So I've just finished writing this. I am really sorry if there are any mistakes as I'm really tired so I just scanned it but I really wanted to post it tonight. I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

"Charlotte how good are you with that crossbow?" asked Bass.

A look of confusion crossed the blonde girl's face, "I'm a very good hunter."

Bass winced debating whether to ask her for help it was clear she was innocent, had no blood on her hands unlike him.

"Defend … er… Maggie and Staypuft here with your crossbow. We will have to fight our way out but hopefully they will only go for me. Did that boy know your last name?" Bass asked, he ignored Aaron's face at his new nickname and Maggie's impressed expression that he had remembered who she was. She had only vaguely remembered seeing him standing at the door asking for Ben.

Charlotte shrugged at Bass' question "I never told him but I said it in front of him when I was talking to you."

Bass sighed, the noise from downstairs of the Republic soldiers ransacking the bar was getting louder. "Do your best to stay out of sight, just get out and hide. If we are separated meet in the forest line at the East side of town at sundown. Try to stay near the gate but stay out of sight."

Bass tried to look supportive with a small smile on his face he put a hand on Charlie's shoulder. He swung around nodding to Aaron and Maggie before striding from the room his sword in one hand, a knife in the other.

Bass stopped at the top of the stairs looking down into the bar he had hid in for six years. Militia men were stood around the place, blocking all the exits. The boy, Nate, stood at the other end of the room. The local commander stood next to him.

"Come down please Mr President," asked Nate with a smug grin on his face. "The girl, Charlie, we need to take her too. Her Uncle wants her home."

Bass shook his head, "I don't really want to do that. I'm not going back and I'm not sure Charlie wants to either but that doesn't matter. She left."

Nate and the Commander exchanged a look, before Nate spoke again, "I don't think you're telling the truth Mr President."

"And I don't think you can really call me Mr President anymore."

The local commander looked annoyed "Take him, find the girl too we need them both, alive," at the order the militia men started to move forward.

The soldiers started up the stairs as the first one got close Bass kicked a bit of rumble that was at the top of the stairs. It hit one of the soldiers sending him tumbling down the stairs. That was one down. He blocked a sword coming towards him while swiping at a different one with the sword in his other hand. Bass kicked the one whose sword he blocked backwards down the stairs. He caught the knee of one soldier and he felt it dislocate. The soldier went down his sword clattering on the floor out of his reach. Bass turned disarming the next soldier coming towards him and kicking his sword out of reach before breaking his nose with his elbow. There were more soldiers coming towards him he knew he would not be able to defeat them all. Bass leaped over the banister landing on top of a bookcase. He leaped onto a shelf that was lower before landing on the floor rolling to decrease the impact. He took down the man in front of him as those on the stairs stumbled over each other to turn around and get to the bottom of the stairs. It was not long before he was surrounded again but at least he was closer to the door. There was the sound of a crossbow firing and one of the men dropped to the floor. Behind him stood Charlie, maybe she was not as innocent as he had originally thought. She shot him a look full of hope before running half the men following behind.

Charlie had watched Bass stride from the room, worried. How was he going to defend them against a division of militia soldier? However, he did provide a very good distraction for Charlie, Maggie and Aaron to creep around the back of the militia. She saw the boy Nate standing next to the commander grinning. He had clearly done well in his mind. It made Charlie's blood boil. She would be extra careful about who she trusted. The three of them headed down a corridor away from the fight. They had a clear shot to the door but knew they could not leave Bass. They needed him if they wanted to get Danny back they had to make sure he was alive to meet up with them later. With Maggie and Aaron hiding around the corner with make-shift weapons, Charlie crept back towards the sound of clanging metal and yelps of pain. She arrived to see Bass jump to the floor and quickly get surrounded. Before anyone could move she aimed; hitting one of the men in the back she gained the attention of the room. However, she only had eyes for Bass, shooting him a quick look she took off with half the men following her.

Charlie led them towards where Maggie and Aaron were concealed. As she rounded the corner she signalled for Aaron. He quickly jumped out and hit one man around the head. He fell but there were more behind. Aaron could not move quick enough, he was not built for action. Luckily Maggie had found a sword and ran one through before the men had even spotted her. It gave Charlie enough time to load another bolt. Another man went down from her crossbow but the three of them needed to keep moving there were three more men. Backing up they unintentional split up, Charlie running down a different corridor to Aaron and Maggie. However, Nate had informed the men of Charlie's surname. She was more important than the other two. Two of the soldiers went after Charlie while only one followed Aaron and Maggie. Though at least for Charlie this meant she was relatively sure they were safe. They might not look like much to militia soldiers but with two against one they stood a very good chance. However, the same could not be said for Charlie and the two men currently chasing her.

There was a corner ahead that Charlie ducked behind. She managed to load her crossbow and shoot it at one of the men but it missed. Charlie cursed she was an excellent hunter! She had not time to load another. She burst through the double doors into the blinding sunshine of the afternoon. Charlie ran off to one side to reload but was not quick enough, they were upon her. Their orders were to take her alive. One man tore the crossbow out of her hands and threw it before reaching for her wrist to pin her down. The other man was trying to stop her from kicking them. A groan of pain suddenly came from the man by her feet and she felt his grip disappear. The other soldier had no time to wonder what was going on before he too was gone. Charlie looked up into the blue eyes of her saviour.

Bass wore a small smile as he finished checking her over and took in her facial expression.

"Yeah, I'm batman. Come on Charlie we need to get moving." Bass hauled the still dazed girl to her feet and started herding her to one of the exits of the city. Not wanting to cause a panic the men who had gone to collect Bass had told told the men on the gates to close them. This was a mistake.

"Wait Bass what about Maggie and Aaron we can't leave them!" Charlie said as she started to resist where Bass was trying to get her to go.

Bass wrapped his arms around her waist and bent his head to whisper in her ear.

"They will meet up with us later. I need to get you out of here. They want you too."

Charlie stopped resisting and let Bass walk her put of the gate and put of sight of the militia. They would wait for sundown to meet up with Maggie and Aaron.