Ladies and gentleman, I am so sorry. I know it has been YEARS since I've updated. I am so so sorry. It honestly is because I kind of lost interest in writing for a while. I just didn't have any ideas, and suffered an enormous writers block. Also, personal note, I've been through a lot the past few years since my last story update to The Cliffs of Love. Not all of it is good, however, I do have good news: I'm officially in college as an English major! I'm also getting my teaching certificate so that I can teach English.

But, in all honesty, I just don't have as much of a passion as I used to. However, I refuse to leave a story unfinished if I know I can finish it. So, here I am, working on finishing this story specifically. I will finish this story. I promise.

It's been a long time since I've said this: I love your sexy faces! XOXO