Hey guys if you are here id like to say thanks for clicking on this. Anyways you might have seen my character Chelsea in Skycrest's story Azure Flame Wolf, and even though she is my character they can wright her better then me, so haha theres that. Also our time lines are a bit different , Azure Flame wolf is set during the series while mine is set afterwards. anyways i hope you guys enjoy this! i dont own anything except for Chelsea.

My name's Chelsea Marks, And I'm a mutant.

I'm 27 years old, and I've been a runaway ever since I was a kid. When I was 15 my powers developed and I ran away from home fearing what my family would think of their daughter becoming a monster. And I mean literal monster. I'm able to shape shift into a dragon, yeah I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Honestly I think running away was for the best. I didn't have much to stay for anyways. My parents were always at work, and therefore never at home, my three brothers were pains in the ass, not to mention the oldest constantly bringing girls and friends over, he was almost as bad as our parents when it cam to ignoring the rest of us.

No more than a few months after I ran away I was captured by a secret organization, and although I never knew their real name (being a prisoner I didn't have many privileges, not even knowing the people that held me captive). I did know what they were trying to do however. They were trying to make the perfect soldier, the perfect living weapon. They were trying to combine powers of many different mutants to achieve this and put into a single being. Their reason for this I still don't know

Now you might be thinking "What the hell would they want with a giant fire breathing lizard?" And that brings up my other "abilities". My body has an unnaturally high healing factor. What might take a regular human 6 weeks to heal a broken bone, it only takes me about two weeks, it really depends on how bad the injury is. Cuts and sprains are easy to heal, while bones are more difficult. Although the healing factor doesn't seem to work to well with keeping colds and regular illnesses away, which is fucking horrible.

Back when I was in the secret facility that held me captives, me and a few other prisoners had a name for the place. We called it Branch H23. What we knew from the guards' uniforms is that the real name started with an H, and we were apparently in branch, or section 23 of this corporation. The branch was made up of test subjects, mostly teenagers, along with a few younger kids. I made a few friends there, although the circumstances made that job difficult, but if I hadn't made those few friends, I never would have escaped. Now you may think that since I escaped, I would be free, right? Well you are dead wrong. The bastards at H-23 implanted tracking devices in us,causing me and the other kids I escaped with to constantly be on the run, to always try and get away and to avoid recapture. The plan to keep ourselves safe had only two rules: run, and if you can't run fight for your life. Anything to keep us out of those labs that they kept us in before.

For the past 3 years I have been alone though. My small team of runways was divided after a few years. Some died, some were recaptured, and some just couldn't go on without those who we had lost.

So now I'm a lone traveler. I ended up in a city called Bayvill, in New York State this morning. Tired and really fucking frustrated after being on a nonstop run for over a week, I decided to rent a room at some little off the road motel, just to get a shower and a few hours of sleep would be nice. Throwing off my clothes as soon I got to the bathroom, I started up the water, letting it get hot. Waiting for it, I looked at the mirror to my reflection. Caramel blonde hair and green eyes, I suppose I could be beautiful in someone's aspects. I guess I'm of average height, I do have a slim, but fit body, so I have that going for me. Finally feeling the steam of the shower against my body, I got in, washing the dirt of the week away. You wouldn't believe how valuable showers are when you don't have them on a regular bases. Getting out, I put on my cleanest cloths, which happens to be a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top. Exhausted, I lied down for some very needed sleep.

It's was only 8:30 P.M when I woke up. I was still tired, but I have learned to only sleep for a few hours, so I decide that I should go get some food.

Pulling on my favorite leather jacket, I locked the door behind me, I headed down the street to try and find some type of low-key bar or diner. As I walked, I can see a few signs in the windows of shops, all directed towards mutants. Most of them say things like "We don't serve freaks of nature" or "No mutants allowed". As you can guess these are all very direct at establishing peoples' feelings towards us. After the whole Apocalypse earlier this year, I guess humans have gotten even more hostile, even though it was a group of mutants that ultimately saved their sorry asses. I remember seeing it on tv, a group of teenagers and a few adults took down this extremely powerful mutant apparently, saving humanity and what not.

I came to a small dive bar down the road, it's red sign glowed slightly in the darkness of the streets, illuminating the words "Hogan's 'n Slogans". I pushed the door open, the musty smell of alcohol and hints of tobacco wafting up my nose. It was almost empty, spare a guy at the bar and two men at a pool table. I made my way to the bar and sat on one of the stools that dotted it, and took a quick look at a small menu propped up against a ketchup bottle.

"What can I get for you sug'?" A blond waitress in her 40's asks me from over the counter.

God I was craving meat. Honestly it was my favorite food I could usually get, no probably my favorite food in general. "You serve burgers at all?"

"You bet we do. Anything else?"

"A bottle of beer."

"No problem honey." She said grabbing a beer from a fridge underneath the bar. "Here's your drink and the burger will be out in a moment."

She turns and walks through a door that can only lead to the kitchen. Not knowing what else to do, I looked at the other occupants in the bar. The two guys at the pool table are probably in their mid 40s or early 50s, they didn't seem to notice that I came in, and are chatting and laughing as they shoot the small colored spheres across the green carpeted table. The other man sitting at the bar to my left, looks to be in his thirties. His hair black, stubble covers his face, giving him a gruff, somewhat mountain-man look. Dressed in a brown biker jacket and blue jeans, I couldn't help but admit that he was handsome, and my type of guy by the looks of things. Any other night I would have flirted at least a little with a guy like him, but the only thing on my mind right now was food.

The man must have noticed I was looking at him because he flashed his dark brown eyes towards me in an almost annoyed glare.

"Can I help you?" He he growled.

I said the first thing that came to mind. "No, you just looked familiar, that's all." It wasn't a complete lie, he did remind me of someone I had seen at some point in time, but it was hard to place my finger on it. Taking a swig of beer, I ran my fingers through my hair, still tired.

The waitress came out with my food, finally, to which I practically inhaled.

"You sure can eat for a small chick." The guy next to me stated. I rolled my eyes before replying, a mouthful of food still stuffed in my cheeks.

"You know, commenting on a girls eating habits won't get you any closer to getting in bed with her"

" What the hell gave you the idea that I would want to sleep with you?" He said placing down his glass of whiskey.

"Who wouldn't want to is the real question." I sarcastically said with a smirk. My associate only scoffed, but I could see a small smile play across his lips. He didn't seem too bad, and I was bored, so I went ahead and introduced myself. "My names Chelsea by the way." I gave out my hand, getting a firm shake in response.


"Logan, sitting in Hogan's 'n Slogans? Sounds like some damn tongue twister." He let out a chuckle under his breath.

"Yeah, guess it does."

"So you live around here?"

"What does it matter to you?"

" Hey I'm only going to be here for a couple of days and I need to find a proper laundromat and some place to get some supplies before I hit the road."

"Oh so you're a traveler, or...?"

Shrugging I gave my reply "Yeah I guess you could call me that." He didn't press further for anymore information, just let it drop and continued making progress on his whiskey.

"There's a camping store on Main Street, and a grocery store a block away from that."

"Thanks." I shoved the rest of my burgers into my mouth before I decided to speak again, only for me to be interrupted before I could start when the door swung open. Before I could even look behind me, I could see Logan tense up at the sight of whoever walked in. Being careful to not show my entire face, I took a quick glance over my shoulder. 'Oh crap'.

There stood two men that I could identify all too easily. They were dressed in black polyester jackets, black pants, and sunglasses. A badge reading H23 over a skull with tentacles was placed on each of their shoulders.

'Shit shit shit shit!' I wasn't even here for a day and they already found me. For god's sake can't I catch a god damn break! There was only one way out of this and it would be to fight. I knew better to charge right at them, knowing that they were carrying electrical and tranquilizer guns under their jackets. The pool sticks I could use as a distraction though...

Jumping from my seat as fast as I could i grabbed a stick from one of the men at the pool table. "Sorry mind if I borrow those?" I quickly said before slamming the long pole into one of the H23 agents stomachs, and thank god it worked! He crumbled to the ground with a groan.

The other agent stuck his hand into his jacket, but before he could grab one of his guns, I slapped the pole into the side of his neck, making him stumble back. Not caring about my bill, I ran out the door as fast as I could.

I ran, and ran, taking as many twists and turns, and shortcuts through alleys as I could through the city. I suddenly found myself at a shipping yard, in a maze of large metal containers. Stopping to catch my breath, I realised my mistake when I heard the echo of boots against the concrete around me. "Crap..."

The first guards rounded the nearest container, guns already raised. Many others followed, forming an arch to keep me barricaded between them and the two containers

"Surrender now, and we won't have to shoot you down." On of the guards said, moving closer, making me back up into the shipping container behind me. "You know the how these guns work and I don't think you want to be reminded, girl."

"Damn right I do!" The thought of just getting hit by one of them sent a shiver up my spine. "Which is why you should BACK OFF!" I could see one of the guards out of the corner of my eye move, just on the edge of my vision, getting ready to take me by surprise.

"...Fine, I warned you..." The familiar feeling of scales spread over my body, starting at my forehead, along with the slight pain of my bones contorting and changing shape and adding extra. My jaw changed, replacing my teeth with sharper, larger ones. A the pair of leathery bat wings and the long spaded tail swang out behind me. A warm feeling spread through my chest, and my senses heightened. They smelt like what they always did, plastic and chemicals- wait, did one guy really get Chinese food before this?

I let out a roar, feeling the all too familiar fire start to ignite in my throat. I launched my flames at them sending them retreating only a few steps from my golden flames . The fire died down, only to reveal them standing there, unfazed- singed but in fazed. 'Fire proof suits? Really?!'

Seeing that I couldn't attack them with my preferred method, I launched myself at the men, gnashing my teeth and swinging my claws and tail. It was too tight between the shipping containers and until I could get to a bigger area , I wouldn't be able to fly off. So I raged on. It was a flurry of the guns and my own defenses. Many of them fired, and I narrowly missed the electric blasts and tranquilizers. I hit one of the men with my tail, sending him flying into the air. A few seconds later he came crashing down on one of his buddies, both looked horrible after the dust cleared.

I got very distracted in trying to defend myself from all my attackers, but suddenly, a horrible pain sprang through my shoulder. I let out a roar, part of my animal instinct that I couldn't suppress while wrapped up in chaotic setting of fighting and pain I was in. One of the electrical currents must have grazed me, luckily not enough to completely electrocute me, but still able to cause damage. I retreated to one of the containers behind me, bellowing flames to keep my enemies at bay. The pain hurt like hell, and now I definitely wouldn't be able to fly, the strain would be too much on my muscles that connected my wings and shoulder, and it would take at least a few hours before the tissue would be able to heal from such a shock. The sickening feeling of fear crept through my stomach. I couldn't go back to one of their damn bases, back to their labs... And the torture they performed there.

All of a sudden, a figure flew into the fight, landing between the guards and I. Crouched there was a man with dark hair, and dressed in a brown leather jacket.

"Logan?" I was very confused, for a number of reasons, but the most interesting thing was the the claws. Three on each hand sprouted from his knuckles, glinting silver in the light. He let out a strange sound, a mix between a snarl and a roar. Before any of the guards could fire, he charged at them, his claws slicing through their metal guns like they were butter, the detached parts clattering to the ground. A few of the guards cursed under their breaths, and I swore I heard a few of them say "not him again". In only a matter of seconds, this guy was able to practically take down the whole front of the group before both them and myself were snapped back to the situation at hand. Shaking my head to get over my surprise, I charged at the guards with my new...comrade I guess. We fought furiously side by side, taking down the guards left and right.

He was amazing to see fight, swinging his claws, and jumping and plunging them into our enemies. I myself had started charging at them, knocking their guns to the ground, and snapping up their bodies to fling away into the air.

Finally they started to retreat out of the shipyard once most of their allies were disbanded or injured.

We stood in silence for a minute, waiting to see if theyed come back. Logan finally broke the silence.

" You alright?" he asked, his dark eyes intentative, yet still holding a slightly crazed gleam in them, as if he would be ready to fight again if the situation called for it.

"More or less," I said shifting back into my human form "Thanks for the help." Logan grunted in response.

"Why are fucking Hydra agents after you?"

I raised an eyebrow."So that's their name?" He looked at me as if I was a moron. "They took me prisoner a few years back. I escaped and they've been after me ever since."

"D'you know how they're tracking ya?" He retracted his claws, followed by a "shnik!"

"My best guess is that they've put a tracking devise in me. I'd tear the damn thing out myself if I knew where it is." He growled, a deep rumbling sound from his throat, broke by his beard teeth.

"God damn it..." He looked at me as if contemplating a decision. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist, pulling me after him as we sprinted through the shipyard. "Come with me!"

We ran until we came back to this street that the bar was on. At first I thought he was stupid enough to come back here even though the people inside had seen me take down the first two guards and ran out the door (without paying), that is until I saw the motorcycle. My god it was a beautiful bike. Dark blue Harley Davidson, clean and shined handle bars. I had always thought motorcycles were cool, ever since my uncle had taken me to a show full of them, of course they were all dirt bikes but it was what got me to like them. This one was amazing and I couldn't help gaping at it.

We jumped on the bike, Logan pulled out the key and plunged it into its slot. It rived to life with a loud rumble .

"Hold on!" Logan yelled over the noise. I wrapped my arms around his midsection, ignoring the awkwardness of the gesture. The bike started moving and we sped off down the street. We passed numerous stores and businesses, and apartments as we sped through the city, before we retreated out passed the glow of the high rises and buildings, and took a road that seemed to lead to the country, or at least away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We started to slow down as the road lead to a huge private estate. The place was bordered by a coastal cliff on one side, and what looked like a small forest on the other. I could see a big mansion on the grounds, but that was about it until we pulled in through the tall, brass gate. And to say the mansion was big, was an understatement. It. Was . Fucking .huge.

"What the hell are you? A billionaire playboy who fights crime at night?" I said as the bike slowed to a roll as we moved towards a smaller building, a garage.

"You'd like that wouldn't you Goldy Locks?" Logan shot back, before taking off his helmet roughly, causing his dark hair to be ruffled.

"I think most women would..." I mumbled sarcastically, he gave me a look that seemed to say "what's wrong with you" and shook his head at me before walking off towards the mansion.

"Yeah, whatever. Just come on, and hurry up!"

As we entered the mansion, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop a little. It looked just as big on the inside, if not bigger with two large hallways that lead to what looked like a dinning room and a kitchen. There was a long set of elegant stairs, with two doorways on either side.

"Hank!" Logan yelled out. A little brunette girl, who looked to be about sixteen to seventeen, bounced to the railing at the top of the stairs, followed by another girl this one blond, who looked a little older.

"All I'm saying is that your hair would look really good if it had a more choppy look!" The blond said to the smaller girl, who just ignored her and looked to Logan.

"Mr. Logan, what is it. We all thought you were going to be back, like a lot later." She said with a valley girl like accent. She looked to me as if she had just noticed. "Who's she?"

"Don't worry about her, she's one of us," Logan replied sharply "but where the hell is Beast?"

"I thought you were looking for a guy named Hank?" I said, a little confused.

"Mr. McCoy? He's down in the lab. Why?"

"As I said before I thought we were looking for a 'Hank'". More confused.

"Surgery." Logan growled.

"WHAAT!?" I screamed, the other three looked at me with raised eyebrows. Yes, I did have a huge fucking fear of hospitals and doctors and anything else realeted. It would surprise you what torture and tests will make you have phobias of. Logan's expression changed to a more t annoyed look as he took in a breath.

"Listen, would you rather have hydra agents after you till the next time you have the chance to get the tracker out, or would you rather be done with them for good if we can get the damn thing out right now?"

"Wait, Hydra?!" The little brunette exclaimed.

"Chels we can get rid of it now and you'll be safe from them." He looked at me with those intense, dark eyes. " 'You trust me on this?"

I took in a breath and closed my own eyes before giving a nod. "Yeah, just... Just don't make me be the excremental of some crazed doctor."

"Sure thing, now follow me." He said, and turned to walk to one of the doors, which I found to be an elevator once I got in with him.

"uh… how many levels does this place have exactly?" I asked looking at the numerous buttons in the elevator.

"Six." Logan stated blankly, pressing one of them.

"Then why are there more than six buttons?"

"Why do you care?" He gruffly said, folding his muscular arms over his chest.

"well there's at least ten on the panel, and if there's only six levels… You know what forget i said anything." I saw that i wasn't going to get anywhere with this so i dropped the question. The doors closed, and we dropped down, after two floors the elevator 'binged' and the doors opened again. The level that we landed on didn't seem to be part of the same house. It was completely metal, everything from the walls to the ceiling. The setting brought a sour taste into my mouth from the resemblance to H23- I mean Hydra headquarters.

"Come on." Logan growled as he started walking down the long corridor. I followed, and we ended up taking a few turns before we reached what seemed to be a medical bay area, complete with a connecting lab. "Hank?" Logan called out as we walked inside the lab.

Suddenly, what looked like a giant blue gorilla dropped down from the ceiling.

I'll admit, I was a little bit surprised. "Holy shit!"

The ape guy held up his hands "Woh, woh, woh! Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. I know my appearance might be frightening, but I can assure you I am like any perfectly normal human being."

I felt bad, I mean it was just the shock of him falling from the ceiling that startled me, not his appearance... Although I wasn't expecting it. "Sorry I just wasn't sure we would have mutants raining down today."

He gave a small smile at the joke "Very funny. My name is Dr. Hank McCoy, one of the staff members her at the school."

"Chelsea... Chelsea Marks." I stuck out my hand to shake, to which he did, with a very strong hand. "And don't mind me asking, but this is a school? I thought it was a huge private estate."

"It seems that way from the outside, doesn't it?" He smiled before turning to Logan. "So what can I do for you my friend?"

"Chels here, is a mutant, obviously I wouldn't bring her here if she wasn't." He said sarcastically. "She was being chased by Hydra, an old prisoner, probably experiment of theirs I'm guessing,"

"How'd you know that?" I questioned. I didn't even tell him that I was an experiment.

"Trust me I know these guys." He gruffly said glancing at me. "They're most likely tracking her with a chip. You can get that out can't you bub?"

"We'll have to get some x-rays first to figure out where the chip is. We should hurry though, we can't have them coming to the institute." Hank urgently said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let's get this started, we need to end it as soon as possible."

After giving me a hospital shirt and preparing the X-rays, we were ready to find the damn chip. Logan leaned up against the wall, folding his arms with a grim expression in the corner.

"Does he ever lighten up?" I asked Hank as I walked towards him.

"It depends really," he finished up tuning the machine "he's usually happiest alone among alcohol."

"Doesn't sound like the only one..." I muttered under my breath to myself.

"I'm sure he's not." Hank came by, surprising me by his acute hearing. "Frankly you also smell of alcohol... And also smoke, or perhaps brimstone... You'll must tell me about your mutation when we are done." He then instructed me to get into position for the first x ray. We did four sets before he asked me to come behind the examination wall to take a look, two for both my arms, one for my skull, and another for my upper torso. We found the chip in the back of my right shoulder, and Hank wasted no time to prepare for the incision.

"I could have gotten this damn thing out this entire time if I had just racked my claws across my back!" I growled as I passed Logan to another part of the medical bay.

"What makes you say that?" He stuck his hands in his pockets of his jeans as he walked with me.

"I have an excessive healing ability, it would only take a few hours for the cuts to heal up if I got the depth right."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, why so surprised?" He chuckled deepen his throat, then brought up his arm, rolling the sleeve up. He then proceeded to bring out his shiny metal claws, and cut the inside of the other arm. His red blood oozed out before the wounds healed in a matter of seconds, closing up the skin like nothing had ever happened.

"Faster than mine, and I'll admit, that is impressive." I gave him a smirk "Maybe you can teach me to do that."

"Doubt it." He returned the smirk, but more coy. I stuck out my lip in a pout and glared at him humorously before walking to Hank who had set up his supplies next to a hospital bed table.

"I couldn't help but overhear the two of you over there, take it you won't want stitches?"

I pondered the thought for a second. "Nah I'll be fine, just wrap my shoulder in bandages and I should be good." He nodded understanding. He then proceeded to ask me to lay down on my stomach. He gave me a small dose of anesthetics, and had me remove the hospital shirt from my right shoulder before the drugs kicked in.

Soon enough I was drowsy, nodding in and out of consciousness. At some point I passed out because I woke up some time in the middle of the night, and I must have been naturally exhausted though because I drifted off again.

The next time I awoke it was just before six o'clock. Sitting up and rubbing my face, I looked around to find I was alone in the med bay. No sign of Logan or Hank, or anyone else for that matter. I did find my original clothes neatly folded at the end of my bed though.

'Thank god!' I mentally said to myself, jumping up eagerly to put them on. I was especially glad that my leather jacket was ok, the thing was my most prized possession. After getting fully dressed I started to walk out into the hallway, trying to remember the twists and turns back to the elevator. They surprisingly came back very easily in mental images to me. Once I found the elevator shaft, it opened almost automatically as soon as I pressed the button. Stepping inside, I leaned against the back wall.


"What?" I said allowed. I swore someone called out to me. I was surprised when I heard my name being called again

'Chelsea.' The voice said. I'll admit I was a bit freaked out. I had run into mind controllers before, and let's just say it never ended well. As if reading my mind, the voice came back again. 'Don't worry, I am not here to harm you, follow me and we shall talk in person.'

The voice was definitely male, although it was quite soft, the way people talk while trying to calm someone down or earn their trust. This made me even more suspicious and skeptical. Sure two of the men that... I don't know, live, teach, here helped me out last night, but to be honest I didn't really know much about them beside that they were both mutants, and one of them was a doctor. As the doors opened, I found myself in the main entrance of the mansion again. I could have run out and away, like I have done so many times, but this time actually be free from a threat that had haunted me for most of my teenage and adult life. I was about to run out the door, but something stopped me. For some reason, I felt I should follow the voices orders, which was beyond my moral code about people who can speak inside your head, yet somehow I felt it would be the right thing to do. Being one to always trust my instincts, I turned around to the staircase, and made my way up it. Mental images flashed inside my head of the turns to take that I had never seen, yet they were clear, like memories of walking these halls many time before. I finally stopped at two large wooden doors. I was hesitant to go inside, not sure of what might be on the other side. I readied my claws, and was on the edge of shifting if a fight were to present itself. Slowly I opened the door.

The room looked like a grand office, with dark wood floors covered with a rich carpet. Bookshelves lined the walls, along with a large window at the other side of the room. There was a desk, but none of these were had my full attention, what did was the man behind the desk.

"Hello Chelsea," he said with a kind looking smile "my name is Professor Charles Xavier, welcome to my school for gifted youngsters."

Hope you guys liked it, and go ahead and tell me wehat you think.

ps sorry if any of the canon characters seemed ooc, i'll try to fix that