
"So, he broke up with you?" L cursed at how indelicately these words would translate over the phone.

"Yes," Light sniffed, apparently not noticing L's struggle at being the comforting friend.

L prided himself at being a very talented listener and having rather good advice in some situations. Usually, when Light called him with an emotion filled speech it was because he was angry and needed to let off some steam. L enjoyed listening to Light's rants and complaints, because he understood where his friend was coming from and could offer comments when it seemed Light needed them.

The current situation was completely different. Light was one of the few people that L was comfortable socially interacting with, but hearing him crying and babbling was something that L had no idea how to handle. He had no clue what to say to make things better because he barely had any idea where Light was coming from, even after the boy had explained the entire situation. Hopefully, listening would be enough this time.

"I can't believe this is happening," Light's voice was unsteady from the sobs that he was unable to suppress.

It was late and L reasoned that Light's family was in bed and Light was alone. It wasn't odd for him to shut himself in his room, and it was likely that they had left him alone, assuming that he was studying. No matter how upset Light was, L knew that he would never let anyone, spare L, hear him cry the way that he was at the moment. L doubted that even the person who had done this to his friend had been allowed the privilege of seeing the affect of his actions.

"We were together since freshman year," Light responded. "Why would he leave now?"

L didn't answer.

"Maybe he didn't even like me to begin with," Light continued. "God, I told that bastard that I loved him. Did I love him?"

L searched his usually helpful brain for something to say to Light that would make everything better, to no avail.

"He wouldn't even tell me what I did wrong."

"I'm sure that you didn't do anything wrong," L prayed that this was the right thing to say.

"If that was true then why would he dump me?" Light apparently didn't expect L to answer this, for he continued to speak. "I spent too much time studying and not enough time with him. That has to be it, he was always annoyed when I blew off a date for something academic."

"He had no right to be upset with you for putting your time into securing a successful future," L voiced.

"When you're in a relationship, you're supposed to put the person that you're with and their needs first," Light sighed. "I should have been able to live with a few bad grades if it meant that the two of us were together."

"If I were dating you, I wouldn't want that." The words came out before L could stop them. Freezing, he hoped that Light either hadn't heard or didn't pay attention to his remark.

"Really?" Light sounded doubtful.

"Yes," L's single stupid brain cell forced him to continue. "If I was your boyfriend, I would want you to study, considering how intelligent you are and how much your test scores mean to you and your family."

"Yeah, but if you were my boyfriend, all we'd do is talk on the phone or at school," Light scoffed.

"Are you suggesting that I would not take you on dates?" L inquired.

Continuing this hypothetical scenario was foolish, and L knew that he needed to force himself to change the subject. However, despite his pessimistic view point on the idea, for the first time since Light had called him that night, L couldn't hear a waver in his friend's voice. If the joke was something that Light might find amusing, or at least distracting, then L would continue it. After all, Light didn't have to know how L yearned for their conversation to be reality.

"No offense," Light spoke and L pulled his thoughts back to earth. "But I can't see you as much of a romantic."

"That might be true," L admitted. "But if I was dating someone as wonderful as Light Yagami, I would make the effort to be as romantic as he wanted me to be."


"I would even sit 'normally' and eat regular food on special occasions so as not to ruin the ambiance," L put forward.

"That's a lot of sacrifice on your behalf and none on mine," Light pointed out. "That would make me an even worse boyfriend than I am now—I mean, worse than I was."

"I'm sure you would find some way to make it up to me," L deemed it wise to continue after hearing the slight catch in Light's voice as he said the word 'was.'

"I'd try," Light told him, pausing for a moment before adding: "I wouldn't complain if you did sit the way you usually did when we were in public. I'd take you to cafes too, so that we could both eat whatever we wanted without irritating the other."

"You know the way to a man's heart," L teased dryly and Light gave a hollow laugh.

"I wish that were true." Light didn't speak for a few long seconds, and when he did it was in a noticeably smaller voice. "L?"


"If you were my boyfriend and you wanted to end things, you'd tell me why, right?" Although he had lost the waver, it was clear that Light's thought's were declining back to where they had been at the beginning of the phone call.

"Light, if I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't end things," L didn't know if this was what Light needed to hear, but it was the truth. "For the relationship to end you would have to leave me, and I doubt I would listen to you if you tried."

"So you'd stalk me if I tried to dump you?" Light deadpanned.

"If I had to, yes I would." L grinned as he spoke, and his grin only widened when he heard Light chuckle on the other end.

"I guess you are romantic after all," Light mused.

"Yes, stalking is very romantic," L remarked.

"Loving me so much that you would refuse to leave me when I told you it was over is romantic," the humor from Light's voice was gone. "I definitely don't love that jerk that much. If that even was love. He says it's over and I cry and then find a way to accept it. Maybe it's better that he left me."

"You deserve someone better than him," L didn't let his voice sound forlorn.

"Like you?"

L didn't say anything.

"Sorry, did I just cross the line?" Light asked nervously. "I didn't mean it like that, I mean we were talking metaphorically a second ago, so I thought we still were. Sorry."

"No." L hated it when Light apologized, for he never thought that Light ever said anything to him that required forgiveness. "I understood what you meant."

"Good," Light laughed uneasily. "We'd make an odd pair, anyways."

"Always competing over everything," L mused.

"Turning every conversation into a mind game," Light added. "And imagine what it would be like when we fought."

"I know everything about you, so I doubt that I'd run out of things to yell in the heat of anger," L said.

"You'd have unlimited ammunition," Light agreed. "And we both know what comes out of my mouth when I get riled up. We'd get each other so worked up that we wouldn't talk for weeks."

"But we'd make up eventually," L couldn't help but add. "I wouldn't let you leave me, remember?"

"Right." Light's smile could practically be heard over the phone. "It's getting late, I should be asleep."

"It's a Friday night," L pointed out.

"I use weekend nights to catch up on sleep," Light explained. "Which you already know, because I have to remind you every time I try to hang up on you."

"Normal teenagers stay up late on weekend nights and sleep in," L remarked.

"Don't suggest that I'm normal," Light told him pointedly. "You should get to sleep too, you don't get enough hours."

"Light is very bossy," L observed.

"If we were dating, I'd be worse," Light retorted.

"You would try, but the outcome would be the same," L informed him. "I hear your orders and choose to ignore them."

"I'd make you listen to them," Light said bluntly.

"You would force me to sleep?" L knew that Light's couldn't see his raised eyebrow.

"I'd tie you to your bed," Light didn't sound like he was joking. "No, I'd tie you to my bed."

"That sounds like you have something aside from sleeping in mind," L quipped.

"Of course you'd think that," Light groaned.

"I am not going to sleep willingly until you make good on that threat," L teased.

"I'm hanging up," Light told him.

They both laughed.

"Thanks for talking to me," Light's tone was serious now. "I feel a lot better."

"That's good," L was glad that he had been able to help.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Light said.

"Alright," L smiled.


"Sleep well."

L snapped his cellphone shut and tossed it onto his desk. He let out a heavy sigh and he leaned back onto his bed. Closing his eyes, he decided that he might as well attempt to sleep a few hours more than his quota that night. Thoughts of Light and their hypothetical scenario lulling him to dreamland.

Author's Note: While working on my other LxLight story Lucid, where the romance has a slower build, I wanted to write something shorter and fluffy and thus this was born. This is a humor story, but, be warned, there might be a touch of angst or hurt/comfort in the future. I will, however, try to keep this funny while still being realistic. Thanks for reading! I would love some feedback, so please review!

Updated Author's Note: Thanks to my beta Questionable Desisons, you lovely readers do not have to suffer through my spelling and grammar erros.