Ok, so I went back and edited the story AGAIN! So, there should be better grammar and less typos(hopefully).

The Land of Chima

Chapter 1 - When We were Kids

The sun was barely visible in the sand storm over a vast desert, as a feline creature walked alone over the burning sand.

It was a lion, a large male with a big, proud mane, and yet he walked with no pride. Sand with that thought, he suddenly he stopped, just when he was about to put another one of his massive paws in front of the other; he looked behind him and growled.

Even though he still couldn't see anything, no matter what direction he could've looked in, there was one place he could never forget.

Inside a deep, dark, humid swamp, there were two little animals playing. One was a male lion cub, and the other a male crocodile hatchling, who was blind in his left eye with a scar to prove it; each were wearing a piece of cloth around their waist as they play-fought with each other and growled, but they didn't know that danger was coming.

Lurking within the murky swamps was a large, adult male crocodile, and he stealthily swam towards the hatchling and the cub. When the large reptile made it to shore, he crept up to the two young ones, and when they noticed him, they stopped playing and huddled together as they trembled in fear.

The adult crocodile bared his teeth and glared, but then he suddenly stood up on his hind legs, like a human, and appeared to be wearing golden attire fit for a king; though his body was covered in dark green scales, his arms and torso were shaped like a human's, and he even had five-fingered hands…just with dangerously long and sharp claws.

"Prince Cragger, I told you and Prince Laval that you could play as long as you didn't go past the Bellow Plants," the crocodile said in a deep voice, and then the two young animals also stood up on their hind legs and put their arms behind their backs and hung their heads in shame.

"Sorry, Pop," the hatchling crocodile, Cragger, apologized as his short, leathery tail drooped.

"Yeah, sorry, King Crominus, Sir," the young lion cub, Laval, also apologized as his short, furry tail retreated between his legs.

The large crocodile, or better known as King Crominus, smiled and tapped the tip of his long, wrinkled tail a few times in the mud in amusement.

"It's alright, you two. You're both young and still learning, and I know that someday, you'll both live up to your fathers' dream to being the next rulers of your tribes," Crominus said as he scooped Laval and Cragger up in his claws, making the two youngsters wag their tails.

"Uh-huh, I'm gonna be the crocodile king, just like you, Dad," Cragger said playfully, and then he looked across his father's huge, scaly chest, that was barely visible under all of the gold chains and chest plates he wore, and smiled at Laval, "how about you, Laval? Will you be the next Lion King when you grow up?"

"Only if you promise that we'll still be best friends by then," Laval said with a smile.

"Deal," Cragger said, and Crominus chuckled.

"You know, you two, I don't think ANYTHING will ever tear your friendship apart," Crominus said calmly.

10 years later…

At the edge of a forest was a beautiful lake, and jutting out into the lake was a small piece of land with a large rock sitting upright, with a cherry blossom tree growing up and around it, pink and white petals in bloom. The beautiful landmark was known as the Forever Rock.

Little Cragger had grown up a bit, as he was no longer a hatchling, but rather a tall young adult crocodile, with his tail much longer, and he wore a bit more gold and clothing, but not as much or as fancy as his father, King Crominus, current ruler of the Crocodiles; though, the pale scar still remained over Cragger's left eye, he'd grown up to look a lot like his dad.

Cragger hid behind a tree, just waiting for his best friend Laval when he wasn't looking as he walked by the Forever Rock.

Now, like Cragger, Laval had aged too. He was tall, his tail was longer, and a flowing red mane grew on his head.

"Cragger? Cragger!" Laval called, and his voice was very naval now, as well.

Suddenly, Cragger pounced out from his hiding spot and pinned down Laval by sitting on him.

"Cragger, this is Hide and Seek, not Hide and Attack. You're not playing by the rules, again," Laval grunted while trying to get back up, but to no avail.

"And you're LISTENING to the rules, again. Why not try and improvise for once? You lions are always so busy following the rules that you never actually disobey them," Cragger protested with a smirk.

"Oh, sure we do. In fact, there's one rule in this game we made to 'improvise'," said Laval.

"Really? What rule?" asked Cragger.

"I think you'll find it to be quite familiar; it's the 'Banana on the Crocodile's Tail' rule," Laval replied with a grin.

"Uh-oh," Cragger whimpered with realization as he lifted his tail to find that a banana was pinned to the tip of it, and he was just about to get up when a gorilla humanoid, who was hanging upside down from and overhead tree branch, came down and grabbed Cragger by his tail, picking him up off of Laval.

"Hey, thanks for the free munchies, Dudes," the gorilla said in a deep, mellow voice; he had dark blue flower face paint of his primate face, and he also wore a blue kilt with a leather belt.

"No, thank YOU, Gorzan. I can always count on you to put Cragger in his place," Laval said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"Very clever, Laval, but I'll get you back, eventually," Cragger growled as Gorzan put him down, and he climbed down the tree while eating the banana.

Suddenly an eagle's cry was heard from above, and the boys looked up to find an eagle and a raven humanoid descending towards them.

The eagle was all white, with eagle claws for hands and bipedal legs; she wore golden plates for clothes all around her waist and torso, and she had a pair of large, white, feathered wings placed on her back.

The raven was also a young adult, like the rest of the boys and the eagle; she was covered in beautiful, shiny, pitch black feathers; she had dark talons for her feet and five-fingered clawed hands, and she wore dark purple armor, as a large pair of black wings were placed on her back.

"Eris, Raiva, hey!" Laval called up to the eagle, Eris, and the raven, Raiva, and the female bird-humanoids, as they soon swooped down and landed.

"Gee, Laval, you found two at once; you're pretty good at this game," Eris complimented.

"Actually, I found three. I found Rogon before I even found Cragger or Gorzan," Laval said as he pointed to a rustling bush, and out popped a rhino humanoid with an old, grey cloth with a belt around his waist, and he seemed to have a large crack down the large horn on his nose.

"I just can't resist hiding from the 'Banana on the Crocodile's Tail' trick, it's just too funny," Rogon said in a voice that was a combination between Laval's naval voice and Gorzan's deep voice, but then his laughter died, "I still don't get it, though."

"Why wouldn't you girls ever play?" Laval questioned.

"Where do you think we're gonna hide these big wings?" Raiva scoffed as she and Eris gently fluttered their wings.

"True, true, but did you bring Skinnet? I still have to find Worriz," Laval sighed.

"Yup," Eris said as she looked into the jungle and out popped a short skunk humanoid, "so you might wanna hold your nose. Skinnet, do your thing." With that, Eris and the others all held their noses, and Skinnet pointed away from his friends, lifted his tail and he spayed his skunk stench.

Suddenly a wolf humanoid popped out from behind a bush while howling in pain and desperately holding his nose; he was wearing old brown cotton for pants, as he was coughing and tried to withstand Skinnet's horrible stench.

"Ugh, Laval, you know us wolves have very sensitive noses; that was a terrible way to cheat!" Worriz growled and bared his fangs.

"Sorry about that," Skinnet said innocently and finally left.

"Huh, and you say that I don't play fair," Cragger stated, getting a laugh from everyone.

A while later, Cragger and Laval were together in the jungle, fighting in an epic wooden sword duel.

"Ah, the alliance between the crocodiles and the lions is broken; we are stuck in an eternal war!" Cragger shouted, and then he and Laval laughed.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you know what else is broken?" Laval asked as he threw his sword up at a beehive that Cragger was standing under, and he knocked it down and caused it to land on Cragger's face and blocked his vision.

"Better hurry up and get that off before the honey makes it 'stuck eternally' on your face, Cragger!" Laval jokingly warned.

"Oh, will you shut up and just get this thing off me?!" Cragger growled. Laval was just about to pull the huge hive off Cragger's face when a brown bear humanoid, wearing an old, brown, leather kilt and some leather straps across his chest, came up and suddenly took the hive for himself…and he seemed to be sleep-walking.

Laval and Cragger only followed the bear quietly for a few minutes before he fell to the ground and cuddled the hive, and he began to snore loudly.

"Question: Other than food, what wakes up a bear?" Cragger asked sarcaatically.

"Whispering, watch," Laval replied and suddenly leaned down to the bear's ear, "Bladvic, the forest is on fire."

And with a dramatic whisper, Bladvic suddenly woke up screaming.

"Fire?! Where?!" Bladvic exclaimed, and then he noticed a snickering Laval and Cragger, "aw jeez, guys, can't I get some sleep without so much noise for once?" Bladvic sighed and immediately went back to sleep, only making the lion and crocodile burst out laughing.

As the sun was setting, Cragger and Laval were finally relaxing against the Forever Rock, basking in the warm sunlight and listening to the early crickets chirp.

"Hey, Laval, who's you bestest best friend?" Cragger asked with a smirk.

"That's a rhetorical question, and I have a rhetorical answer for that: You're my best friend," Laval replied with a grin.

"Vice versa, here. And like my dad said, we'll never not be friends, right?"

"Of course not." And with that notion, the boys both sighed and leaned back against the Forever Rock.

"Oh, I just remembered that I have something fun I've been wanting to try! You wanna come with me?" Cragger asked with excitement while quickly getting up on his feet.

"Hmm…alright, I'll bite. What are we doing?" Laval asked out of curiosity, as he stood up and followed the crocodile.

"You'll see."

I added my OC Raiva because the Raven Tribe is my favorite tribe, and Razar is myfavorite character...which is also why Raiva is his love interest. Hey, ya learn somethin' new everyday, right?

I'm also going back and re-editing every chapter to fix any grammar mistakes. It may take me a while, but I'll get it done, and I'll try to update a bit too.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!