Hey! So, as I said in my A/N (chapter 22) I've decided to continue with this story, but first I wanted to improve all my older chapters. So here's the first chapter of my new and improved Mad World! I've decided to change a couple things, so until I've updated all chapters, the older one's aren't going to make sense with the new ones. I would have waited to swap all the chapters, but I didn't want to make an announcement without updating soon so here we are! I'm keeping as much as I can, only changing things to make it a bit more cohesive and better written than before. Of course, I want to keep the same vibe and plot that I had when I started writing, so I kept a lot of this the same. For those who have read this before, I hope you take the time to read this new chapter, and I hope it makes you excited for my future updates! Thank you!

My first feeling could only be described as groggy. As if I were woken up by a siren with little sleep, despite the silence that surrounded me. My first instinct was to groan and pull my sheets over my head to block out the shining light and get some extra sleep, however my fingers only grasped at air. A second, more annoyed, groan escaped my dry mouth, noting my next task would be to get a drink, and I begrudgingly cracked my eyes open to find the absent blanket. Except of seeing the desired fabric on my floor I was greeted by green. More specifically, the green of a forest.

It took a few moments for my sleep deprived mind to understand the situation, and suddenly I was wide awake. I looked down at myself, finding I was dressed in simple black jeans and a green crop top, the angle making my purple hair dangle in my face.

Wait, purple?

I frowned, picking a lock of the foreign hair in confusion. Since when did I have purple hair? My hair's always been… what colour was it again? Why couldn't I remember my hair colour? In fact, why couldn't I remember anything? Searching my brain for an explanation for anything, I came up with nothing. I couldn't even remember my own name, let alone how I got in these unfamiliar woods. In fact, the only memory I could bring to mind was a bright light shining in my eyes, and then I woke up here.

I frowned, unsure of my next move. Since waking up, I'd only found more mysteries for myself. I placed myself on a nearby rock, resting my chin on my palm. If my apparent memory loss wasn't already a big enough issue, I also had to figure out where I was. It seemed quiet, no signs of life from anything, animal or human, nearby. Oh god, what if there were no humans nearby?

Now I was panicking. Memory loss apparently didn't faze me, but potentially being dropped in the middle of nowhere was life or death. Ugh, no! I may not know my identity, but at least I can help being lost. Maybe if I keep walking, I'll find a city or a village.

So, I stood, and with a quick fist-bump to myself I began walking towards the first direction I thought of.

Surprisingly, and much to the embarrassment of my previous worrying, I found what seemed to be a small town after about three hours of trekking through the woods. When I woke up, it must have been about midday, because I was greeted by the town, lit with streetlights and the buildings in my view shining their room lights through the windows. However, I was met with yet another problem, I could make a list at this point, as the town was not what I expected. Now, I knew I had amnesia, but I seemed to have kept my semantic memory because I was completely baffled by the sight before me.

Instead of the rows of modern brick houses, or high street filled with slightly outdated stores I was met with something that looked a little too outdated. The shops looked old, yes, but they were less noughties and nineties and instead gave off a distinctly medieval vibe, with the wooden signs, and old-fashioned architecture. The rest of the street wasn't any different. The street itself was covered with brown and grey cobbles, instead of the flat concrete I was familiar, and there was a distinct lack of curbs and painting on the roads to mark the rules and speed limit. However, possibly the strangest of the display was the people. The dimming afternoon was bustling with an array of people, young and old, dressed in robes, long dresses and strange accessories, I saw maybe one or two people in clothing I was used to, but the rest of the strange clothing stole my attention.

However, for the second time today, I noted that there was nothing I could do about this peculiar sight. Instead, I opted for searching for help, perhaps I'd find a police station or at least figure out where I was. I started walking, taking a few hesitant steps. The people around me, dressed in strange clothes and walking down the foreign path as if everything was normal, then again, for them it was normal. Despite the strangeness, it was me who was abnormal right now. It could be a good idea to ask someone actually, maybe I am from here, despite the unfamiliarity of the area. So, I turned into the first place I saw; a smaller shop, that looked like one of the older stores I had seen on my short walk. The building was introduced with a purple sign marked in gold letters, and a symbol of what looked like two sticks crossed. I briefly studied the green paned windows, displaying an array of objects; a blue witch hat, a detailed silver key, a walking stick. None of them seeming to have any connection to the other.

The green door opened with a light creak, giving me a flash of a different door with a similar sound. White painted door, a light creak, and behind the door was-

Nothing. The memory stopped, and I only saw the interior of the shop. It was filled with shelfs adorning similar trinkets and items, seemingly in no particular order. There was a variety of ticks, dings and taps coming from the products creating an ambiance of an old antiques shop and there was a strong musty smell invading my nostrils.

"Hello young lady! Welcome to my magic shop, how may I be of service?" A man greeted. Greying hair poked out from underneath a lime green pointed hat perched on his square shaped head. A large grin spread on his wrinkly face, accentuating the crow's feet at his eyes. He was almost hidden behind the already low counter, his shoulders only just in view. "You're in luck! We've just got a new selection of wizard robes in stock!" He continued his cheery charade, motioning towards a dusty corner filled will racks holding a myriad of brightly coloured fabrics.

"Oh, excuse me, but I'm not here to buy anything I ac-" I was interrupted by a loud 'tut'. It seemed as soon as he found I wasn't a potentional customer, his cheery demeanor transformed; the grin on his face down turning and his large forehead revealing way too many frown lines. The previous kind looking man was now stretching to perch his elbow on the counter and rest his head in his palm.

"Huh? You've got no money? What do ya want then." He asked boredly, this time not even looking at me, instead staring at the wood of his counter.

I bristled at his rudeness, but I still needed information, so I continued. "I'm actually lost. Could you tell me where I am?" Despite my irritation at his behaviour, I asked this with as much politeness as I could muster up.

"Oak Town." Thankfully, his bored exterior didn't stop him from actually answering my questions. Unfortunately, this wasn't familiar to me at all.

"Oak Town?" I only parroted, my previous worry starting to return. I was hoping that I'd remember the name, but I suppose miraculously regaining my memory from just the name of a town was too much to ask.

He huffed irritably, rolling his dark brown eyes before answering, "Yes, Oak Town, as in the Oak Town in Magnolia."

"Magnolia?" Oh god, first I couldn't recognise the town and now I can't recognise the… country? City? God, I was hopeless! "Wha- what country are we in?" I asked, this time my fear seeping through my question.

This time, the man must have noticed my vulnerability, as he answered me a little less harshly this time. "Fiore."

"F-Fiore?" Again, I could only repeat the man. The foreign word leaving my lips only made me worry more.

"Jeez kid, have you got amnesia or something?" Finally, the small man walked from behind the counter, revealing an oversized gown that matched that of his hat. He scratched the back of his head, knocking the hat crooked, as he hesitantly observed my tiny breakdown I was having in his store.

Oak Town? Magnolia? Fiore? I'd never heard of these places! I know I lost my memory, which was bad enough, but now I was stuck in an unfamiliar place, with no idea how to get back home and no idea where home even was! I had to get out of here, find someone who might know something to help me? Or maybe I just needed to be alone for a while, I thought, as I could feel tears welling up. Before the short man could add in another insult or judgmental stare I dashed out of the shops and continued running down the cobblestone path.

I- I was lost! I was confused, and alone and scared. God I was so scared. I hadn't managed to find proper privacy for my emotional breakdown when the tears started falling, but I manage to push down the sobs for a little longer. I just needed to find an alley or something I could wallow in for a while. However, my plan for privacy was interrupted when I all but crashed into a hard wall. The force making me bounce onto the group uncomfortably, as I smacked my tailbone onto the hard stone.

"Oi, pay attention where you're walking." A gruff voice ordered.

Great, now I was going to be caught sobbing in front of a stranger, I thought bitterly, feeling even more sorry for myself. Just another great addition to a great day! "I'm so-sorry, it wa-was my- my fau-lt." I admitted, trying and failing to hide my sobs that were escaping with my words. "I- sh-should hav-" Eventually, the days event had to catch up to me in that moment, and suddenly I was bawling like a baby in front of the intimidating looking stranger in front of me.

"Yeah well, no need to get all worked up about it…" I head him mutter over my sobs. Opening my eyes, after clearing then of the most recent tears, I saw a young man around my age, with long messy black hair. His arms folded arms were covered in piercings, as well as his face which was giving an expression of confusion. Of course, he didn't know what happened to me. He's probably thinking I'm a freak.

I sniffled a bit more, trying to stifle my emotions for just a moment longer while I had to interact with the boy. "Ah shit sorry. I'm just having a messed-up day…" I explained, rubbing my nose, which was starting to go red along with my eyes. "Not that you care. Obviously." I noted, reminding myself that I at least had to have control of my interactions.

"Ah well," He shuffled, seeming kind of awkward before extending his arm towards me, still not directing his grey eyes towards me. I stared at his hand for a moment, not understanding the gesture in my post-breakdown haze. "You gonna take it or just sit there like an idiot?" He asked rather gruffly, despite his kind gesture.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape in silent realisation, and I took no time to place my smaller hand into his. I struggled to keep in a yelp of surprise as he yanked me up with more ease than I expected. Now we were face to face, or face to chest as he was taller that me, I could study him a bit more. He donned a strange black outfit, with metal lining resembling his piercings and a weird feather design on one shoulder. A black tattoo covered his large arms. Ah, that explains the strength, I thought. The boy looked around my age, so in his mid-teens, as far as I knew boys at this age shouldn't usually be so jacked. My eyes travelled up to his grey eyes, and I absently wondered what colour mine were, when I realised I had been staring. "Ah, thanks." I provided, clearing my throat awkwardly.

Now we were at an impasse. It seemed he was as bad at small talk as much as I wanted to be alone. Or maybe he just didn't want to talk with me any longer. Not that we'd exchanged many words at all. We stood awkwardly, but then I remembered why I had been running when we'd bumped into each other. "…Well, I better get going." I said, stepping away slowly. He only nodded, giving me a weird look before he walked away from me.

I stood for a moment, sighing and staring off into the distance that just so happened to be his retreating back. Now the boy was gone, I realised my newest problem of the day. The heavying of my eyelids and the yawn threatening to escape my lips brought on the issue of shelter. Despite my searching of the day, admittedly of only one person, had come up with nothing and now I was technically homeless.

The residents around me seemingly had the same idea, as I looked around to find them closing up shops, stalls and more in preparation to retire to their homes for the night.

However, it seemed the holy heavens were on my side, finally. At my left, I noticed a stall down the road, close to the trinket shop I had entered previously today. The other stalls scattered on the street were shut tight with various padlocks and chains, but lo and behold this one wasn't. I tiptoed closer, hesitantly tapping the shutters, that would normally be opened, to reveal a barren counter and even a mat on the cobble inside. I cheered, and then sighed at the pitiful idea of cheering at an empty stall. But, beggars can't be choosers, I thought as I lowered my body onto the dirty mat, making myself as comfortable as I could before being pulled into a much needed sleep.