Jack was suspicious of Dru from the beginning. He decided to dig a little into Dru's past. He could not ask Sky because, well, he did not want him to blow a fuse. Jack knew the Sydney had been there when Dru was, so he decided to ask her. The girls had been swooning over Dru since the moment he got there. Jack was able to pull Syd away when Dru was not around.

"Hey Syd, I wanted to ask you about Dru."

"What about him?" Syd pouted her lips a little.

Jack leaned up against the wall. "You knew him from before right?"

Syd shrugged. "A little. Why?"

"I just wanted to know more about him." Jack's voice was hushed.

"I don't know why you're asking me. Bridge was roommates with him and Sky."

Jack was surprised. "What?"

Syd looked at him like he should have known that. "Yeah, he can tell you all about him."

"Thanks, Syd." Jack patted her on the arm and went to go find Bridge.

As Jack walked down the hallway he thought about Bridge's behavior since Dru's arrival. He'd been more quiet than usual. When they brought Dru back to S.P.D. Bridge said nothing, but sat and played video games in the Rec-Room. He had been avoiding Dru by the looks of it. It was time to find out why.

Jack checked the Rec-Room, Bridge and Sky's room, and the cafeteria with no luck. Finally he found Bridge in the lab with Boom. They were tinkering around with something.

"Oh, hey Jack." Bridge looked up from his project and smiled.

"Hey, guys."

The boys continued working.

Jack leaned on the table. "So, Bridge. I was wondering…why have you been avoiding Dru?"

Bridge dropped the screwdriver he was holding. "What? I-I'm not avoiding him. Maybe we haven't been at the same place at the same time, and maybe I tend to leave when he's around…or maybe everything else leaves and I just follow? No wait…"

"Bridge!" Jack stopped the babble. "I just wanted to ask you about him. Syd said you were roommates."

"Oh, right." Bridge looked at Boom who was trying his best to look busy. "Could we go somewhere else?"

Jack nodded, and they went to his room. When the door was shut Jack turned to Bridge. "Okay what's the deal with this guy?"

Bridge shrugged. "He was top at the academy. Him and Sky were best friends since day one I guess, but when I came to S.P.D. I didn't have the control I do now. Cruger put me with Sky and Dru since Sky had abilities too. He also thought having two level- headed people would be good for me."

"But you and Dru didn't get along." Jack was piecing everything together.

"I didn't get along with either of them. When I came, I kind of got in their way. I was the weird crazy kid who never made sense." Bridge sighed. "I guess I still am actually, but it was worse back then. People made fun of me all the time, called me a freak. It wasn't as bad as before I came here, but Dru was the worst. He'd shove me in the halls making sure to touch skin. He'd tell everyone about the nightmares I had. He tormented me every day."

"What'd Sky do?"

"At first he stood up for me. Told Dru to cut it out when he acted physically or too much, so then Dru just started picking on me when Sky wasn't around. Sky made fun of me a little, but so did everyone else. He was probably the nicest one. One day I got overloaded by all the psychic energy around, and while everyone else just laughed Sky put up a shield and helped me. Dru told him to leave me there, that I was just a freak, but Sky told him shut up and took me to the infirmary. Dru didn't like that."

"What happened." Jack inched a little closer to hear the rest of the story.

"For a while Dru was just worse to me, but then I caught him cheating on a test. He knew I saw him, so he threatened me. Told me not to tell or I'd pay. So I told anyway. He got put on probational suspension, and had to retake the entire class."

Jack smirked. "So not exactly top of the class then?"

Bridge shrugged and gave a small smile. "Guess not. He stole my gloves to get me back. I was in the shower, the only time they're ever off. I knew it was him, so I decided to stand up for myself. I put socks on my hands and found him in the gym…"

3 Years Ago

"Give them back!" Bridge trudged into the gym where Dru was currently the only occupant.

"What? Did you lose something sock boy?" Dru laughed.

"I know you took them, so just give them back." Bridge growled.

"Dru looked unfazed. "Or what, you'll tell?"

Bridge fumed. "Just because I caught you cheating gives you no right to treat me like this!"

"You're a freak, you shouldn't even be here."

"I'm not the only one with abilities you know."

Dru glared. "No, but you are the worst."

"Shut up!"

Dru stepped closer. "What are you going to do about it?"

Bridge charged at Dru, but the other boy threw him down. He kicked Bridge in the side and got on top of him. Bridge panicked when Dru tore the socks off his hands.

"No, don't!" Bridge tried holding onto the material, but they slipped right off.

"Oh, now you're afraid huh, freak? Don't like being touched do you? Is that what gives you nightmares, makes you wig out in the middle of the night?" Dru laughed a little and grabbed Bridge's hands.

Bridge screamed as Dru's thoughts and emotions flooded in. The walls he worked so hard to build were crumbling, and he could feel more energy start to come in. "Stop!"

"Learn to handle yourself Bridge. You're too weak for S.P.D."

Bridge's head felt like it was going to explode. He barely heard Cruger screaming at Dru before he was pulled off of him. It was too late by that time. Bridge could not gain control back. He grabbed his head with his hands and cried out. He thought the pain would never cease until Kat came in and sedated him.

Present Day

"I woke up a few hours later in the infirmary with my gloves back on and my mental walls back up. I told the Commander what happened, and he sent Dru away on transfer the next day." Bridge sat down on Jack's bed.

Jack shook his head. He had no idea Dru was so cruel to Bridge. "Why would Sky still be all buddy-buddy with him after that?"

Bridge's head shot up. "Because he doesn't know. I asked Cruger to keep it confidential. No one ever found out what happened, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Why would you protect Dru?" Jack did not understand.

Bridge stood up. "I don't want Sky to blame me for what happened. After Dru left it was just me and him, and we've become good friends. It took a long time, believe me, he still thinks I'm weird, but he gets it now. Please don't say anything Jack."

The Red Ranger sighed. "I won't. Thanks for telling me, I know it wasn't easy. I don't think this Dru guy is all he seems. He's hiding something."

"What are you going to do?"

"Find out what." Jack left Bridge alone in his room.

Bridge knew he could find out what Dru was hiding. He had been avoiding his former roommate since he got there, so he had not picked up on anything. Now, however, it was time to do some catching up.

Bridge found Dru near the megazord ports. He stayed back where he could be unseen and took off his glove. He raised his hand in front of Dru, and his aura told Bridge he was up to no good. He put his glove back on and approached the other man.

"I'm on to you Dru."

Dru turned amused. "Oh? What are you going to accuse me of now?"

"Actually I'm not sure what you're up to, but I now it's nothing good. You're a liar, and I'm not the only one who knows."

"What, the Red Ranger? He's paranoid, and you. You're just a freak."

Bridge clenched his fist. "I think you should leave."

"Or what, you'll go tattle on me again?" Dru stepped closer to Bridge and changed into his true alien self.

Bridge took a step back with wide eyes. "Woah."

"Surprised?" Dru laughed again.

Bridge composed himself and prepared for a fight.

"We've done this dance before Bridge, and last time you ended up in the infirmary. You really want to repeat that? Besides, Sky won't believe you even if you told him everything. So go ahead, run and tell them all." Dru was too close for comfort at this point.

"Commander Cruger has returned." Kat's voice rang over the loudspeakers.

Bridge was sure he saw the alien smirk, and then it hit him. "This is about Commander Cruger isn't it?"

Dru did not hesitate in punching Bridge unconscious. The Green Ranger did not even get a chance to react before his was blacked out on the floor. Dru grabbed Bridge's morpher, and dragged him behind some crates. "I'll deal with you later. I've got work to do."


AN: Thank you so much for reading! This is just going to be a very short story on how I think "Idol" could have gone. Hope you enjoy!