the dream

third POV


"im coming shay.. just hold on"


"no.. NO SHAY".

"Wally she's dead now, she's not coming back". dream Barry said as he puts his hands down on Wally's shoulders.

"NO SHE CANT BE BARRY". dream Wally said.

"she is Wally, and it's all your fault because you weren't fast enough to save her now were you".

"I guess I wasn't fast enough, where are we Barry".

"where in the speed force Wally and im going to help you".

"really". dream Wally said looking up at dream Barry.

"really" dream Barry said grinning a evil grin he reached over and grabbed Wally's neck and started squeezing harder and harder.


Wally's POV

"Wally hey, Wally wake up".

"huh..." I said as I woke up from that terrible dream.

"shay...SHAY your alive I was fast enough."

"Wally your always fast ,and im still living I never left earth I was right here with you all this time, and Wally.."

"yes" I said looking up at her.

"you were having a dream and everything you said in your dream you said out loud, anyway how are you feeling now."

" for the first time in these two day I can breath and I don't feel like I've been ran over by a truck but my head is still pounding and I still feel like I need to vomit."

"oh so john was right you do have meningitis". she said thinking out loud.


"uh...meningitis b-but we don't know for sure you see john is-".

" why didn't you tell me that". I said cutting her off

"we didn't want you to get nervous".

Wally could see why she didn't tell him that after all he was scared of all medical procedures, but Wally must admit that it hurted that she hadn't told me about my own body issues.

"right sorry."

just then green lantern came in with my results.

"flash im afraid that shayera's right your results make it pretty clear you have meningitis."

"great, just great you know what im already dead just put me out of my misery if you want you can Barrie me alive or better yet put me back in the speed force so Barry can choke me to death for not saving shay." I said being a total drama queen

"Wally that was a dream remember im still living a no one's going to kill you ,with the right medication you feel back to yourself in no time".

"I know im over reacting but dose this involve more shots and IV'S."

"actually no it doesn't we already gave them to you just try not to think to hard or use your back to much ,the illness infects the spine and brain so try not to injure or use that head of your flash!"

" well that is easy I don't use it much anyway".

and at that we laughed but hey it was a true fact wasn't it!


HOPE YOU LIKE IT please r&r.