Emma stayed on the bed, wishing she could reach out to Regina. All she could offer was a string of 'I'm sorrys' none that calmed the dark princess on the floor.

When Regina couldn't try anymore, Emma's voice was raw as well.

"Take my car, and the kids. Just go." Emma was pained and passive but it was what she deserved.

Regina tried to stand and swayed. Leaning on the wall.

Emma was worried she would fall and she pulled her tank over her head and went to collect the woman before she collapsed.

Instead of fighting her Regina pulled her close, "Don't you ever save me again, I need you! I can't live without you!"

Emma just held her close letting her tears fall again and again.

Both were so exhausted they fell asleep without a second thought.

When Regina woke she felt Emma's warm body next to her. She sighed, how was she going to trust her wife again… When she looked up she saw Lily sitting on the floor in front of her sucking on her thumb. Regina's eyes pooled with water. She had missed so much of Lily's life already. But as her daughter pulled herself to stand and uttered a quiet mama, Regina had hope that everything might work out ok.

Lily was hoisted into bed with her mom and mama and Emma sleepily wined as Lily pulled on her hair as Regina chuckled. Emma pulling her in to cuddle.

"No lil monkey mama needs more sleep."

Regina watched Emma's eyes float to hers, "Hey." Emma smiled hesitantly.

Regina reached out and brushed her arm with her fingertips, "Hi."

Emma kissed Lily's head, "Are you leaving?" Emma chocked on the end of her sentence as she trailed off Regina leaning in.

"We'll keep you safe Emma." Regina smiled and Emma started to cry hard.

"I'm so sorry Gina…"

Regina wiped at the tears though there was no stopping them, "I know dear, we'll, we'll be ok."

Then she remembered Henry, he would still love her right? Where was he.

"Dear, let me go check on Henry – I thought he would be up by now." Emma snuggled back into Lily as Regina held her breath walking down the hall.

What if he was just more confused? What if he thought she did this to ruin the story?

She walked out into the living room and there stood Henry.

They locked eyes and she took a step back, "Hen?"

His eyes over flowed as he ran into her arms. "Mom."

She was home.

A/N: Hey everyone - this is all I have written at this point. Waiting for creative juices to strike I have two other stories I am working on and will get to this when I figure out where to go. This could be a good ending though right? ;)