand and he pulled me to him. I hugged him fiercely we couldn't see anything. His breathing was getting really heavy. But after a second the gym was lit up again, I looked around to see the demigods had lit up the flashlights on their phones, all of the mortals' phones were in the locker rooms. Percy and I quickly put on our flashlights too, they were brighter than your average phone flashlight, but not so much that mortals would notice.

"Everyone remain calm." Mr. Stoter said. "The back-up generator should be turning on any minute." And true to his word, the generator came on and we had power again.

"You guys okay?" Thalia had run over to us, and whispered the question. I nodded, closing my eyes and just resting my head on Percy's shoulder. I could feel him shrug as he buried his face in my hair. I just rubbed his back.

"If teachers could please bring the students to the auditorium. Mr. Stoter, if you could open up some of the dividers between the gym and cafeteria as well." The PA system finished.

I looked over at the wall, and sure enough I realized it was one that could open to share the room with the cafeteria. They probably used it for dances and other school activities. Percy and I stayed where we were as some of the other students helped Mr. Stoter to open up the middle five dividers, he then had everyone get in two lines, boys and girls. Percy and I decided to take everyone to the auditorium after the hallway was less crazy, since none of us were currently enrolled here anyway but we had to go since we were stuck here for now.

-Time Skip-

"So we're spending the night here?" A student shouted out.

"Yes." The principle stated. The roads are closed, and it's to dangerous to leave the school building, the snow is to heavy, and the doors won't open, we have to wait until morning or until the snow plows come through. What we need you to do after this meeting is call your parents, let them know your safe and that you are stuck here, if you don't have a phone, or a friend with a phone, make your way towards a teacher for assistance. Not now. I'm not done yet." He said after he saw students pulling out their phones. "Now, the girls will sleep in the cafeteria and the boys will sleep in the gym."

I gripped Percy's hand as I zoned out what he was saying after that, just how the school will provide food or whatever. He put his arm around my shoulder and led me towards Paul, who was standing by one of the doors.

"We don't go here, so we don't have to worry about that right?" He asked Paul.

"Because you're at the school, and signed in, you are under the responsibility of the school." We both paled. "However, I will talk to Jimmy." He gestured towards the principal. "You guys will have a separate room. You're my step-son so it works to our advantage. It's gonna be one heck of an argument, but don't worry, you guys won't be separated." He smiled kindly at us. I just blew out a breath and nodded.

"Thanks Paul." I said.


Paul's POV:

"This is ridiculous Paul! No! I forbid it. They are two teenagers that are dating no less. They have to follow the rules."

"Jimmy. I wasn't asking for your permission." I told my boss calmly. He balked at that and opened his mouth to retort. But I kept going. "Percy is my step-son, and does not go to school here right now, and Annabeth doesn't go here either. I was informing you that they would be in my classroom tonight so that way when you take count you know where to find them."

"You are risking your job right now Paul."

"They are worth the risk. Look Jimmy, they suffer from PTSD, they've been through a lot this past year. Trust me when I say, you don't want to witness the nightmares. They have gotten better with flashbacks, and triggers that occur in everyday life, but night is the worst, especially in an unfamiliar place. The screams… the pleas… the- the raw fear in their eyes after one of their nightmares…" I shuttered a bit, remembering how bad it's gotten before. Jimmy looked concerned.

"What- What happened to them Paul?" He asked me hesitantly. I just shook my head.

"Let's just say, the fact that they stayed sane is a miracle in itself."


Alyssa's POV:

"Perce." We all looked up, Paul was walking towards us. He just nodded at Percy. "Everything is good." I looked to Percy, he an Annabeth both sighed in relief. I was curious about that, especially seeing as they seemed extra clingy. "And you guys." I looked back at Paul, he was gesturing to everyone else Percy had brought. "Boys across the hall, girls next to my classroom."

"Thanks Paul." Thalia said as I tried to figure out what they meant.

"What was that about?" I decided to ask after Paul walked away.

"Nothing." Percy breathed out quietly as he leaned his head on Annabeth's, who was resting her head against his shoulder.

-Time Skip-

"Alright students. Fifteen minutes until lights out." Mr. Rike, our principal announced into the microphone while standing in the spot between the cafeteria and gym. "Find a spot to sleep." There were blankets everywhere, most from things like certain classes or apparently all schools have to be prepared for this, so they had blankets in the basement that no one knew existed and also these sleeping mats/cot things.

I said good-bye to Todd and Ryan, but I was surprised when Percy, Annabeth and all their friends didn't split up.

"Guys, the boys need to stay in the gym." I stated.

"We aren't staying over hear, we are going to Paul's room." Percy told us.

"What? Why? I thought we would be able to hang out Perce." Todd said. I nodded.

"Yeah, you're leaving me by myself?" I asked fake pouting.

"It's complicated." Thalia told us. Then she turned to Percy and Annabeth. "You guys go ahead, get settled."

They didn't say anything, just nodded. They both had been really quiet since the meeting in the auditorium, and looked like they were being sent to their death when Thalia suggested they go get ready, which didn't make sense seeing as Paul had a couple of couches and a whole comfy reading corner. We all watched as they walked away.

"Are they okay?" I asked Thalia.

"Wish I could say they were. Come on guys." And she led all the others away. The younger kids each asleep in someone's arms.

-Time Skip-

"NO! No please no!" Was followed by a gut-wrenching scream. Over half of the student body was awake and looking around. One more scream filled the air, but it was cut off mid-scream. It had sounded like Percy, shouting for Annabeth… But it was hard to tell. I noticed Mr. Blowfis blocking off the teachers and principal at the door. They looked to be arguing about something. Mr. Rike gave Mr. Blowfis a long look before turning and grabbing the microphone.

"Students. Students! Attention please. No need to panic, everything is fine. Find your spots and go back to sleep please." I snorted, yeah that was going to happen, I checked my phone, it was just past three in the morning. Great.


Percy's POV:

I just stared straight ahead as Will and Thalia made sure we were okay and talked to Annabeth. I carded my fingers through her soft blonde hair, before burying my nose in it and smelling the strawberries. I hugged her tightly from behind as she was sitting in between my legs, and she held my arms in her hands. I heard Will and Thalia leave.

"You okay?" I heard Annabeth ask me. I shuttered and shook my head, trying to hold back tears, as cheesy as that sounds.

As much as I wanted to be strong, Annabeth would see right through it, she was the one person I allowed myself to cry in front of, because I know that she knows exactly how I'm feeling, and it's the same thing. She knows she can cry around me.

"I'm here." She said and just leaned into my hold. We sat like that for a little bit.

"Wise girl?" I asked into the silence.

"Yeah?" I looked at her face as her head was leaned back on my shoulder. Her grey eyes were as beautiful as ever. I shifted our positions so she was sitting on my lap.

"I was going to wait for Christmas for this." I said quietly, almost to myself. "But, right here, right now, I need to do this. Right now."

"Perce?" She asked. I reached into my jacket pocket, which was lying right by us, and pulled out the small box that Hermes had dropped off. I took a deep breath and opened it, I heard Annabeth gasp as I looked deeply into her startled grey eyes.

"Percy!?" She asked staring at the ring in the box. "You aren't-."

"It's a promise ring." I interrupted her. She looked as me, disbelieving.

"Pretty fancy promise ring."

"Just listen." I told her and kissed her gently. "This promise ring is to let you know that I promise to always cherish, and love you. And I will be there for you no matter what. One day, when we are older, I will make it an engagement ring, and then a marriage ring, because really, they all mean the same thing, marriage is a promise to be together, there for each other no matter what. That is my promise to you. You're my other half Wise girl. I- I can't imagine going through life without you. The thought scares me more than that place. I would propose now if I knew your mom wouldn't kill me, but she would." Annabeth laughed, but her eyes were suspiciously wet. "We are a team. With you, I don't feel like I am carrying the weight of the world, I feel free, I feel like I can be me. I know I can be me. Not Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, Hero of Olympus," Annabeth let out something that sounded suspiciously like a snort, "but Percy Jackson, just a guy who is crazy in love with his girlfriend. Please take this promise ring Annabeth, because I promise to one day marry you. I promise to always be there for you, I promise to love you for eternity, even in death."

"You're so corny Seaweed Brain." She said, but she had a smile of her face and she was trying really hard not to cry.

"So, will you wear it?" I asked and she nodded, finally letting a few tears escape. She held out her left hand and I put it on the ring before kissing her hand, then moving to her lips.

"I've never seen this before, what is it?" She asked motioning to the jewel in the center. I grinned.

"It's made by my dad and I." She looked at me, shocked. "I manipulated the water and my dad turned it into glass." I explained.

It really was unique. In the center of the silver band was a sea green jewel, but it wasn't just sea green, it also had a few other shades of green and blue, reminding me a bit of northern lights. I had managed to manipulate the colors of the water using light. It wasn't a big jewel, it was just a regular size, and around it were smaller silver jewels making a sort of wave motion. I grinned.

"It's even engraved." She looked at me, and then looked at the inside.

As long as we're together.

Now she was crying.

"When… When did you even make this?" She asked.

"The jewel, I made that before I… disappeared. I was going to make it into a necklace. On my way to camp I stopped at my dad's palace and we made it together. I gave it to Tyson to turn into a necklace for you for Christmas. I disappeared before I could give it to you. Earlier this year while you were asleep, I IM'd Tyson and told him I was going to send it back, and I gave him the basic idea of what I wanted, he just elaborated it. I had dad spell out the words for him."

"Your dad knows?"

"You know him; he just wants me to be happy. His qualms are with your mom, not you."

"I wish my mom would be like that."

"She thinks I'll turn out like my dad, to be honest though. I don't think I would mind it all that much."

We were quiet for a bit, just enjoying the closeness of the other.

"Since when do you know what 'qualms' mean?" She spoke up.

AN\ I hope you enjoyed it. I really am sorry this took so long, and I know I always say that. But I always mean it too! None of these stories are abandoned, and they won't be. REVIEW PLEASE! But no flames! That won't help me at all, if you have suggestions use constructive criticism, and if you really don't like the story that much than you shouldn't be reading it. Guys I live for these reviews. Please REVIEW!