A/N: Hey guys! It's been a long time, please don't kill me! *dodges bullet* Dammn. I have a very good reason, three words: Cambridge International Examinations. My exams went great and are finally over, well, mostly over but there's only an MCQ paper left so eh. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I love you all and please, don't forget to comment down below and tell me what you think. Bye :)
Sarah winced, fidgeting a bit when I wrapped the bandage tightly around her arm. She tried to move her hand away but I tightened my grip slightly "Don't" I scolded. After wrapping the wounds, I held up her hands gently and inspected my work. Finally satisfied, I leaned away and sighed when I saw her tearing up. "It's not your fault, you know."
"I should've found a way to let you know when I saw you." She mumbled, her big brown eyes uncannily staring into mine, it felt strange to witness that- almost as if I was staring into an alternate version of what I could have been.
A chuckle left my mouth "Yeah, well, it's not like I gave you a chance, going terminator on your ass." A small smile formed on my lips when I saw the guilt in her eyes lessen and her lips move to form a grateful smile. "You have to tell me everything."
Immediately, the look vanished- replaced by fear and discomfort, she leaned back, letting out a small sniffle when her hand hit the ground, jerking her wrist.
I stared into her eyes, letting my voice fall to a soothing pitch "I want to help you but I can't do that if you don't tell me anything. That thing is a demon, I know how to kill it and I know how to protect civilians like you. That's my job but I can't do it without you." She opened her mouth to say something but quickly snapped it shut- fear still prominent in her gaze. "Please." I continued pleadingly.
She sighed, rubbing her forehead. When she looked at me again, determination had replaced the fear; my lips unconsciously formed a smile. She mumbled something, I leaned my head forward "I'm not a werewolf so you're going to have to talk louder."
"I was at my house in New York when I..." she paused.
"Go on." I encouraged.
She swallowed "I saw a dark black cloud, it then chased me. I tried to run but it caught up and forced itself down my throat." Her voice became hoarse "I blackened out. It felt strange- like I was asleep...but there were a few moments when I would wake up and..." her breath caught as tears began to trail down her cheeks "I saw her...me murder people, I could hear their screams and feel my hands wrap around their throats."
A loud sob erupted from her causing my heart to clinch. I placed a comforting squeeze on her shoulder. She suddenly threw herself at me, sobbing on my chest.
Feeling incredibly awkward, I looked around and patted her on the back. Her sobbing increased. A memory forced itself to the front of my mind.
It had been a few days since Dad decided to start training Sammy. A part of me wished that he never would, Dean had tried to give us both as normal a childhood as he could but Dad had decided to train me early, like Dean. I suppose, it was because I was his only daughter- a chance if you will, to redeem himself after he had let mom die.
It was a theory, who knew how that man's mind worked. I know that he loved us to bits but fuck him! He left Dean to take care of us; I hated the fact that my older brother was given such a big responsibility. I tried to help him, but I don't think I did enough.
The guilt was crushing to know that my brother ruined his childhood to make sure that Sammy and I had something resembling a normal childhood. He and I tried to make sure Sammy had a comparatively normal childhood but you know Dean, the stubborn fool would go to huge lengths to make sure that I did not have to help out much so that I didn't have to grow up as fast as he did.
Still, I should have tried harder. My chest clinched, and my stomach felt as if someone had shoved lava down my throat.
I sighed, feeling anger bubble to the surface. Dad had been particularly brutal on Sammy today, effectively ripping him a new one at every little mistake. The urge to tell the old man to cut him some slack crossed my mind.
"Have I taught you nothing?" John was hissing at my little brother. The thing about Dad was that he didn't yell when he was angry, quite the opposite actually, his voice was mostly calm but the dangerous edge in his voice made you want to run for the hills. "You're going to get your brother and sister killed! Why can't you try like Dean" my hands clinched, I knew for a fact that Sammy was doing his damnest to learn since day one. "I don't understand why you can't be good at the things that matter! Your sister and brother are miles ahead of you while you're here making stupid mistakes."
The crushed, disappointed and the almost self loathing look on his face made me snap, I started forward with the intention of giving dear old dad a taste of his own medicine, the anger within me was blinding, begging to be released.
Suddenly, I was pulled back. "Let me go!" I snarled, struggling. His hands loosened a bit when I suddenly jerked back and tried to get out of his grip. I almost ran forward, but he recovered and pulled my now struggling form firmly against his chest.
"You're only going to make it worse" he hissed, tightening his hold.
I turned my head to look at him incredulously "You're okay with this!?"
Various emotions crossed his face in quick succession before his expression changed to a stoic one. I knew that Dean would once again follow Dad's orders without question "He wants to keep us safe. Sammy needs to learn how to fight."
"But his progress is pretty good; he matched the progress I made when I first started. This is fucking ridiculous"
"Sam needs to learn how to fight." He said, more firmly this time "Dad knows what he's doing."
"Fine." I said, resigned. Dean was right about the fact that I would only make it worse "Let me go, I won't do anything." He searched my eyes suspiciously and cautiously loosened his grip. I yanked myself away from his and stormed away to my room.
A second memory followed the first.
It was the same day. I was going to get a drink when I heard slight sniffles. Looking around, I saw that they were coming from Sammy's bed. I rubbed my forehead before running a hand through my hair. After what he had been through, no wonder the poor kid was crying.
I silently went to sit down on the edge of his bed, he didn't turn to look at me. His shoulders were shaking. I wanted to curse- anger and pain filled inside my chest, making me want to cry as well but I pushed the feeling back. "Sammy" I muttered, placing a hand on his shoulder, he didn't turn around "Sam, you didn't deserve what happened today...with dad."
"He's right." Sam's voice cracked and I could hear that he was one word away from full on sobbing. "I should have done better! Dean did be-"
"Dean didn't do much better than you." I cut him off "You're on the same pace that I was when I first started. Dad ripped into me like that a couple of times. He always used to have a bad hunt before he did that. I'm guessing that he was pissy about the werewolf case that he returned from. It wasn't your fault."
He finally turned around and I winced, seeing his red and puffy eyes. "How do you know?" He mumbled, his voice vulnerable.
I smirked confidently "Because I'm your big sister, moron. I know everything." He relaxed slightly and the smallest of smiles appeared on his face.
"You don't know everything." He protested.
"What did you say, you little runt!" I whispered playfully, ruffling his hair. He grinned and pushed my hand away. The burden on my chest lightened at the sight of his smile and the sound of Dean's annoying snoring- somehow I knew that everything would be just fine.
I blinked rapidly and shook my head slightly, clearing my mind of the memory. Her sobs rang in my ear; I wrapped my arms tightly around her.
"That wasn't you." I said firmly "those things are evil, they controlled your body. They are responsible for the murders, not you!"
"Bu-but the imagines..." she sobbed, clutching my shirt tighter.
"You're going to be just fine. Nightmares are going to be a bitch for a while but I promise you that one day you're going to be just fine. One day, you'll move on with your life, look back at that moment and feel pride because you faced something that even some soldiers would piss their pants at." I said firmly "You're going to return to your old self, you won't be exactly like you were before this but you'll be stronger. A badass bitch."
Her sobs slowly died down to sniffles after my speech, she pulled back and looked at me; wiping her tear stained cheeks. "How do you know that?"
A confident smirk appeared on my face "Because I'm a kickass hunter and I'm unbelievingly awesome, meaning, I know everything. I'm a regular wonder woman." Her fear lessened and a small smile formed on her lips. "What? You don't believe me?" I huffed, feigning hurt and disbelief. A giggle erupted from her mouth, making me smile.
"I believe you." She said finally, looking at me gratefully.
A few hours later:
"Okay" I said, sitting cross legged on the disgusting pink (?) couch. "I'm going to give you a few tips to give you a fighting chance against the demonic sons of bitches. First of all, salt is your friend. Make salt lines in front of all the entrances to your house. Make sure to carry salt wi-"
"Wait" she cut me off, incredulously "All it takes is salt, of all things, and all this time, all I needed was freaking salt to handle a DEMON."
"Life's funny, isn't it." I said sarcastically "Now as I was saying, carry salt with you at all times if you want to avoid becoming a demon's play date. It's not sexy, painful- hell yeah. Anyway, say 'Christo' in front of people, I'm not going to get into its history because...I don't want to, look it up. It'll make a demon reveal itself so its eyes will turn black or red or, if you're really fucked, yellow. If that happens then throw salt at it and run like hell. If it doesn't then congra-fucking-lations!"
I look at her briefly to see if she understood, upon seeing her nod; I continued "an exorcism is used to send the bitch on a one way trip to hell." I showed her how to do salt lines and pulled up a website on her laptop showing the exorcism.
After I was sure that she knew the main points, I grabbed a can of beer from her house and headed towards the door. Stopping at the door, I turned towards her "Take down my number in case of an emergency." I ordered, she complied and I turned to leave.
"Thank you...for everything." She said as I walked away.
I turned around, a smirk on my face "Part of the job description, sweetheart." I got into the car and drove back to the motel. After ensuring that the motel room was secure, I collapsed onto the bed, beat as hell. "I'll scout the town tomorrow." I muttered tiredly before falling asleep.
Next Morning:
I walked out of the motel room; the morning shower had lessened my otherwise sour mood- I was definitely not a morning person. Getting in the car, I drove to the first food joint I could find.
Grumbling slightly, I sat in one of the seats, reading the menu. "Double bacon burger." I read aloud, mouth watering slightly. The waitress sauntered over to me.
"What would you like?" She asked, her voice dripping honey.
"A double bacon burger, medium fries and a coke." I ordered. She wrote that down and walked away. I'll scout the town today; see if any of these Dotachins' seem suspicious, I went over my plan. Soon enough, the food arrived; I ate the food slowly, closing my eyes in bliss as I savored every bite. After I was done with the food, I ordered a blueberry cream pie. After wolfing that down, I leaned back satisfied.
I noticed that the guy sitting next to me was staring at my empty plate weirdly. "Got a problem?" I asked, threateningly, he quickly shook his head and looked down. Giving the waitress the money, I left the place.
A few hours later:
The sky darkened and I grimaced, I had scouted the town two times but still jack. My car was parked some distance away from the mental asylum. I was going to stay here for an hour before scouting the rest of the town again.
I leaned back in my seat, my posture was relaxed but I scanned the area alertly. My phone rang; I flipped it open and held it to my ear. "Hello?"
"Roxanne!" Elena's panicked voice fluttered through the phone. "I was calling you yesterday, why didn't you pick up!"
"There's something called sleeping" I drawled sarcastically "I was probably asleep when you called."
"You could've at least messaged me." She huffed, but I could hear the relief in her voice.
"I'll send you a nude every night, dear sister." I smirked "if you want to keep track of how many times I jack off. You know, to fit into your schedule as you already try to keep track of every other thing I do."
"You're not funny." She laughed, the hurt leaked into her voice.
Guilt spread through my body, I ran a hand through my hair. "I was just messing with you, Bella." I smirked "I'll be sure to text you every night- well, every other night."
"How's the stay at Amber's going?" She asked.
"You know, the usual: braiding each other's hair, boy talk, discussing the sizes of dic-"
"That's enough, thanks!" She practically yelled. I could picture the disgust on her face.
"Don't be such a prude." I grinned. I suddenly saw a person trying to sneak up to the side of the asylum. "What the hell..."
"What?" Elena asked.
"Nothing. Amber wants help stuffing tissues into her bra, I'll call you later" I quickly hung up before she could say anything. I waited until the person had disappeared to the side of the building. Then, I grabbed the salt bag and knives, hiding them. I quickly opened the door and silently followed the person.