Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

"Do you believe in parallel universe, Naruto?"

"Eh?" Naruto turned his head to look over his pink-haired best friend. "Ne, what do you mean, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.

"A parallel universe, where we exist but our life in that universe are completely different than our life here." Sakura explained to him.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head, "Ne, Sakura-chan, do you mean like that one time when we got sent to another world?"

Sakura nodded, "Something like that,"

"Um," Naruto started, "since we actually went through that, yeah, I guess I believe in parallel universe." Naruto answered.

Sakura laughed gently, "I wonder if Menma and his Sakura actually ended up together," she said, voice full of curiosity. "I wonder if they got the happy ending that we never actually got," Sakura whispered, almost too soft that Naruto almost couldn't hear it.


"Maybe," Sakura continued, "maybe in another universe, we actually gotten our happy ending," Sakura turned to look at her blonde-knucklehead best friend in the face, "maybe in that universe, we actually didn't marry the wrong people. Maybe we actually got the chance to have a kid of our own and named him Shinachiku just like that stupid dream you had." She chuckled bitterly.


Sakura shook her head, "I—I'm sorry, Naruto. I shouldn't have said that."

"I will always love you," Naruto said, breaking the few seconds of silence that was surrounding them. "Ne, you know that, right, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura laughed a little, "Yeah, I know."

They both fell into another silence.

"Y'know," Sakura said breaking the silence, "I've always wondered what would happen if one of us actually said something back then."

Naruto chuckles, "We're on the same boat, Sakura-chan."

Sakura smiled, "I just hope—I just hope the 'us' in that other universe is living a happy life right now. I hope they won't have to go through the shit that we're going through right now," Sakura said. "I hope they won't ever, ever feel miserable, and make the same mistakes that we made."

Naruto looked at his best friend once more, smiling sadly towards her direction. He wraps his good arm around her shoulders, and kissed her temple.

Sakura closed her eyes, and snuggled closer to him.

"It's never too late for us to be together, you know that, right, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.

Sakura nodded slowly, "Yeah," she agreed, "but you and I both know we're both too selfless to do that and leave them."

Naruto chuckles sadly, "Yeah."

They both fell into another silence, embracing one another in a content silence.

"You know, I'll always love you too, right, Naruto?"

"Yeah," Naruto replied.

Sakura snuggled closer to him as she slowly fell asleep in the warm embrace of his arm.

"Always, Sakura-chan,"