Alright! I know what I said when I said I would be working on future stories, but this was also part of the list! Any RobxRae fans out there, this is for you! A little sweet short! It just came to me today so please enjoy! Don't worry I'm still typing up other stories don't worry, it's just a lot of shuffling and making sure things make sense. Also I just recovered yesterday from being sick on my trip all last week! Anyway, I'm rambling! Please enjoy this late Fourth of July short, Teen Titan style! If I think of more moments between the two birds, I'll post them here!

"Yo Cy, check this out!" The green changeling was sitting next to the big black teen dancing his thumbs away, the giant T.V. screen projecting their chosen game. A few clicks later, with a stunning combo finish, Beast Boy jumped up from his seat with a whoop quickly changing into a gorilla to beat his chest in triumph. Cyborg grumbled to himself while Beast Boy danced a happy jig.

"Alright, you got me BB, and that's three out of how many times I've kicked you little green butt?" Cyborg smiled evil now seeing BB freeze, quickly switch back to his normal form and growl angrily in Cyborg's face.

"Oh I see someone asking for another butt whoopin'! It's on now!" BB jumped back into his spot on the couch and quickly round two commenced.

"Not so fast Beast Boy." the leader's voice cut through the noise, Cyborg quickly paused the game as soon as Robin walked into the living room, a white towel draped over his shoulder. "Let's not forget what today is." Robin was grinning from ear to ear with a few items in hand. Seeing what was in the Boy Wonder's arms the changeling and half robot grew bigger smiles.

"WHOO-HOO! Beach party!" BB shouted before racing off to his room to change, Cyborg rushing to the kitchen to rally up supplies for cooking and Robin parked himself at the kitchen table reading up on files he brought from his room. Five minutes later the doors opened with the changeling all smiles wearing his swim trunks and a few more toys to play at the beach. Right behind him Starefire flew in with her usual big smile wearing a simple magenta pink and black two piece bikini. The alien princess chatted happily about what exciting things they could do at the beach while helping Cyborg gather the supplies for dinner. Starfire announced that friend Raven would be joining them shortly in the garage. She was having difficulty choosing a suit. Robin raised his eyebrows after that. The three other teens exited the living room all cheering for this day off and to go out and enjoy the sun. Robin dropped off his files next to his laptop and grabbed his towel to leave right behind them-

The leader froze in his tracks, feeling a familiar touch in his mind.

"Wanted to talk to me?" Robin said to the empty room. He didn't have to wait long for he felt soft fingers cover his eyes.

"I couldn't decide what to wear for the occasion. Starfire wouldn't let me leave the store without having more than seven options." a monotone voice spoke behind the leader's back. Robin almost chuckled. Sounds like Starfire too.

"Sounds like a good girl's day out."

"You would agree just to agitate my nerves." Robin didn't take the bite in her voice to heart. He smiled knowing her face was scrunched in a frown just thinking about their shopping spree.

"Did you find a winner?" Robin whispered, still not moving from his spot even as the small hands moved from his eyes. The soft digits slowly traced down his cheeks and his neck before fully retreating. The leader shivered, still feeling the ghost touches of her fingertips.

"See for yourself."

Robin turned around to see Raven with her blue cloak covering her body but her hood was pulled back. A small smirk pulled at her lips before she pushed back her cloak and placed her hands on her hips. Boy Wonder was speechless, eyes bigger than before and staring, bewildered at the choice of attire for the occasion.

Who would have thought his signature colors look so good on her pale skin?

The sorceress had ditched her usual body leotard for a red bikini top with black straps, and green tight shorts with a good rim. The Robin symbol was adorned over her left breast. For the past year now the sorceress has decided to grow her hair a little longer than her short bob, and her lavender locks have past her shoulders and were styled into a braid resting over her left shoulder. Raven could feel his emotions bounce and roll off him in waves. She smirked at him when she saw his cheeks lit up, and felt his arousal caress her neck, but soon frowned when she felt anger slowly boil inside the Boy Wonder.

Raven walked up to the silent leader, his eyes still trained on her body, and the arousal heat and angry lashes from his body was growing stronger.

"Would this attire be a winner in your book?" Raven stared into Robin's mask eyes waiting to see his next move. Robin stared a second longer before pulling out his communicator.

"You guys go ahead. We'll catch up to you guys shortly. Gotta make a detour." Robin didn't wait for an answer, shutting off his comp before tugging the cloak off her neck, watching her body fully reveal for him to see. He pulled her to his body and kissed her supple lips and Raven immediately responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. When Raven felt his body growl in approval her body moved in sync with his and soon the two birds rested against the kitchen counter still enjoying each others lips.

"Where's your swim trunks?" Raven gasped, finally getting air back into her lungs.

"Underneath, the suit." Robin smirked coyly down at her slightly flushed face. Raven took a good look at Boy Wonder's hero attire, then with a little magic-


The top half of his suit was rip to shreds, but Robin only smiled bigger. He had an arsenal of spares in his closet. with a few clicks, his utility belt flew off next, and Raven relaxed more into Robin's lap.

"Let me see~"