A/N: This is marked as July, 2015, Month of Matilda. (Read my Profile, it explains this)

Chapter 1

Matulda was your average day girl. Reading books and cooking pancakes for her parents. She also enjoyed exploring. She would go to her backyard daily looking for new adventures and minerals. But today was different. She would find something that would make her see life in a new way.

On a Saturday afternoon, she skipped on rock as a routine. But this time, a 50-foot light house was spotted in the distance. Matulda ran towards it as fast as possible. She never saw a red and white striped light house before. Actually, this is the first time she has ever seen one despite being 12 and living next to a dock. Matulda decided to show her family what she found so she picked up the 50-foot light house and carried it to her house. It was practically night time and her family was having dinner. Matulda's parents would never come out of the house and she wanted them to see it before it might disappear so she threw it at the house, face-up. Most of the roof broke and the house slammed into the kitchen, right smack in the middle. The family were amazed at such thing.

"Harold, what do you think it is?" Matulda's mom asked.

"How should I know, I only lived here for 50 years!" gazing at the thing.

"I found it next to the shore" said Matulda. "It was all alone and no one was there to claim it so I brought it home!" she said cheerfully. "Can I keep it! Please!" pleaded Matulda.

"Hmmm. Well, it requires a lot of responsibility. You have to clean it, feed it, find a place for it to stay." She said to Matulda. "I heard that Billy across the street found something like this and now he's broken. If you talk to him, he will open an error box saying, " has stopped responding" whispering to Harold.

"Oh pretty please!" pleaded Matulda.

"Oh alright then, wait, what gender is it?" questioned Harold.

"Oh don't be silly Harold, it's obviously a rock. All plants have no gender." teasing Harold.

"Fine, could you be a deer and pass me the mashed potatoes honey." Harold asked.

Matulda's mom repeatedly jammed her fist trying to free the mash potatoes under the rock. "I believe the rock beat you to it Harold." Matulda's mom chuckled. "I believe we should name it. How about Ashely?"

"No, that's a girl name." exclaimed Harold.

"Fine, what about Andy." Stated Matulda's mom.

"No, then it could be a girl and then we would have to sign legal papers to change its name." exclaimed Harold.

"What about Rocky." Said Matulda. "Not boyish or girly."

"Honey, can I have mashed potatoes."

"Harold, we already established that Rocky ate them." Matulda's mom said.

"Wait, if mash potatoes cost money and money is the root of all evil…" Standing up and pointing at the rock, "That's evil, we have to stay away from it!" he shouted.

"Dad! How could you, Rocky is the bestestest friend I ever had. Ok, only friend, but that doesn't mean you have to be mean to… it." sobbed Matulda as she carried it to her bedroom.

Matulda placed Rocky on the side of her bed, destroying half her bedroom. "Don't worry Rocky, I think your nice." She whispered, kissed it and turned off the light.