Hello! So I've been talking with the awesome fanfic-er Rian, and she and I decided we would try our hand at writing a story together, since we get along so well! Yay!

This is an SG fic! If you don't know what that is, it's basically a world where the bots are evil and the cons are good! Jack, Miko and Raf switch places with the SG versions of themselves in this fic and-...Well, I don't want to spoil the story! So you'll have to read to find out what happens!

There will be no pairings in this story, the only relationships in this fic are family and/or friendship! Sorry for those of you who like romance stories!

If you like this story, then please check out Rian and I's fics! She's even done a co-author story with a couple of other people!

Feel free to send ideas to Rian or I, we don't bite! Though Rian might hug you to death XD

Please review and tell us if you like this story! Reviews, PMs, faves and follows are the best!

Enjoy the story!

Jack could hear his blood pounding through his veins, and could feel his lungs burning and heart hammering painfully hard against his ribs. But he couldn't stop running, just like Raf and Miko could not.

In the back of his mind, he wondered vaguely what had caused the Groundbridge to become a vortex of red and black rather than bright green and blue, but he was too worried about the present situation to really muse over such things.

The only other thing on their minds was to get away from the swirling vortex of (assumed) death, and to also avoid being shot, blown up, or crushed underfoot, all of which were viable possibilities at the moment, seeing as the Decepticons would take any chance to do so, and the bots were otherwise preoccupied.

"Keep going!" Jack yelled to his friends. Unlike his usual warm and friendly tone, he sounded like a soldier of some sort, with a voice that could all but move a mountain it seemed like.

And it was this that helped Miko and Raf continue to press on. Now and then Raf, being rather clumsy at the cusp of teenage-hood, would trip. But Jack kept ever vigilant in looking out for his friends and would grab the boy's arm and keep him up on his could not afford anymore accidental falls however, either side closing in on them now. A sharp yank on Miko's arm pulled her in his direction just enough to keep her from being squished from the foot of a common Vehicon who was more intent on keeping blaster fire from penetrating his chassis.

"Move!" Jack shouted again, allowing no time for them to catch their breaths as more Vehicons started converging on their location, their numbers steadily falling due to the Autobots combat superiority.

Jack couldn't help but feel something nagging at his mind. Something wasn't right here, but he couldn't tell what in all the chaos. If he could just stop for a second and look-

Miko yelped when they were nearly stepped on again, and Jack looked up to see the offender. That step was most certainly not misplaced, it was a direct attack on them from...From...


The dimwitted Autobot had a sinister smirk on his facial plates, confirming that it had been no accident. Bulkhead was trying to kill them? Why-

"Jump!" Jack ordered them, as the lugnuts giant green foot came down again, coming so close this time that Jacks own feet touched Bulk's metal one. Wasting no time, he used the leverage to kick off to his feet, dragging Miko and Raf up in the process. Once again in the open Jack ran for the one mech on the battle field he knew that would help them without a doubt; Optimus.

But staring up at the large Prime who Jack admired so greatly, he teen could now see what was wrong.

These weren't the 'bots. Not their 'bots, at least. Optimus wasn't bright red and blue. His colors were darker and more sinister, and his optics were the sickly ruby of blood.

Thinking back to moments before, Jack could see Bulkhead was different too, his plates not the same shade of green, but instead a tint reminiscent the color of pond scum, with optics of a dimmed ...was not right. Looking back, Jack stared at the groundbridge portal that had remained open. Was it possible that they had passed through, even unknowingly? Turning his attention to the Decepticons, he saw vividly blue optics instead of the normal hellish red colors that he was accustomed to. And Megatron...

The warlord, instead of his exceptionally shiny silver color, had ivory white plating, offsetting the sinister look he normally held. There were no purple or red optics, no dark energon in his blaster, only bright blue, which Jack knew could not be true, knowing that Megatron had embedded his spark with a shard of dark energon.

And Jack knew he had to ask something of his friends that couldn't be explained in the little time they had.

"Go to the 'cons."

The other two humans looked alarmed.


"Just trust me!" Jack implored, looking back to see if they were being followed.

A heavy metal hand smacked him away from his friends. Miko and Raf bolted, too terrified now to question their friend's words.

Jack tumbled across the ground, eventually rolling to a stop. His body burned with pain, but he was miraculously alive, not even paralyzed. He surely had a few broken ribs though, and the edges of metal plates had cut into him, so he could feel warm, sticky blood trickling from open wounds.

He tried to get up, tried to fight the pain he was experiencing. He had to get back to Miko and Raf! They hadn't seen where he'd tumbled, too blind with panic. He had to go to them, hold them close and tell them it would be okay, keep them calm and safe, but he ultimately couldn't. His pain was too much, he was on the verge of blacking out.

A stabbing pain was on his head. No, inside his head, and blood poured down over his face, forcing him to close his right eye as blood caked it shut. Super...a superficial wound. Cuts on the head always bled the most. That's what his mom had told him.

Jack blinked non-bloodied eye blearily, seeing a large face high above his own. Where was mom? She would take care of him right? And Miko and Raf...

Futilely raising a battered hand and trying to lift his head from the ground, Jack tried to find his friends in a haze of color and blurs of sound, becoming more light headed with each passing second.

"Mom..." He croaked out, and his arm thudded against the hard earth.

The last thing he remembered was hearing Miko and Raf, both calling his name.

It wasn't often that there was something Knockout couldn't explain. Most odd occurrences had logical answers, but right now, what was before him was so impossibly strange hat he just couldn't force his processor to produce an explanation.

For years he had known Miko, Raf and Jack. And while Jack was comatose, Miko and Raf were not, and as such were healthy and showing some very...Weird behavior.

For starters, Raf was not bounding off the walls, per his usual custom, and had actually remained silent. Had even shied away from him, on numerous occasion, and stayed near Miko, holding her hand and hardly daring to peek out.

The girl was now the one with the motor mouth, asking endless questions without waiting for an answer between him. Often she made a rude comment about his being an 'evil' Decepticon, yet it lacked her usual venom. She had stated that the Autobots would stage a rescue. The two had switched personalities it seemed, and had possibly gone mad...

It was strange. Miko, usually a leader of sorts in the small group, now seemed to be struggling to keep calm around Raf. And Raf had yet to utter a single cuss, a rarity in Knockout's optics. He was actually scared to see how Jack would act when he woke.

Knockout sighed. At least he would have some time to prepare himself, given that the teen was still under heavy sedatives. Where there had been a large gash in his forehead, was now a stitched up wound requiring twenty-eight stitches to patch up. Now he was working on the chest, given how two of them had snapped when Bulkhead had swatted him away like a fly. A painstaking process if one were to ask him, but they never did.

He wondered, absently, if the head trauma would help the boy act sane for once. Could a nasty bump on the head fix the teen's mental issues? He would have to ask June, he supposed.

It seemed unlikely, to him, and he dearly hope it would be the case. The boy was a nutcase who needed to be under constant watch, and quite frankly, it got on Knockouts nerves. He wasn't looking forward to waking up with pink blotches and stick figures on his chest again, because a 'voice' told him to do it. In Knockouts not so humble opinion, the boy made half of it up to get away with the trouble he caused.

Then he sighed heavily, finishing up the last touches of wrapping the gauze around the teen. As long as he didn't move overly much, it shouldn't unwound on it's own. Red only reddish-black optics looked at the teen suspiciously. An hour after Jack woke and he would be back in here, no doubt. The brat had so little self control.

But something was...different. The boy had scars that Knockout, being a medic, knew Jack never had before. So etching about all this was off.

The medic turned bright optics onto Miko and Raf. The younger of the two whimpered, while the older femme human did her best to shield him, though she was obviously just as scared.

"What happened to him? Either of you know?" He asked. Neither answered him, as Raf hid behind Miko again, and Miko stared defiantly at him, a pout at her lips. The medic rolled his optics. This was getting him nowhere. "Look, I need to know! If either of you can shed light on this, it would be a great help!" A few minutes passed and they still refused to talk, and Knockout cursed himself for having to resort to his best weapon. "Please?"

The two little humans shared a look, seeming to try and determine If Knockout was truly trying to help. It was, surprisingly, Raf that spoke up.

"W-we were trying to get back to the base." He said shyly, voice wavering with fear. "Optimus told Jack to...To take us home, where it was safe. But the Groundbridge was weird looking, I think it...I think it was malfunctioning."

"Optimus told Jack- What are you talking about Raf?" Knockout asked, mind rapidly going over the tweens words. "Megatron ordered Miko to take you two through the bridge to get back to the ship. And you did but..."

True, it had been odd. Their groundbridge had flared with bright greens and blues, as opposed to the black and red norm. Not only that, as soon as the teens went in, it was like they had never left, hopping right back out into the middle of the battle, with Jack leading the trio instead of Miko. Knockout had thought that the troubled youth had gone back to see the battle, forcing the others to follow. That apparently wasn't the case.

Miko frowned, a bit bolder now.

"What are we talking about? What're you talking about! Your mind must be totally fried if you think Megatron talked to us!"

"I- what? Of course he did!" Knockout was quick to correct, taking in their defiant little faces. "If Jack hadn't ran back, he wouldn't be injured right now!"

"No, he was taking us home!" Raf protested, a little bit braver as he clung to Miko's hand. "The Autobots were fighting you and the other 'cons, it wasn't safe, so he sent us back to base! But the Groundbridge wasn't blue and green like usual, it was red and black!"

Knockout brought up a hand, holding it to his face.

"Then why was he leading you through the battle? It should have been Miko, not Jack." Seeing the bewildered expressions of the two, clearly the idea of Miko leading was unheard of to the pair. Strange...

Could the groundbridge have swapped their mentalities, as well as their personalities? It was the best one he could 'logically' come up with, but it did not explain the physical inconsistencies, and it was not only Jacks new collection of scars. Where had they obtain those clothes in the brief seconds they traveled through the groundbridge, let alone had the time to change them?

Raf looked to now be deep in thought, pushing his glasses up more onto his nose.

"This...This could be like the time we went to the Shadowzone! Both of the 'bridges were activated simultaneously, and it...it was like crossing wires!"

"But then why aren't we ghosts like last time?" Miko asked, her hair tufts bobbing. "And there's no Skyquake chasing us around!"

"Alternate dimensions are all different. This world is probably the opposite of ours! Which means only a few things are the same, but most things aren't!"

Knockout was intrigued now. Alternate dimensions? That wasn't an all too outlandish idea...

"Then how do we get back to our dimension?" Miko continued to ask. "We can't stay here forever! My host parents would totally freak!"

Raf and Knockout both winced at the sheer volume and pitch of the girl's voice.

"Easy there," Knockout quickly cut in. "If you all managed to get here, I'm positive it can be reversed."

"It's possible..." Raf muttered. "But it would require for everything to be exact in order to replicate the process, and there's no way to tell if the Autobots in our dimension would do the same thing, at the exact same time."

"Yes, well, baby steps first." Knockout conceded, going back to looking over at Jack.

The raven haired teen was still lost to the world, eyes flickering behind shut eyelids.

"Will...will he be alright?" Miko asked, going over to Jack. She looked pleadingly at Knockout, hoping for at least a bit of good news. To their relief, the mech nodded.

"Yes. He'll feel fragged when he wakes, but his wounds are not beyond my capabilities to heal."

Miko looked ready to cry, so joyed she was. She sat beside Jack, watching him.

"I think you should leave for now." Knockout informed, scooping them up gently. "I'll let you know when he wakes."

"N-no!" Miko managed, struggling. Raf began to panic, hyperventilating as he tried to scramble back to Jack.

Knockout looked alarmed, barely managing to not drop the two children.

"What is with you two?! I said I would notify you once he woke!" Knockout said quickly, fumbling the children in his hands. They defied him however, climbing over his fingers and jumping back down to the medical berth and to the unconscious teen. Tears flecked their eyes, and fear as well.

Knockout frowned, rubbing his helm in confusion. He had never been good with kids, but this was just ridiculous!

But, seeing the tearful eyes and the way the two little organics clung to their friend, and KO knew he wasn't going to get anywhere in terms of getting them to rest outside the medbay. He'd have to talk to the others, it seemed. Maybe they would have some ideas on how to get the little ones to go outside he medbay. The medic sighed.

"Alright. At least let me bring you two some food, I'm sure you're both starving."

As expected, their ears perked up at the word 'food', and Knockout fought to keep himself from smiling. At least one thing remained the same. He wondered if they would have the same tastes though...Jack had strange ideas about food, so maybe this one would have a more...normal sense of taste. Personally Knockout couldn't understand why humans ate such revolting mush, that smelled as bad as it looked. He supposed there was a reason he was made of metal and not organic.

"If you tell me what you'd like, I'll go get it."

Miko was the first to pipe up.


"Of course." Knockout sighed. Teenagers never changed did they? Even when they were across parallel universes, burgers seemed to be a cosmic stable for the human youths. It was amazing that Miko was still skinny, given the many burgers she had shoveled down her throat, but who was he to judge? Her guardian had allowed it, and unless it started to affect her health, he had no say so in it.

"Both of you stay here, alright? Just...Keep an eye on your friend, alright? I'll he back within the hour."

Raf offered a shy smile, nodding, while Miko gave a thumbs up.

"Got it!"

The mech nodded, taking his leave. Somehow, he knew their troubles were just beginning. It was best for everyone to know about the situation, as soon as possible. Especially Megatron. The warlord had been fond of Jack, despite their differences. He did not want to be the one to inform him that the kid was missing.

And ugh, the kids parents! What was he going to say to them? 'Sorry, but this isn't the Jack you know. He's another Jack from a separate universe, along with Miko and Raf'?

Scrap, why did his job always have to be so difficult?!

It only took him a handful of minutes to reach the command room, where many of the 'cons were hard at work, despite having just been in a battle only hours before.

Some were even wounded, yet continued their worked regardless. He would have to look at them all later, much to his chagrin. Work never ceased for a medic. He barely had enough recharge as it was!His optics searched the room quickly for Megatron, whom he found was, again, working with the lower ranked soldiers in their tasks. He did have the common touch. Not a bad thing, really, but standards...

"Uh, Lord Megatron?" He called out, hoping to speak with Megatron without too much attention from the others.

Bright blue optics flashed up, seeming surprised. He quickly dismissed himself from his work, sparing a second to encourage his comrades before moving over to Knockout quickly.

"Knockout, how are the children? Will Jackson be alright?"

"He will be fine." Knockout assured, and the medic saw Megatron relax minutely. "However, there have been...complications. May I speak with you in privet?"

Megatron frowned, nodding. He gestured to the door.

"Lead the way."

"Thank you." Knockout said, relieved. He took Megatron to an unused room, and peeked around the corners , ensuring that no one was around to listen in. "It concerns Jack Lord Megatron. And the other children."

"Is it life threatening?" He asked, concern coloring his tones. "If they're beyond repair..." He trailed off, leaving his threat incomplete.

Knockout shook his head.

"No, nothing like that, it...They aren't..." How could he put this in a delicate way, he wondered. Perhaps he should say it like 'ripping off a bandaid', as June would say. "It seems they aren't our young allies."

"What?" Was the reply, along with a confused, suspicious look. "How can they not be the children? I saw them return from the groundbridge, and was there when you lifted Jack up after being swatted by Bulkhead."

"It seems that see children are from an...An alternate dimension."

Knockout winced at the blank stare he was given by Megatron, who was trying to determine if he was joking.

"Very funny." Megatron scoffed. "Now where are they? I need to speak with them."

"I'm not joking."

Megatron paused. He couldn't see any sign of deception in the medic's optics, nor hear any undertone of a lie in his voice.

There was a long moment of total silence...

Before Knockout could comprehend it, Megatron pushed past, quickly striding towards the medbay. Knockout sputtered, quickly following.

"Megatron! You can't go see them, not yet! You'll cause unneeded stress on them!"

The Megatron either didn't hear them with the energon boiling in his audio receptors, or didn't care to listen. Knockout bet on the later, though it brought no comfort. Why did no one listen to him?!

"I'm telling you, don't go in there!" Knockout warned again, only to be ignored.

He made a last attempt, desperate to avoid having the children panic.

"They think we're their enemy!"

"That is the most ludicrous thing you have ever said!" Megatron snapped, bursting through the doors, where he saw the trio of youngsters. Two, Raf and Miko, sprung up instantly. For a moment, they did nothing but stare, their mouths hanging agape.

Then the pit broke loose.