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Vacation Crash Landing

Pro: A long time ago, human scientists were creating an advanced piece of equipment to help them in a war against a machine alien race known as the neuroi. As the scientists were in the process of inventing the engineered equipment, they managed to make unexpected allies. Mankind has come into contact with an expedition group of Extraterrestrial beings who were willing to help in their time of need. These beings were a race of skilled engineering, and were called….Lombaxes.

Our story begins with the galaxy's 2 favorite heroes, the Lombax Ratchet and his small intelligent robotic campanian XJ-0461, better known as Clank. The 2 of them were soaring through the cosmos in their ship, Aphelion. The galactic duo were discussing a matter of their destination.

"I'm telling ya Clank, we should totally go back to Aquatos." Ratchet and his robotic friend were discussing where they should go on a good old needed vacation. "Just think about it, it's nice, peaceful, and above all...Beautiful. What do ya say?" He tries to bargain with him. However, Clank wasn't phased.

"Ratchet, we've been to that planet at least 7 times. Don't you think we should try a new one somewhere else for once?" Though that planet was lovely, Clank wasn't really all for going back to said planet for an eighth consecutive time, which slightly bumbed his fuzzy campanian.

"Awe come on, pal. That's the best vacation spot we know. " The Lombax sighs a bit. "Besides that, what other planet can top a place like Aquatos?" He brings up the question to his little buddy.

"We would know unless we try, Ratchet. Who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy it much better." The lombax looks back to Clank, after what he had said. Granted he highly doubted that there was a better planet then Aquatos, but his mechanical best friend might have a point.

With that, Ratchet sighs in a bit of defeat. "Ok fine. I guess we can pick a new planet for our vacation."

Clank was pleased to hear that. "Excellent." He said. With that, the galactic duo have now decided to choose a different planet for their vacation. However, the question to ask now is...where? Luckily, the robot had a suggestion. "Try asking the navigator to help us find the nearest planet around here?"

For Ratchet, that sounded like a good plan. "Alrighty then. Aphelion, see if you can give us coordinates to the nearest planet in this sector."

"As you wish. Scanning now." Aphelion replied back to the lombax's order. As the ship was searching for the nearest planet around them, an image of one popped on the monitor. "Planet found." The picture on the screen was a blue planet covered in some parts of mostly green and a bit of brown.

Ratchet was a bit in awe at the sight of the planet's image. "What planet is that?"

Clank was just as baffled as the lombax was. "From the way it looks, It kind of resembles the planet, Novalis." The Robot points out. However, that wasn't Novalis at. It looked the same, but it wasn't. This new planet they were seeing on the monitor was a complete mystery to them.

Luckily, The ship had the answer. "This planet is an inhabited world called Earth." Aphelion revealed.

"Earth?" Clank said in a confused tone. For he had never seen or heard of that planet before.

However, the Ratchet had somewhat of an answer "Hey, wait a minute. I've heard of a planet like that before." He said.

"You have?" Clank looks back towards the lombax. This is something the little robot wasn't expecting from his friend.

"Well...sort of. I heard a few things about that planet." Ratchet tells him. "Some people say that the planet is actually a pretty good place. It has lots of life, delicious foods, and a lot of life all around." The blonde lombax remembers what he had heard. "They also say that some people can even change positively just by living there."

Hearing that rumored knowledge from his friend made Clank very intrigued. "Interesting." The robot had never known such a planet with that kind of positive reputation before. "That sounds like a good place to visit. Don't ya think?"

Ratchet didn't reply back, for he already knew the answer. "Ok then, Planet Earth it is." The Lombax smirks at the decision. "Aphelion, punch in the planet's coordinates."

"Gaining coordinates now." Aphelion responses.

"Ready for our vacation pal?" Ratchet looks back with a smirk.

Clank smiles in return. "I hope the citizens of Earth are friendly."

With that being said, Ratchet kicked Aphelion into gear after obtaining the coordinates and flew off into Earth's direction.


Meanwhile on that one very day, flying through the skies were four girls. These girls were witches. Magical beings whose task is to protect everyone from an dreaded invasion. A Task force, simply known as the 501st. Better known as...the Strike Witches.

These four witches were Yoshika Miyafuji, Lynnette Bishop, Perrine Closterman, and Francesca Lucchini. These four were ordered to go on patrol. Just in case there are any sightings of their enemy. The Neuroi.

"Do any of you see anything yet?" Yoshika asked her comrades if there was any visual on any potential threats.

"No, nothing yet Yoshika." Lynne answered. "All I can see so far is the ocean, but nothing else." So far it seemed to be all good at the moment. There was no enemy insight, what so ever. To them it was kind of a good sign.

However, Francesca wasn't as excited. "Awe man!" She sighs

"What's wrong, Francesca? Yoshika asked in concern for her fellow witch.

"This sucks. Why do we have to be on patrol today?" Francesca complained. She still wonders why she was picked to tag along, anyway? Granted she was fine hanging out with these three, but still. She wasn't up for going on patrol.

"Don't you remember Francesca?" Yoshika reminds her comrade on why they were chosen. "Commander Minna wanted us to check if things were alright around here."

Though she was reminded of the reason why, Francesca was still not pleased. "Well yeah I get that but, it's just SO BORING!" She whined.

"Quit your complaining!" Perrine strictly scolds her fellow witch. " We were ordered to search the area in case an enemy shows up. Not to sob like a little baby." Francesca wasn't phased by the other witch's words.

"Ah calm down Perrine." Francesca tells her. "You're only doing this to please the Major."

The blonde witch's face turned a bit bright red with embarrassment upon hearing her comrade's mocking words. "Sh-Shut up!" Perrine yelps. " How dare you say such a thing Hensent Lucchini?!" At that point, the blonde witch was flustered and Francesca was chuckling to herself.

As for Yoshika and Lynne, they just look on in a bit of concern. "This is gonna be interesting." Lynne nervously chuckles.

"That's for sure." Yoshika agrees in the same tone.


Finally arriving at Earth, the galactic duo soar through the planet's clear blue sky. It was a beautiful scenery for them. Crisp clean air while flying through the middle of the planet's clean ocean.

"Wow...Clank look at this place." Ratchet was in awe at the sight of it all.

"What an amazing view." Though he shares the same enthusiasm, Clank was curious about something. "I wonder what part of the planet we're on?"

"That's actually a pretty good question. All we can see right now is the ocean." The Lombax wonders as well. "Aphelion, can you give us any info on what part of the Earth we are currently on?"

Luckily as always, the ship had an answer to their question. "We are currently located in one of the planet's countries. A big area known as Romagna."

"Romagna?" Ratchet Repeated.

"Correct." Aphelion confirms. "It is known to be an ideal spot for various people on the planet."

"Interesting." Clank being intrigued. "It seems we found a good place to have our vacation."

"You said it, pal." His lombax companion agrees. "Let's find a place to land then we should be gold-." He didn't get to finish his sentence as he along with his friend felt the ship nearly getting hit by something.

"What was that?!" Clank's answer came in the form of a siren and the words 'Warning' popping up on the ship's monitor.

"Warning, unknown hostile entity detected." Upon announcing that, another image popped on screen. This time it was the picture of what seemed to be some kind of black aircraft with red gem-like parts on it, chasing the duo from behind them. It was in the shape of some kind of war plane.

This spelled bad news for our heroes, who were displeased by the sight of the foe behind them. "What is that thing?!" The lombax looks at the aircraft on screen.

With no warning, the red gem-like parts on the new foe started to glow. In a split second, they fired some kind of red beam like attack at the ship. Luckily it missed, but a close call nonetheless.

"Whatever it is, I don't think it will give us a chance to find out!" Clank definitely was wrong when he said that. It almost hit them.

With that, there was only one option they could do in this situation. "Aphelion, get ready for battle!" The lombax ordered.

"Weapons on line!" The ship replied, loading up the turrats.

"Holding on tight, pal!" Ratchet tells Clank to strap in. For this was going to be bumpy. "Let's take this thing down!"


Still flying through the sky, the four witches continued to patrol the area. Again, nothing came up. Still enemies in sight.

"Alright, it looks like we're in the clear." Yoshika believes. "I think it's about time we head back." She turned back to the other three witches, who have seemed a bit relieved. Especially Francesca.

"Hot damn, yes!" The Romanian witch replied with a bit of glee.

"Figured as much." Perrine props her glasses up.

However, just as they were about to pack it in, the sound of voice came through the communicators in their ears. "Miyafuji!...Any of you three, come in!" The sound of the voice got the attention of the four girls.

"It's Sakamoto." Yoshika automatically recognized the person's voice. As well as the other three knew that the voice belonged to the major. Telling from how she sounded, it seemed urgent.

"We hear you loud and clear, Major!" Perrine responses. "Is something wrong?!"

"Good to know you four are still out there!" The major tells them. "We picked up some strange unidentified plane near your position, and from what I saw with my eye, it's engaged with a neuroi!" At that moment, the four of them were shocked and worried after hearing that from the major.

"Oh no!" Lynne gasped.

"That's not good!" Francesca reacts the same way as the sandy blonde.

"Major, where are the enemy and strange plane located?!" Perrine tries to get the coordinates where the fight is taking place.

"From what I saw, they're a few more feet from your position!" She informs the group. "Go take down the enemy and find out about that plane? We need to find out what's going on!"

"Got it, Sakamoto!" Yoshika agrees. "Alright, girls. Let's go!"


Having no time to lose, the four witches race to sight as fast as they can. Hoping they aren't too late.


The battle between The galactic duo and the Neuroi still rages on. The two heroes seemed to be barely holding their own against the threat. Both the enemy and team were firing at one another. Trying to one up the other. It was a back and forth battle with missiles flying and the foe's beam was firing. Dodging each strike from left to right. It was getting a bit frustrating.

"Man, this thing is tough!" Ratchet angrily tries to blast the foe out of the sky.

Without notice, the enemy finds a blind spot and fires it's beam yet at Aphelion.

"Ratchet, look out!" Clank's words were too late. As the neuroi manages to get a good shot in. Luckily, it didn't instantly destroy it, but it managed to cause a good deal of damage to the ship. It even hit the engine.

"We've been hit!" Aphelion announces. "Critical damage was taken!" Things were not looking good at that point. With the threat getting the upper hand, it seemed the heroes didn't stand a chance if they got hit again.

However, the lombax thought otherwise. "We're not done yet!" He declared. "I got one last plan up my sleeve." Trying to turn this fight around, Ratchet pulls the steering wheel upward to have the ship go into the sky. He then proceeds to turn it in the direction of the foe to face towards it. "Aphelion, get to fire the homing missiles on my command!"

"Ratchet, what do you intend on doing?!" The Robot wonders what his friend is thinking.

"Trust me on this one, pal. Hold on tight!" The lombax tells Clank. "Time to end this!" He shifts the wheel forward with full force and causes Aphelion to muster the remaining fuel from the engines and fly towards the enemy, like a rage bull. Ratchet, looks on intently as they approach, like a speeding bullet. "Steady….Steady….FIRE!" On command, the ship unleashed the homing missiles on the neuroi.

Without missing a step, they hit their target. Each missile managed to get a shot with furriosity. The damage caused the enemy to roar in pain and revealed it's weak spot. The core. The one part the neuroi needs to keep moving.

"Now, I got you!" Wasting no time in seizing the opportunity, the lombax fires the ship's blasters at the core. With one or two shots, said core cracked and was then destroyed, causing the rest of the foe to shatter instantly into sparkling fragments. With the threat gone Ratchet cheered. "Woohoo! We did it!"

However, even though they won the fight, there was something he forgot. This came in the form of the sound of the engines giving out. "Warning! Warning! Critical damage from fight, causing failure!" Aphelion retells them about the engine sustaining a large amount of damage. Upon that, I tried to steer up, but nothing was happening.

"Ratchet, We're going down!" Clank yells in a panic.

"Activate the landing gear!" Ratchet, tells Aphelion.

"Negative! Landing gear was disabled during the fight. Can't be active!" Things were looking bad for them after saying Aphelion said that. Now that the landing gear was down, they didn't have anything to safely land on the surface.

"What do we do, now?!"

Ratchet didn't have an answer for Clank. For there was only one thing they could do. "Hold on Clank!" Brace for impact!

To Be Continued.

So what do you think?

Sorry I was late on posting anything, I was busy.

Also, It going to take a while for me for me to do another chapter from this story.

So please hold on.

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