A/N: Okay we're gonna try this again! This is the 3rd Kuroshitsuji OC story I've started and posted on here because I'm a capricious nerd. I'm gonna attempt to keep it going for more than 5 chapters *thumbs up*

This first chapter is pretty boring, sorry Q-Q

It was all my fault, admittedly.

Emery had even said, "Alexandria, I swear to the gods if you mess with this you're gonna get us into quite the pickle."

To which I had responded, "Can't you just call me Alex for once, kiddo? Plus, you gotta chill. Don't you trust me?"

I'd rather not say how she answered that question.

It was a full moon and I'd been preparing for days, planning for weeks, practicing for months, and studying for years. I had everything I would need surrounding me in my conjuring room, the place in which I performed many activities involving my, er… skills.

My spell book was out, my summoning sigil chalked nice and neat on the wood floor, and my dagger in my belt. On my body were many runes, painted on in charcoal paint, and I stood in a protective circle.

I was waiting until the clock struck exactly 1:00 AM, a good time for performing the types of things I specialized in.

Emery stood a little bit away from me, searching through her books for specific healing spells. She had many herbs and flasks surrounding her, and a cauldron at her feet. One of her three companions, a barred owl named Agatha, was perched on the desk. She fluffed her wings nervously and occasionally glared at me with what I assumed was a furious expression.

Companions were naturally protective though, so I could understand why the owl would be upset. I was, of course, putting her master through something that could most definitely kill her if handled wrong.

But we were both going to be in protective circles. It would be fine, they were made to protect us from anything magical. And even if things did go to shit, I would be the one being burned to ash, not her. I was the one with runes all over me.

Emery was only here in case I needed healing, which is what she did.

What I did was much more dangerous.

So much more dangerous. I thought to myself, with a twinge of anxiety catching in my lungs.

"12:55, sister." Emery said, glancing at the clock.

We weren't actually sisters, and that much could be guessed from our looks. Her skin was pinker than mine, with freckles sprayed over her entire body. She had green eyes that were too vivid to look natural, the look came with the whole nature/growth/healing package deal she was so good at. She was two inches shorter than me at 5'3 and looked a lot more than three years younger than me despite her only being 16.

I, on the other hand, had skin that was so pale that it looked like porcelain, with scars littered all over it from my multiple experiments. A more notable scar was one passing over my left eye, which I kept hidden under my choppy bangs. My hair was thick and straight, going down to my waist with one side a charcoal color and the other a silvery white. My right eye, which could barely be seen past my hair was black. The other had a completely white prosthetic in it.

That one had hurt.

Anyway, I jumped at the warning and quickly summoned one of my companions, a black cat named Gemini. There was first a glimmer and then a ball of fluff was suddenly on the table surface in front of me. He was mostly there for protection but he was also a comfort, and I could merge with him if I needed to see in the dark or anything. He was my most dominant companion, the same way Agatha was Emery's.

I scritched behind his ears a little and he hopped up onto my shoulder. Inside of him and Agatha rested the guardian spirits for me and Emery respectively. And now was the time to fully activate our protective circles with them. I set out two white candles out and lit both of them, grabbing the salt and saltpeter.

Emery came over and the two of us spoke a spell, sprinkled the salts onto our candles and said a finishing word, blowing out the candles. I felt Gemini's tail wrap around the back of my neck protectively. It was a simple protection spell that blocked out any negative energy but it wouldn't do much for me with so many runes on my body.

"12:58." Emery said, her voice shaking a little. She was nervous, and I was too. For good reason. This could either be another failure or a success, and I'm not sure which one would be the safest.

The spell could fail completely and nothing would happen, it would be a dud and I would try again another time. What we were most worried about was the conjuring failing, not the spell, because that would most likely injure me to the point of hospitalization or kill me.

If it succeeded, well… neither of us were completely sure what would happen. And I'd been studying this for years. I'd traveled all over the world, spoken to so many people, learned all I could of the subject and I still had no idea what the hell would happen.

All I knew is that it was dangerous, more dangerous than my usual spell description was, and that's saying something.

The grandfather clock struck one.

I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second.

And then suddenly I was following procedure robotically - lighting candles, focusing my energy, saying words upon words in latin. The actual spell passed by in a blur, it was the next part that seemed to last forever.

The searing light that suddenly decided to fuck up my eyes felt so powerful. It moved in waves over me, threatening to knock me out of my circle. Geometric shapes danced across my eyelids, or maybe they were coming from the light. I couldn't tell the difference between my eyelids being opened or closed anymore.

Agatha hooted and I heard the sound of Emery grunting as they merged together, Agatha would provide ultimate protection as was the way of an owl companion. Emery was only a 16 year old, I felt badly knowing she'd only had experience with things like spells and healing for 6 years and I had fucked up at least 4 of them.

And now I was gonna fuck up again.

Gemini hissed at the light, his claws digging into my shoulder and reminding me that I had to do something about this shit.

I furrowed my eyebrows and imagined a gateway. I focused all of my energy into that one thought, feeling tingles run from the tips of my fingers and toes, from the top of my head and down my spine until everything met together in a ball in my chest.

I had a rune there meant to help me actively focus my energy out of my body. Emery had one similar on her hands, though it was more for passive energy. I formed a triangle with my hands, my palms facing outward, held the shape up to that ball of energy in my chest and attempted to push forward.

It felt like trying to move a brick wall.

I cussed under my breath and felt a prodding at my brain.

'Merge with me.' I heard Gemini say to me in a voice only heard in my head.

I'm not quite sure whether I agreed or not but suddenly my vision changed slightly, my canines elongated, two cat ears atop my head made it easier to sense everything in the room, and a tail whipped furiously behind me.

I suddenly felt a lot more stable.

Merging with Gemini was as easy as breathing now, I used to go weeks merged with him. It's a bit more difficult for Emery, but she's young. Her field doesn't require as much need for protection.

'Focus.' His voice said to me, sounding closer now and less drifty.

I bit my lip and tried pushing forward again. It still felt like a brick wall but maybe now more like it was a brick wall on wheels. My shoulders ached as I pushed my hands away from my chest, centimeter by centimeter. Until finally my arms were completely outstretched and a ball of pure black energy swirled violently in the triangle my index fingers and thumbs made.

I was sweating furiously despite the light seeming to emit a cold temperature, my breath came out in quick huffs and my chest heaved. The ball of energy fluctuated in size very quickly all of a sudden, becoming bigger and then smaller and then all over again like a glitching picture.

The light flickered as the energy fluctuated, I began to see the corners of the room again as the light slowly condensed. Slowly, slowly, veeeeerrrry slowly I started to see the outline edges of a triangle being formed with the light.

Oh gods it's working? Is it working, I think it's working, holy shit, holy shit, holy sh—

'Focus.' Gemini said again, with more strain this time.

I tried to shut my brain up and focused harder on that ball of energy with renewed ambition. The edge of my vision turned red as I glared at the light, still very slowly condensing itself but being very stubborn.

"You will fucking form you piece of shit gateway, whether you wanna be opened or not. I swear on the goddess that I will never give up so you might as well open now, you lousy goddamned c—"

"Alex!" Emery screeched.

My head whipped over to look at her without thinking. She had merged completely with Agatha, making her eyes completely black, including the sclera. Her hair turned blue-white and a pair of feathery wings wrapped around her.

"Alex you need to stop, Agatha's telling me you need to stop!" Emery shouted, the glare in her shiny black eyes was very similar to the one Agatha had given to me only a little while ago.

'Alexandria, no. If you give up now you will be injured.' Gemini told me, I could practically feel his fur rustling at the owl's orders for me. He was slightly more possessive of me than a companion usually was due to his species, and another person's companion telling me to do something was similar to them ignoring Gemini.

Gemini was indeed a cat, just because he was a guardian spirit as well didn't make him any less prideful or narcissistic.

I growled and pushed harder against the light.


"I'M MAKING THIS PIECE OF SHIT MY BITCH." I bellowed, Gemini's voice mixing with mine in an unnatural way.

The next push I gave was so tough that I felt it bruising my hands. The light condensed into a viciously swirling triangle a little bigger than a regular doorway. Something wet trickled down my face and I couldn't tell if it was tears, saliva, or blood.

For a second I thought I had stabilized it, it wouldn't move any further and the light stopped bouncing as much.

I made the mistake of letting my guard down.

Because suddenly that triangle of light unfolded odd shapes all across the room, dancing around like reflections from water. I think I screamed. I felt like screaming.

Something in my gut was telling me, 'This thing is alive.'

And it definitely felt like it. Because suddenly, although I couldn't see it happening, the light felt like it was crawling up my legs. Every rune inscribed on my body burned and stung and it was absolute agony.

But oh gods. It was nothing compared to the next attack.

A beam of light flew straight through the triangle I was making with my hands, right down the center of that ball of energy, and smacking me right on the rune on my chest. I couldn't even scream. It felt like all the air left my lungs and had been replaced with dust.

The light seemed to be searching me, looking into my very soul and I wasn't sure if it liked what it saw. My eyes burned and my hair whipped around me. Emery was screaming something at me but I couldn't even decipher what she was saying if I tried.

My brain was completely occupied by this light. As it filled my body, searing my throat and running through my veins. Cracking my skin and then caressing the injuries. The protective circle at my feet was definitely on fire, I felt it burning my legs, but didn't have the heart to move. Not when this captivating light was fixating itself on me.

And then it stopped.

A/N: so yeah, that was a thing.

All my links are on my profile! check em out if you wanna contact me through my email, see me on my instagram, or see all the weird shit I reblog on my tumblr.