Disclaimer: Anything related to Arrow belong to CW Network OR any reference to any DC comic related belong to the creators

Author Notes: Hi. Its Bunnibutch and I like to thank you all for your patiance. Thank you for your favorites, follows, views and reviews. I'm writing this story on Wattpad on same name bunnibutch and soon on AO3 which I'm so excited.

ridionasis28: thank you for reviewing and taking interest in my story.

Ariee: haha I know baddass Felicity and girls. We will seethe rest of them in the next few chapters.

Olicity: That's right go Felicity

Guest: Thank you and I know Felicity is baddass wait till you read this chapter she is baddass has a CEO.

Let's start the story !



If you had a choice to travel through time? Would you take it?

"I know, I know I'm late Jerry. But can you stall them like for another 10 mins?" Felicity said on her Bluetooth earpiece while getting out of her Black Lexus Rc 350 car.

Picking up her black hand bag on her left and slam the door then locking her car up.

She was wearing a white slim button collar casual business blazer suit jacket coat outwear over a basic white business t-shirt which on the bottom is tuck inside a black business pants and with creamy coloured high heels covering her toes and thick heels. But the most change of her appearance was her original hair color, brunette instead blond with contact eye lens no glasses show off her beautiful blue eyes and with minimal make up on.

"Felicity no. *stomp* They are glaring at me though the meeting room glass and muttering very angry." a demanding secretary said.

Felicity was rushing out of the car park into the front door of Queen Industries.

The doors slide open and see the doorman.

The doorman said "Good morning Miss Smoak."

She nod back and smiled. "Good morning Bob. How are you? How are the kids?" while trying yo get her ID pass out of the handbag.

"I'm great Miss Smoak. The kids are fine also. It was also a great help from you, with the program for Mick to during college this year to. It help him a lot with all the money to pay his classes. And May will start next few years so I'm very grateful." Bob had said genuinely.

"I'm grateful that the progr..." she was interrupted

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation. But you SHOULD be here RIGHT now because it look like a screaming match is about to start." said an nervous EA who staring to get upset.

"I'm coming. I just got through the front door." Felicity turn to Bob mouthing 'sorry' Puting on her ID card and pass.

Bob just nodded and let her right around security checkpoint while she head to the elevator still talking.

"I'm at the elevator right now. Just walk in there and tell them I'm on the way, be patience or leave. I'll talk to them later if they are throwing a fit."

"But Felicity!" Jerry said

"Don't But Jerry. If you won't say it then put me on speaker." demanded Felicity

"Are you sure that's a good idea? That will definitely make them more upset." he hesitated

"Would you like to talk to them then?" question Felicity

"No way. Nah uh. Absolutely not. I don't want to get thrown into the wolves den. Are you trying to get me killed?" Jerry immediately answered

"Then put me in speaker and I'll order in takeout for both us later. Anything you want ok?" She tried to negotiate with her EA.

"hmmmm" he was tempted

"I'll let you off early and call in Betty tomorrow to cover your shift." she quickly added and still waiting for the elevator to come down.

"I don't know."

"Annnnnnnd I'll get you into that new restaurant "The Ola" that famous right now for you and your wife second-year marriage anniversary next month with all expenses pay."

"DEAL!" he agreed quickly.

"You forgot didn't you?" Felicity smiled slyly

"No." he lied

"Suuuurrrre. Leave me on speaker on the table and leave if you don't want to be in there when they start throwing tantrums." She suggested

"Fine. " Jerry sigh.

While Felicity was still waiting, she could hear door open then angry voices were "where is your boss?" " Where is she?" "She late!" "Don't know why *click

"Miss Smoak your on speaker now." said calm EA (AN: what a quick mood change. lol)

"Thank You Mr Ruth. Please leave the phone there and exit the room." said serious Felicity

"Yes madam" he quickly left the room and release a relived sigh.

Silence enter the meeting room til one of the board members spoke up.

"Miss Smoak we do not need to wait for you to start the meeting that SHOULD had happen this morning but push back til noon to your demand. And your still not here. We has a board of.. " he was interrupted

"Mr Hall, who hold most of the business shares in this company?" Felicity suddenly asked

"You do Miss Smoak" said Mr Hall while gritting his teeth together.

"And who is the had brought this company back to business and former glory Mr Hall?"

"You...did... Miss...Smoak" Mr Hall spit out.

"That's right. I own this company. Queen Industries belong to me. I brougt this business with the help of others to its former glory. So 'Board of Directors' has many times I have repeatedly told you all that I won't give up my position up and take shit from anyone of you. You can either stay quiet and wait for me because I'm downstairs still waiting for the elevator or get lost and I'll talk to you later time when I'm free." Said like a true CEO of Queen Industries.

A satisfy Felicity turn off and took off her earpiece and the elevator doors finally opened. She walked in alone and press 50th floor button. The door closes and began to climb.

When later passing the 37 floor pass, Felicity yawned, she was still tired from the lack of sleep from last night activities and getting the young kids dress for school.

Suddenly the elevator froze.

She groan and started pressing the button to talk to the emergency. "Hello anyone there?"

Then Felicity put her right hand in her bag

In a quick step, turn around while dropping her bag & contents on the floor in the process. She extended her spare metal baton against a man's throat.

The man with brown eyes, a brownish hair and beard. Wearing long Brown Coat, black t-shirt under along with dark blue jeans on with black bussines shoes.

He had both his hands up in a surrender pose and spoke "I come on peace" smiling too brightly for her liking.

Felicity didn't believe him the second and keep her baton close to him.

"I know. I may look like a weird stalker who happened to appear suddenly to you." he was trying to convince her.

She stared at him blank.

"ok maybe I do. But I can help you. You may of heard of me"

Felicity nod to him to continue but keep her baton close to his throat.

"Come on beauti.." he was hit quickly in the stomach and push back to the elevator walls. With the metal rod across the throat holding his head up and a knife out of nowhere was bit to close to his sensitive area for his comfort. Her head close to his and started talking in her deep voice.

"Ill give you 5 seconds to explain who you are. That's it.

"Ok. ok. gezzz flirt with a dangerous girl and get wipe out. So not cool." he babbling

She glared him more.

"My name is Rip Hunter. And I'm a time traveler."

Felicity stepped back and stared at him dumbfounded.