July 22nd, 1900 Hours

Trina arrived home after work to find Steve sitting on the front porch swing with Jack laying at his feet. She smiled as she climbed out of the jeep, knowing that Steve was going crazy having to spend so much time resting. Jack ran over to greet her as she walked towards her house.

"How are you feeling?" she leaned down and kissed Steve.

"Not bad, pain isn't as bad today. If I had to stay inside for five more minutes I was going to climb the walls." He said. "How was work?"

"A very long day. Dolph and John took Calaway around to find the missing remains of our victims. They found April Lee's head over in Red Creek off a back road. They found Layla's head in Hendricks near the river. He showed them four different dumpsters around town he had dumped Renee Young into. That garbage has since been put in a landfill. Jerry said he is going to contact the state police about trying to search there but we aren't very hopeful." Trina sighed.

"At least her family will know she is deceased. It would be much worse if they had hope she could return." Steve said.

"Then Calaway and Otunga spent about two hours on a conference call with Windham and the Texas authorities. Turns out there were two more victims there that had never been found." She sighed again. "He is one sick fucker."

"But we got him off the streets, he can't hurt anyone else." Steve offered her the only comfort that he could in a situation like this.

"You're right, just feel so bad for the victims and their families. Speaking of which, Lana is being shipped back to Russia for burial. Poor Dolph is being pulled in every direction right now." She said. "I am glad you are here. Feels nice coming home to you."

"Your friend Naomi called today. She is quite the lady." Steve chuckled. "She wanted to invite us to dinner next week and then proceeded to threaten me if I didn't treat you right."

Trina chuckled. "Sounds like Naomi. When…things went down between me and Joe….Naomi was gonna kill him. Jimmy actually hid her car keys at a Christmas party because she was going to confront him."

"Glad you have a friend like her." Steve kissed her forehead.

"I need to take a shower and then start dinner. You want anything in particular?" she smiled.

"No, I am fine for now. Someone left a huge lunch for me." He winked. "By the way, Sheriff Flair called today."

"What did he want?" she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"He was just checking in on me. He also said that Mayor Bischoff is very pleased that we have a suspect in custody and got a confession." Steve said.

"I am sure we will be reading all about Bischoff's comments in the newspaper. Speaking of Calaway….Sandow says he will be arraigned on the murder charges next week and the judge will definitely deny bail." She said. "I'm so glad this is almost over."

"A few of the churches in the county are joining together to hold a memorial service for the four women murdered here." Trina said. "All of us from the Davis PD are going to attend."

"I will be there too. I am sure the Parsons guys will be there too." Steve said.

"Is it…..I mean am I too….I don't want to…" Trina struggled for words. Steve stroked her hand to offer comfort. "Forget it."

"Baby, what is it?" Steve held her hand.

She looked up and he could see tears in her eyes. "It's probably stupid, or me being a female…or me being obsessive."

"Trina, you know you can tell me anything."

She wiped her eyes. "It might be weird…but I feel like I need to go to the memorial service…not just because I am a cop and I worked the case….but because I need to say goodbye to these girls. I know it's dumb because I didn't know them….."

"It's not stupid at all. You remember what I told you, the first time I met you at April Lee's autopsy?" Steve pulled her against him and rubbed her back. "Being a professional doesn't take away your compassion."


"No buts…this was your first homicide case. Don't you know that we all feel that way about these four girls? We worked very hard to make sure these girls got justice. They became a big part of our life. And as you pointed out, we were all they had for a while. It is only natural that we want to say goodbye, pay our respects and celebrate their lives." Steve kissed her forehead.

"So this isn't me being too involved in this case?" she looked at him.

"Not at all. Do you know how many homicide detectives get emotional about brutal murders and choke up or act as paul bearers? Visit graves? We are only human." He gently wiped her eyes.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that." She rested against him.

"I have been thinking, now that this case is nearly over and things will be slowing down…..when the doctor gives me the all clear, why don't we go away for a few days?" Steve asked.

"That sounds great, I would love to." Trina sat up and smiled.

"We haven't had much time just the two of us." Steve stroked her cheek.

"I know….a few days just the two of us sounds wonderful." She kissed him. "I better go shower."

July 31st, 1030 Hours

Steve held Trina's hand as they walked from his truck to the large Methodist church in Parsons where the memorial service was being held. The place was already swarming with people attending the service and cars were parked in the parking lot and along the road. They could see media set up behind police tape that Sheriff Flair had put up; cameras and reporters that were covering the serial killer case that had come to West Virginia.

"You gonna be okay?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I need to do this for these girls." Trina nodded.

As they neared the church, Steve was startled to see Bray Wyatt walking in as well. He had to look twice, not recognizing him in a dress shirt and pants.

"Trina, Detective Borden." Bray nodded.

"Bray, thank you for coming." Trina let go of Steve and hugged Bray.

"My church wanted to pay our respects to these girls as well." Bray said. He looked around and took a deep breath. "The animals are still uneasy, but you have fixed part of their problem. They will be at peace again before the autumn."

"I….hope so." Trina wasn't sure what to think at the moment.

Bray hugged her again and walked ahead of them. Steve shook his head, figuring he would never understand the strange preacher but knew that Trina was right, he was harmless.

Steve wrapped his arm around Trina as they walked towards the church again. As they reached the walkway in front of the church, they saw the Uso brothers and Naomi standing there.

"Naomi, glad you are here." Trina hugged her.

"I wanted to be here. Most of the county is here." Naomi looked at Steve. "Steve, glad to see you getting around better."

"I am healing quite well. How are the families?" Steve asked.

"April Lee's family is already inside, so is the family of Layla El….Detective Johnson came with them. Some of the college kids from WVU came down to be here for Lana." Jimmy said.

"Renee Young's family sends their thanks and appreciation but says they wish to grieve in private at this time." Jey said.

"I can understand….." Trina started but trailed off as she looked up the sidewalk.

Walking towards the church was the construction crew that Mark Calaway had worked with under his false identity. Glenn Jacobs, Ron Simmons, Skip Sheffield, and Jack Swagger all dressed in shirts and ties.

"Detective….Officer." Simmons said as he reached them. "We wanted to pay our respects to the women Mark killed."

"I understand." Steve said.

"No you don't. We…..we can't believe Mark did this. He seemed like a regular guy." Swagger said.

"And that he was murdering those girls and we never picked up that anything was wrong…..it's a weird feeling. I can't explain it." Sheffield said.

"Nothing he did was your fault." Trina assured them. "Please, don't carry any guilt over his actions."

"Thank you, I wish we could've done more to help." Jacobs said.

"You did all you could. We appreciate that." Steve said. "If you'll excuse us."

Steve took Trina's hand and walked into the church followed by Naomi and the Uso brothers. They walked into the sanctuary and saw four large pictures of the victims lining the front of the church surrounded by flowers. Seated on the platform were Mayor Bischoff, Sheriff Flair, Chief Lawler and several local clergymen. Trina looked around at those already seated in the church; many members of the community that had helped with the case in some way and others that just wanted to pay their respects to four women taken before their time….Ricky Morton, Marty Jannetty, Robert Gibson, Bobby Heenan, Sheri Martel, Randy Orton, Tommy Rich, Heath Slater, Jake Roberts. The murders had touched this entire community.

They found a pew where John Layfield was sitting with his wife, Seth and Dolph. They sat down with them.

"Your girl has had a tough summer. This case was brutal at times." Jimmy whispered to Steve.

"I know. When I get clearance from the doctor, I am taking her away for a few days." Steve whispered back.

August 15th, 1000 Hours

Steve stepped out onto the porch of the cabin he and Trina were staying at and found her relaxing with Jack. She was sitting in one of the rocking chairs reading a book with a cup of coffee while Jack slept at her feet. With the case against Calaway pretty much over and Steve being cleared to return to work, they had decided to come to New River Gorge for a few days. They had rented a secluded cabin along the river.

Mark Calaway had been transferred to the county jail while awaiting sentencing. He had agreed to plead guilty to all charges the state of West Virginia had against him. Otunga's plan for an insanity defense had fallen apart when two different psychiatrists had failed to find that Calaway had any mental disorder that prevented him from knowing right from wrong. Otunga was now hoping to write a book on Calaway when the sentencing was completed.

Dolph had made sure that all the victims and remains that had been found were turned over to the families and given proper burials. Unfortunately searching the landfills had not helped them find any remains of Renee Young.

The construction crew was shocked to find out that not only was Mark the one killing girls in West Virginia, but had murdered women before he joined their crew.

Sheriff Flair and Chief Lawler were true to their word and did not let Bischoff take all the credit for solving the case. Both had given numerous interviews and statements praising the work of Dolph, Steve and the Davis PD. Detective Windham had given similar statements in Houston when he announced the new developments in the Texas cases. Sadly, the hooker Calaway had killed was yet to be identified, but at least now there would be justice for her.

Trina had begun spending more time with Naomi now that the case had slowed down and she was feeling like being around people again. And because the ladies were hanging out, it meant Steve and Jimmy were spending a lot of time together as well and had become good friends as well.

Steve walked over and sat down in the empty rocking chair, making Trina look up at him and smile.

"I was beginning to think you had gone to take a nap." She smiled.

"I might need to later, not sure an old man like me can keep up with you." He chuckled.

"You are not old and you were doing just fine last night." She winked. "You were the one that climbed in the Jacuzzi with me at 3am."

"You climbed in naked and you expected me to stay in bed? Glad this place is secluded." Steve laughed.

"No, I wanted a round two and decided that was the easiest way of getting it."

"You ready to take that bridge walk yet?" Steve laughed. The New River Gorge Bridge stood 876 feet above the New River and was over 3000 feet long. There were tours offered to walk the catwalk beneath the bridge. Seth had been trying to get Trina to go on one since he heard she and Steve were going to New River Gorge, but she absolutely refused.

"Oh hell no, and if you ever wanna see me naked again, you will quit acting like Seth." She rolled her eyes.

"They put you in harnesses, you can't fall!" Steve tried.

"I don't feel like peeing my pants in the middle of one of the most famous bridges in the western hemisphere!" she insisted, making Steve laugh at her crazy way of saying things. "If

you want to go, you can go and I will stay on the banks and take pictures, enjoy the river, whatever."

"Seth wants to do it if he ever comes here."

"Seth also wants me to have a threesome with him and Taylor Swift." She rolled her eyes again. "I say a bunch of us take a trip down here. You, Seth, Jimmy and John go on the bridge walk…while me, Naomi and Meredith take a tour of the museum."

"Sounds like a plan, that is something Jimmy would do." Steve smiled.

"You know….I have been thinking. Bray Wyatt was right."

"That crazy preacher? Right about what?" Steve was confused.

"Bray said the animals were scattering and knew something was wrong. The construction crew was invading their territory and Mark was part of that. In a weird way, Bray was right." She laughed.

"I will just take your word for it." Steve didn't look convinced.

"You know, this summer has not been what I expected at all." She looked at him.

"Me either. I never expected to move to a new place, get a multiple homicide case off the bat, fall in love, get shot and end up being part of the biggest murder case in West Virginia history since the Hatfield's murdered five McCoy's and got away with it."

Trina laughed out loud. "I think they committed those murders on the Kentucky side of the river. I never expected any of this either. And while I wish I had never laid eyes on Calaway….I am so glad I met you."

"Me too. I see now why fate brought me here." Steve took her hand.

"What do you think will happen from here?" She asked.

"No one can see the future. But I think I am going to get to continue watching you grow as an officer…you grew so much on this case. And I think we are going to be just fine. I don't want to be away from you." He told her.

"I think this year I am going to have a good autumn." She smiled.

Steve pulled her into his lap and she curled up against him. Both feeling content to be together and feeling peace that the homicide case that had haunted their summer was over.

Author's Note- Well we have come to the end of a crazy journey with this story. I cannot thank everyone who read, reviewed and supported this story enough. You guys have been awesome and you have made this story a great experience as an author. And for those of you who are bummed this story is ending….it is official: there will be a sequel! I hope to start posting it within a few weeks so please be on the lookout for it or I can message you when I begin posting. I hope all of you will read the sequel. Again, thank you so much for all the support and fun for this story. Debwood-1999 (I hope you read the sequel. And hope you are feeling better.) martham73 (Thank you so much. I hope you continue to enjoy my writing.) Lordban (There was an email? I must've tuned out when Michael Cole got up to read it, LOL. You will love the sequel, I got a feeling.) Batistasprincess (You have been an awesome reviewer.) jcott3 (I think you will enjoy the sequel as well. It will have elements that you seem to enjoy and will have some connections to the Calaway case.) Carlyrosanna83 (There will be a sequel. Can't wait to hear your reviews there too.) Paisley2 (I hope when the sequel starts that you keep playing detective!)