Thanks to JK Rowling for creating an incredible world. This is my attempt to change it up a bit.

Your reviews are so appreciated!

The Mystery of Draco Malfoy

Chapter One: Who is Draco Malfoy?

It was laughable, really. Hermione Granger simply sent her owl into enemy territory and asked Draco Malfoy to meet her. She had hoped that it would be a private correspondence that no one would know about, but she had to consider that in time of war, it was very likely that she would walk straight into a snare set just for her. She had to prepare for the worst.

Hermione spent some time in the library researching portkeys, wands, wards and unplottable spaces. She packed her tent, replenished her food and supplies just in case she had to run. She shrunk everything and organized her extendable bag. She packed books. Muggle books. She thought about Malfoy as she worked.

Hermione had dealt with years of Malfoy's abuse by either a) spewing back insults, b) ignoring him, c) hexing him, or d) punching him in the nose. None of those methods were conducive to getting to know someone. Not that she had ever wanted to... until now.

What would Malfoy say when they met? Obviously, he would not greet her as a friend, but would he treat her as a foe? Hermione created several scenarios in her mind and then shook her head at each one.

Frankly, Hermione could not imagine Malfoy saying with Gilderoy Lockhart's smiling enthusiasm, "Granger, I am so grateful that you contacted me. How did you know that I wanted out? Thank you for giving me another chance to prove myself!" Hermione nixed that scenario.

Instead, she felt confident that when they met, he would sneer. His eyes would narrow, and a malicious glint would accompany his biting words. "Miss me, Granger?" he might say. "Couldn't live without me, I see. Well, here I am. Now what?" Hermione blushed and moved quickly on to the next scenario.

Then there was the chance that Malfoy would be furious. "Being a Death Eater is my life goal, Granger. What are you doing? Ruining my chances to gain power and prominence among purebloods? Get lost!"

But of all her imagined scenarios, the last seemed least likely. Well, yes, he might be angry, she conceded, but deep down, Hermione did not believe Malfoy enjoyed being a Death Eater.

Hermione frowned and gave a huff of frustration. She could not predict the outcome of their meeting because she did not really know Draco Malfoy.

It was incomprehensible to Hermione that the Battle at Hogwarts hadn't ended the war. While the victors had quietly mourned their dead and rejoiced over Voldemort's apparent demise, Death Eaters had slipped away from Hogwarts and gone on the rampage in London. Had Voldemort somehow survived? Had Bellatrix come back to life? No one knew. Death Eaters left a trail of destruction and fear in their path during that first horrid week after the Battle of Hogwarts. The Order had anticipated that killing Voldemort would throw the Death Eaters into chaos until peace could be re-established.

The Order had never been more wrong.

Hermione had no doubt that Harry would defeat Voldemort eventually, and if not Harry, then someone else would step up. Because while evil could reign for a while, she did not believe that it could sustain itself. Eventually, good would win out.

Unfortunately, the Order itself had been decimated. Lupin and Tonks were a tremendous loss, as were Snape and Moody. They had no visible leader at the moment. Harry seemed defeated and kept to his room at 12 Grimmauld Place. The entire Weasley clan was inconsolable over Fred's death. Professor McGonagall was busy back at Hogwarts attempting to clean things up and prepare for a new year at school. Kingsley Shacklebolt was organizing the chaos at the Ministry, while serving as interim Minister of Magic. Hermione felt that she was on her own, weighing possibilities, wracking her brain, trying to figure out if there was another horocrux or if they had been mistaken about the Elder Wand. She thought that Draco Malfoy might know something.

So, she sent him an owl.

It took one full day before Draco's owl returned with a response. One full day. That was enough time to consult with those in command and come up with a plan of attack. This would not be a private meeting after all. Hermione bit her lip and considered her options.

She believed that she would be safe with Draco Malfoy. Hermione Granger hoped that her instinct was right, but then realized that she was basing a huge decision on hope, of all things. She needed proof, so she began writing a list of facts...the beginning of her research on Malfoy.

The Facts

1. Draco Malfoy was a mean, sneering, contemptuous, prejudiced bully.

2. He stared at Hermione, Ron, and Harry at every meal and during every class at Hogwarts.

3. He said that he wanted her to die.

4. He took the Dark Mark.

5. He cried in Myrtle's bathroom.

6. He let Death Eaters into Hogwarts.

7. He did not kill Dumbledore.

8. He was horrified when his Aunt Bellatrix tortured Hermione at Malfoy Manor.

9. He did nothing to help her.

10. Malfoy chose to follow his family (ie: Voldemort) during the Battle of Hogwarts.

When she examined the facts, she had to admit that Draco Malfoy was a paradox. Was he good or was he evil? Hermione believed that Draco Malfoy had some goodness cowering underneath his hard exterior. Three out of the ten on her list indicated he had a conscience and deeper feelings.

Hermione's many questions about Draco Malfoy's identity could be boiled down to one question: Why? Why did he take the Dark Mark? Why did he cry in Myrtle's bathroom? Why did Bellatrix's torture of Hermione disturb him? Why did he choose to follow his family when he had the perfect opportunity to take a stand and fight on the side of Light? She had plenty of guesses, but she really wanted to hear his story from his own lips.

Quite frankly, the only way Hermione could ever find answers was if she were to get to know Draco Malfoy, and that would never happen. Her imagination would have to fill the gaps in her knowledge. If she could travel back in time to their last year together at Hogwarts Days, she might have asked Malfoy, "Why do you stare at me all the time?" Here is how she imagined his response:

Cold eyes would drift over her as if she had no right to speak to Royalty. He would turn to Zabini or Parkinson or Crabbe or Goyle as if she weren't even present. Of course, Pansy Parkinson would glance contemptuously at Hermione with that malicious smile of hers. Message: Mudbloods don't exist.

If she could find him alone, without his sidekicks, would he have the same response? Hermione tried to imagine this new scenario in the halls of Hogwarts.

"Why do you stare at me, Granger? Like what you see?"

"Ha! Maybe I just want to keep track of the person most likely to murder me."

"And maybe I am keeping track of the trio most likely to murder me."

"Right. Like we would kill you, Malfoy. Hex, yes, but murder? You are much more likely to be murdered by your master...Voldemort."


What would he do next? What would he say? Would she see coldness, fury, and hatred? Would he draw his wand? Message:Get out of my life, Mudblood. Stay out of my business.

Or, would she see fear, desperation, or remorse in his eyes? She was convinced that Draco Malfoy was a tortured soul, that he did not enjoy being a Death Eater and that he should not be one. Would he agree? Would he ever tell her that he was sorry that his aunt had used the Cruciatus on Hermione in Malfoy Manor? Not likely. Message: Malfoys do not admit weakness. They do not apologize, especially to their enemies.

What if he found her comment about Voldemort funny? Would he laugh? Well, only if he also hated Voldemort and agreed with her in a darkly humorous way. Of course, Hermione had been the recipient of sneers, but had she ever seen him truly smile? Maybe he would find her backtalk witty and his eyes would soften as he looked at her? Message: I secretly love you, Hermione Granger because you believe there is good in me.

Hermione gasped.

Where on earth did that thought come from? She had never liked Draco Malfoy. No. She could not possibly fancy Draco Malfoy, that horrible person with the shiny hair! What would Harry and Ron think? Ron would be furious; the Weasleys appalled. If Malfoy ever treated her kindly, it would most likely be right before he used the Avada Kedavra. Banish that imaginary Malfoy right now. Draco Malfoy had only ever treated her with coldness.

Stick to the facts.

Draco Malfoy hated Hermione Granger. True.

But...Would Draco Malfoy kill Hermione Granger? Now, that was the puzzle of the day. She thought of her recent visit to Malfoy Manor and recalled his horrified face when Bellatrix hit her with the Cruciatus Curse and felt confident that he would never hurt her.

Well... unless he was forced to kill Hermione in order to save his dear mother's life.

Or... unless he had to choose between death for himself or death for Hermione.

Her mind was spinning, and Hermione wanted to scream with vexation. Yes, it was likely that a situation existed where Draco Malfoy would be forced to kill her, but if she could just isolate him from his Death Eater cronies, she might be safe during her brief rendezvous with her childhood nemesis.

Hermione Granger liked to figure things out. She liked to predict outcomes. She enjoyed solving Arithmancy problems and loved a good muggle mystery.

Who is Draco Malfoy? That question was currently driving Hermione Granger batty.