Hi guys...

Unfortunately, I didn't find my USB. I'm really pissed off about this, because now I'll have to rewrite everything. I'm so sorry that my ignorance caused all of this to happen. I literally spent all of my free time at school today talking to teachers, venturing down hallways, and asking administrators all over the place. I even emailed MY FREAKING TEACHERS! If you knew me, you'd pretty shocked because I'm a pretty shy person.

Unfortunately, not finding my USB means that I have to go dormant for a while. Obviously, since I don't have any content, I can't update my stories. I know that I keep saying this, but it's exactly what I wanted to avoid. I'm really sorry for doing this to you.

I have a plan, should this ever happen again. Now, I may be dormant on updating, but I can still respond to PM's, and any questions you leave me in the reviews.

My only request is that you keep an eye out on all the fanfiction websites for stories that are basically carbon copies. It's highly likely that someone could've taken it, and if you do find a story that's eerily similar to my own.

Again, I'm so so so so sorry that this had to happen, but as soon as I can get enough content to update again... I'll let you know.

I only hope that I'll be able to go back to normal soon, and everything else will go back to normal too.

So... Until next time...

Signing off for a while...