Chapter One: "If Wishes Were Fishes..."

"...And thus it was that Robin Hood became outlawed; thus a band of merry companions gathered about him, and thus he gained his right-hand man, Little John; and so the prologue ends. And now I will tell how the Sheriff of Nottingham three times sought to take Robin Hood, and how he failed each time."

Dot's sweet voice died away on the light breeze as she shut The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. "What do you think?" she asked tentatively.

"You read quite well," Susan offered as she dried the last of the plates. Mmm, it's getting dark. Almost time for bed...even thought it IS the first day we all came back to Wild Cat...I might let them stay up a little while longer...

"Better than any of the rest of us," chimed Peggy, sitting up. "Well, Titty is close," she added as Bridget gave her the stink eye.

"I think it was a good scrap between the two, but Robin's a bit fussy about killing," Nancy replied, lolling next to the fire.

John looked up from his Ship's Log. "You might think differently, if you had to kill someone," he said dryly.

Nancy turned pink and said nothing. Dick scribbled in his exercise book, pushing his spectacles up as he wrote. Bridget snuggled next to John, who was her favorite sibling.

Titty broke the short silence by saying, "Robin Hood always reminds me of "The Highwayman" poem. Have you heard it, Dot?"

Dick looked up suddenly. "That poem? Dot's memorized it. I should know," he added.

Roger, who had just ran up from checking on Swallow, snickered. "You mean you had to listen to the rotten thing fifty million times as she memorized it," he said, pulling Titty's braid and throwing himself down by the fire.

Titty and Dot sighed as one. "Brothers," Titty said, with worlds of meaning behind it.

Bridget pulled on John's hand. "Won't you whittle something for me?" she asked plaintively. "This is boooring!"

John shut his Ship's Log. "All right, Bridgie, I'll work on that little boat for you. It's in my tent. Would you get it?"

"I didn't know you whittled, John," Nancy said.

"Started last term when I realized that Titty's birthday was coming up and I couldn't buy her a present," John explained. "Thank you, Bridgie."

He took the rough little boat and began to trim the hull. Susan smiled and brought out a bit of sewing.

"Here's your sail, Bridgie. I just need to finish hemming it."

Bridget squeaked with joy and crawled over to hug Susan. Rodger nodded toward the boat. "I'll paint the name you choose for her on her side with my new paint," he offered.

"And I have a story about your voyages in her for you when you're ready," Titty added.

"Fine piece of work," said Dick, casting a critical eye over it.

"What's her name?" Nancy threw in.

Bridget, half shy, half proud, held on to Susan's skirt as she answered Nancy "Her name is going to be Bluebird, Captain Bridget Walker. John is the First Mate."

Nancy laughed, causing Bridget to scowl and retreat behind Susan. Peggy rolled over so that the Walkers wouldn't see her smile.

Dot, however, nodded gravely. "You'll make a fine captain, Bridget."

This earned her a large smile from Bridget, who came over to sit next to her.

Susan finished the sail. "There, that's done. Dick, you're the handiest with your fingers; would you get this on the boat?"

Dick jumped. "Er, ah, yes, of course!"


Deep twilight settled over the lake as Dick finished fixing the inner workings of the Bluebird to his and Bridget's satisfaction. Peggy and Susan quietly discussed food and clothes, with an occasional sarcastic comment by Nancy intruding on their conversation. Dot wove a quiet story for Bridget, to which John was listening as well. He also made suggestions to Dick now and again. Titty sat apart from the others, lost in her own little world.

All too soon, Susan began making those sort of noises one makes when she needs to get a bunch of chicks in the coop. John set the now finished boat in Bridget's hands as Dot concluded "...and so the good ship Bluebird sailed into the sunset, on route to the Isles of the Blest, because of her captain's selfless wish upon a falling star."

Bridget yawned. "That was a good story, Lady Dorothea."

Dot smiled her slow smile, but did not answer.

Susan now was throwing meaningful looks at John, who was refusing to look at her.

Suddenly, Titty, who had been staring at the sky, exclaimed, "A shooting star! Quick, everyone, make a wish!"

All eyes looked up to the fiery flame of the falling star, with one exception. Titty and Dot's lips moved quietly. Bridget squeezed her eyes shut. Rodger threw a cheeky grin to the stars. Peggy looked wistful. Nancy's eyes sparkled with a challenge. John had a glimmer of hope in his eyes, but it flickered out before it could grow.

Then the star disappeared into the lake.

With a collective sigh, the Swallows, Amazons, and Dorothea floated back to earth. (Dick had never left it)

Nancy broke the silence with a brittle laugh. "Well, if wishes were fishes..."

Before she could finish, the whole world turned to grey mist around them and began to whirl most alarmingly. Bridget screamed. Susan gasped. "This isn't REAL, is it, Susan? Susan!" Bridget shrieked.

Dot grabbed onto Peggy, who was closest to her. "It's magic!" she exclaimed, pulling Peggy towards her.

"What?!" yelled Peggy. "Someone? ANYONE?"

Titty, who was nearest to Dick heard him say "But it's not scientific! Not possible!"

"!" she yelled, feeling herself being pulled away.

John tried to fight his way through the mist towards Susan, who was just within his sight but he slipped and fell...

…...into grey nothingness.

A/N: And the adventure begins...

First, unlike my other long story, "Hope Springs Always", "More Than They Bargained For" will not be updated regularly. The reason is that I need some motivation for it, and I was hoping to get that from reviews. (Is that selfish?)

Second, this is more of a crossover, in all truth, but there is not an established section for it, so it is here. You'll see the crossover soon...:)

Lastly, this story is for all of those people who want more stories about the Swallows and Amazons. This opening chapter is especially for Solo for all his help with my SA&D works.

Thank you all. See you sooon!

Mary out.